Every move you make, I'll be watching you.
I brought up Executive Session at last night's council meeting. I brought up three examples where I believe council possibly broke Ohio Sunshine Laws about what can be and cannot be discussed in an executive session meeting. I wasn't in those meeting but our law director as well as council-president sat in on them. I brought up three examples the one I found most indefensible was the statement that two councilpeople mention in the December 17,2012 a discussion paying AMP-OHIO so to not incur anymore interest. [It's all in the minutes]
Unless AMP-OHIO was going to sue you,or you were going to sue them that conversation should have never come up in executive session. Gurley knows that and I'm believe Hada should have known also.
Sorry Joe's I won't let you sweep this one under a rug.
If there was a lawsuit, show us the paperwork.
Also during that time I question why the city doesn't address executive session. I can't find it. unless;
The council shall meet in regular sessions at least once each month during the months of July and August, and twice each month during the remaining months, at such times and places are fixed by ordinance. The clerk should call special sessions of the Council upon request of the President of Council or of any three members. Any such request shall state the subject to be considered at such special meeting and no action shall be taken on any other subject.
(Amended November 3, 1993)
Odd no mention of executive session can be found in the Charter? If you find it please tell us.
Adding an extra 7 to 10 days to pay your utility bill? I believe that one will die on the vine.
A Councilperson should just ask for a ordinance to be voted on, then we can see where the votes are. I hope they know they are allowed to bring up legislation? That's part of their job.
At the same times they explained different payment plans available to residents. Tony Torre asked about the city statement that a credit card to pay your utility bill when Tony found out there was a $4.75 charge to do this that pretty much ended the conversation. They also suggested automatic payment withdrawal from your checking account. Yes sir I want this bunch to have access to my bank account.
Everything on the agenda passed the only no vote for streetscape was Councilman Flock. I believe Andy wants no part of the backlash when residents see what close to $900,000 gets them.
The city engineer was asked about the repavement of Charlotte St. He stated at the meeting that he presently didn't know how long the street was. I mentioned to council that's its a little over 3/10ths of a mile. The worse part is the 600 feet from Liberty to Westwood. Wonder if he knows where the street is? Your paying the freight people.
Councilman Flock asked when the last time the electric plant produced electricity. He was told it's on standby and it last produced power in August. Councilman Flock asked how many people presently work in the power plant? 30 he was told, then he asked how many worked there when it produced power 30 he was told by Paul Morton. Later the number was revised to 42 over three shifts.
The Director of the water department said he call the electric department for employee's to help on water projects in the city.
Councilman Flock questioned the fire chief how EMS will respond to calls in Cobblestone. The reason presently is that the Heisley Rd. bridge over Rt. 2 is closed. The chief said they can still get to Cobblestone. Anytime day or night?
Any time. day or night..That's what she said..
AMPGS the gift that just keeps on giving.
Many probably (just as myself) believed the 2.1 million dollar payment to AMP-OHIO would be the end to a failed sad story.
No not quite yet.
It seems AMPGS members that's us. agreed to replacement costs?
AMPGS Replacement Costs that members signed to be a "bridge"
of power until the Meigs County Plant went online. (3MW of power @$70MW for 5X16 power. There starting to kick in. Did you know about this Council. At the Galion meeting only two other communities paid the stranded costs early like Painesville did? Anyone on Council wonder why?
Ever wonder how sequestration might affect Painesville?
Well it seems Prairie State was financed with Build America Bonds.
Need I tell you more?
This AMPGATE is like quicksand it just keeps sucking more and more money out of AMP communities.
It's so comforting to know how are city funds are spent or wasted.
Somebody better wake-up.
Amp is using "reserve funds" of the Prairie State Project to try to keep the the price of power at $55/MW.
How high will the rate go when they stop doing this?
What happens if they need those reserves for the original purpose like fixing something at the plant?
Your council is in the dark about this train coming down the track.
Why in the heck is Andy still going on about Cobblestone. It was answered long time ago. SAME old questions SAME answers.
Bottom line, who's fault is it if it takes a while to respond?
Those people buying there and not doing their homework, Mentor, Grand River and Painesville FD or those that allowed the buildings to go there?
My vote is council. (where can I find Flocks casting vote) Second when you don't do your homework you'll end up on the wrong side of the tracks huh?
