"BANG BANG" cher
I've been around awhile. As a young boy I remember a President being assassinated. The following Sunday watched his accused assassin himself being shot to death on live television. Other attempts on other Presidents, Ford, Reagan. Later in my life a watched in horror as a Militia blew up a Federal building in Oklahoma. This to the horror of 9/11 as more than 3,000 fellow American died that day. I know I cried when Kennedy was killed, I cried after both Oklahoma and9/11 and again I cried almost a month ago after the Sandy Hook Massacre I have cried many tears for souls I didn't know or ever meet.
Just when you believe you have seen the worse in human nature another CNN headline proves you wrong.
Now we in this country are attempting to discuss gun control. Many surveys claim support of the NRA is on the wane. Something I have noticed more and more daily as I travel down Chestnut St. in Painesville I pass Atwell's. Atwell's has been a mainstay in town for years. Yes it has a firing range and just about any weapon and ammo can be purchased there. Recently no matter what day of the week the place is packed you can hardly find a parking place.
At the same time I believe the company making AR-15 along with magazines with high capacity rounds are all working overtime.
I am a gun owner, I believe in the second amendment. I also believe that the National Rifle Association should be renamed the National Assault Weapon Association. This country was founded on fear. Fear of the native inhabitants, freed slaves, almost anything different than the majority. Ask the Mormons.
Yes even me. I fear someone getting an AR-15 and me not having one to defend myself.
Some of you out there have watched "Wolverines" to many times. To believe that you would stand a chance against a government takeover is comical. They could make $500.00 drones that would level you and your arsenal without you ever seeing it coming.
My greatest fear if in the case as some survivalist claim. Who will those with the AR-15 come after when they run out of resources?
This gun culture will never change as long as the likes of the NRA keep sending the whores in Washington money. The solution we offset this with our own PAC.
If you could put on the national ballot "Should Assault weapons and clips that hold more than ten rounds be illegal." I'm willing to bet that would pass into law easily. "I don't believe this infringes on the second amendment." The NRA is nothing more than the tail wagging the dog.
I for one don't want to cry over another senseless killing.
It seems it safer to fly on a plane than to attend a movie. Strange how we started this year with the killing of Travon Martin and ended it with those 26 souls at Sandy Hook.
After listening to Alex Jones rant I couldn't believe what I heard. Thinking like his is what's wrong in this country. How can this man really believe President Bush brought down the twin towers? This man has over 50 guns aimed at whom?
You do know it has now come out that the Sandy Hook was done with four pistols. The supposed (that is also in doubt after some live video went public)AR15 was found in the locked trunk.
I don't know, somehow the killer managed to get off over 100 rounds in a very short time.
Yes we do need tougher gun laws. To keep them out of the wrong hands. I also believe we need different laws when someone uses a weapon in a crime. And when someone commits a crime in general. What I am saying is if we had tighter laws, maybe, just maybe a criminal would think twice if he were guilty, taken out back and executed on the spot. I am talking of those found on the scene or who confess. Why have a costly trial and stay on death row for years? Guilty-then gone. Look at the guy last month here in Ohio. Too fat to execute. Who fed him? The prison system, now he gets to live and his victim is 6feet below. Revise some of those laws to be more like other foreign countries. May take a while but they'll catch on.
6:36 So your way to defend the second amendment is to destroy the rights granted by thesixth amendment? Talk about a slippery slope.
Why should a person who confesses to a crime be guaranteed a trial?
Why does a person who wants to be executed be saved? I remember a while back, someone on death row wanted to be executed and some on the outside petitioned to keep him alive? I don't get it. Since when does the President or Congress abide by the constitution? They have gone around many things in it. Talk about a slippery slope?
5:43 So there's something in the Constitution you don't agree with it should be ignored? Then I'm willing to bet there's something in there that someone else believes shouldn't be guaranteed?
We let things slide like the Pariot Act by believing it makes us safer? With that in mind let's rid ourselves of all amendments.
I can prouldly state that back in 1986 I was detained by the Pennsylvania Highway Patrol after being stopped for a traffic infraction? Then not allowing him to search my car's trunk. Almost four hours wasted as drug sniffing dogs were brought to the scene. After the dogs did not to find anything, the officer was so angry with me when I told him to go home and read the Bill of Rights, along with the Constitution. Either to upset or forgot to write me a traffic ticket.
So you think our precious dollars should be spent on trial after trial, appeal after appeal when the person confesses to the crime and wants to be executed? You must be loaded with money to burn.
What about the death row inmate that gets sick? Person had a heart attack and they were revived. Person with cancer gets better medical treatment than myself or my parents for this disease. You blew off the comment about the recent man getting a stay because thhe was too fat to find a vein. Why should he be any different? Now we will be seeing a mess-of well fed, fat not skinny death row inmates. Bring back the firing squad.
4:43 Spoken like a true American???
I bet you will supply the bullets.
Last April, 3 idiots stood on Liberty Street and fired over 50 rounds at one another. Luckly no one was injured, but many neighgbors were scared and still live in fear. I never heard if these criminals were ever brought to justice? Are the guns used that night still out there in the hands of idiots? At a Council Meeting, Councilmembers Jenkins and Deleone promised to start a Liberty Street Block Watch as a result of this crime, did that ever happen? Lets turn off CNN and FOX and clean up Painesville neighborhoods.
TERM, I find it ironic how you pick and choose which portions of the Constitution you seem to want to protect. Most of it you have flushed down the toilet.
5:50 I remember the shooting. Are you telling me these council people didn't have a follow-up