Andy just questioned if the bridge is closed to traffic how then do emergency vehicles get to Cobblestone. Seemed like a fair question to me?
I hope if a tragedy does happen you will be there to inform the loved ones this was all due to you not doing your homework.
Flock voted NO its in the records.
I wouldn't have to do this blog. if everyone was as well informed as you seem to be I believe you calculate your decisions very carefully. Now explain how your a Painesville resident?
Ha! I wish I could say this was unbelievable, but 30 people working at a power plant that hasn't produced power in six months? This is government at it's very best in ripping off taxpayers.
At last nights POC meeting Allen pointed out where executive session is in a sentence and listed 7 things that could be discussed. I guess an apology is due to council because council could discuss who to name for Council-President. The other two should not have been discussed and why our law director would let them, well you will have to ask him.
After Mondays meeting the council went into executive session to discuss a new city manager, pending litigation AND Liquor Licenses. I only hope the litagation concerned the liceense?
Reading the Charter. There is no provision for an Assistant City Manager?
5:11 Look at the bright side? We probably have the highest paid grass cutters in the state. And the streetlights are still out on State St.
It seems the administration is more concerned with their employees rather than the electors of Painesville. I will remember you in November.
No layoffs? Please explain. Seems they view the electric department like it was the fire department.
Why doesn't the city of Painesville, just not pay AMP-OHIO? AMP-OHIO hasn't fulfilled it's obligation to provide electricity, so the contract is voided.
How long has the bridge been closed? When the police need to respond, how do they get there?
Grandstanding Andy strikes again.
WHy not pick up the phone and call a department head? Why not call Mentor and ask them how long the bridge will be closed and while he's at it ask them why they didn't close one lane at a time. Go to the source for information. Dont guess and post misinformation too.
You can't make this stuff up.
Painesville has 30 employees on the payroll to work at a power plant that has produced no power in a half a year costing the taxpayers several hundred thousands of dollars.
How many workers are in the water dept ? Just what are they doing ?
No wonder Painesville has turned into a rat hole.
Somebody buy my house so I can get out of here and never look back.
4:17 Sorry, your trapped like the rest of us! The city will continue to do this as well as pass the cost onto you. Call your councilperson ask them if they work for you or the city employees? You might be surprised by the answer. Seems layoff are a no no?
12:14 Andrew was doing job as a councilman. You don't like it call him.
12:12 The reason? It's called a "take or pay contract" and AMP-OHIO with the help of Rita McMahon and Joe Hada "proudly" have us right where they want us. What a legacy?
Question: At the public meeting, does the City Law Director have the right to berate and challenge a Painesville resident, anytime he wants? I thought Mr. Gurley was an employee and not a councilman.
The thinks he can, and he doesn't even ask from his buddy the council-president permission. Personally I could care less. I believe he doesn't advise Council properly, Maybe he should sit down at the electric plant? Wonder if he can run a lawnmower?
It would bwe very interesting who the city had look over the contracts with AMP-OHIO if anyone even did. or did the former city manager just winged it?
Gurley has been abusing the citizens of Painesville for a long time. He's another person that does not belong in charge of anything in this city. He needs to go, too. Too bad McMahon didn't take him with her when she went.
Exactly! Shouldn't that be public knowledge? This is a contract that bound us to a "co-op" for 40 or 50 years...... Long after council and city manager will be gone. I should think there would be a knowledgeable lawyer who counciled the city manager and/or council. If no one asked those questions, why? Someone should be held accountable for the advise given on a contract as large and impacting as the AMP contract. This is thing I find the most disturbing. As a resident who will be footing the bill for this decision I would like to read the legal advise recommended on this particular contract. Sunshine Laws? Transparency? Public information?
Painesville is not a rat hole because of their employees. It's a rat hole because of the trash that lives here. If people took care of their property as they should (personal pride).Drug dealers and prostitutes need to be locked up with the key thrown away (tougher laws & enforced) and a big push broom to sweep out the illegals (OBAMA/save all the illegals).
We are pushing in one direction and the Feds are always pushing against us.
(:43 Painesville isn't a rathole, but it sure is a sinkhole for money. See it soon.
Sandy the next post will cause you to explode.
9:43: we do take care of our property as do most on our street. However we have had two homes on our street fall onto pretty hard times. One was bought at sherriff's sale by Mr Aruta (a flipper) for $17,000. It's now a rental. The house next to us is abandoned and currently on the market. This neighborhood has tried desperately to work with city inspectors and we have been left high and dry, akin to spitting in the wind. The street has rallied and even though we have get togethers every month in an effort to get people out of the house and meet each other we are in quandary over what to do.
As for the drug dealers..... You should live across the street from the cemetery. We walk the neighborhood with cell phones and a camera. Call the police, they will and do respond!
Oh and if you really want to get off the porch and meet your neighbors, have a get together, game night or potluck. We started a few years ago with a block party and it's been great! We know the neighbor kids and their friends, we know the little old lady 6 doors down and check on her. The whole neighborhood checks on her! She said she's the luckiest old lady in Painesville. When the power goes out or a waterline breaks we know who has a woodstove and flushing toilet! It's not so bad! We share garden produce and eggs. We do not live in a rat hole. You don't like your neighborhood, change it!
The house next to us..... The owner left saying he would never put his kids in city schools. When you ask the real estate agent about the house, she smiles and waves, saying no new neighbors for you yet. And then I wonder who would buy an abandoned cat crap infused house with window screens blowing in the wind....... Oh yeah, we did 30 years ago..... As it stands right now we probably won't get our money out of this place but we have awesome neighbors, we can ride our bikes to the lake where my husband sails and it's the place we call home. Our kids turned out pretty good too. I guess hope springs eternal...
Please attend school board meetings, city council meetings and maybe even POC meetings. This isn't all Obama's fault..... And ya might try tasting a burrito, you might like it!
Well, the great know it all speaks!
Kindly re-read. I said this place is not a rat hole because of the city employees in response to 4:17.
Sandy, it looks like you have a handle on the problems in your neighborhood much as I do and stated many positives. I as well as my children graduated from the city schools (normally it is what you make of it). You have a tight-knit neighborhood and so you and Term know darn well which neighborhoods I am talking about. Not the typical ones. You stated the police respond when you call though this is contrary to many other Term posts stating no one comes for drugs, hookers and loud ethnic music. So, Term, which is it-the police do or do not take care of this city. Oh, and I do enjoy burritos only the legal kind. Perhaps a simple solution to the home for sale problem would have been for you and the neighbor on the other side to purchase the property 50/50 split the cost the split the land and have a bigger yard. Problem Solved.
Term never posted any such. comments by residents were made that loud music was never enforced.
Yes, your city is going downhill and lets make another investment in it?
Allow me to re-state in a much simpler way. Follow along Again. You, as in S. Miller stated the police come when you call them. You, as Term have done plenty of bashing the PPD and not defending them. When residents call for loud music, cars not parked appropriately, etc. Go back to re-read what you write. You, again know darn well what I meant and you are trying to back paddle, Again.
12:05 Please point out the negative comments S.Miller or me ever made bashing the police.
The only thing I can even remotely think about is when the Painesville Detective came to my house and wanted my computer. Other than that I spent a week with the SRO officer and belive we got along well. Maybe you better go back and re-read Posts?
Sorry, no time. I am researching 1970's Telegraph articles about Painesville laundry.
You keep up with your research. Check court records too. Or Man up call me and we'll talk. No gut's uh?
How bout a phone number?
It's in the book.
Yesterday I saw something I haven't seen in a long time. A dog with a pair of balls? Not you.
You can leave your number here. If you don't do that I will soon ignore your comments.
Really? You expect me to put my phone number on a blog? Thats just nuts, along with the dogs nuts.
Many people leave me messages to call them . but to keep their post private. as to what they called about. How do you think I find out so much? Your comment was one of four that came in within a minute, are you posting on every post?
I was thinking more of balls, do you have any?
Sorry again, once I give my number to you it's anyones for the taking. Kinda like a secret. It is no longer a secret onec you tell one person. No way. Have spoken to you in public and I'll keep it that way along with here on the QT.
7:29 Fine! you were the one trying to contact me. Remember? You were looking for information.
Fine. I am researching. If I need to contact you, I will, in person. Meanwhile, I'm living the life looking through old news for public information. The other disturbing thing was your statement that people call you and that is how you get your information. That explains everyting. Very reputable.
Fine you keep researching. You would be surprised of the people that give this blog. information. They don't do it anonyomously either. They know what their talking about and put their name to it. Not like someone we know? You would be really surprised.
Some in town believed they are well liked but really aren't.
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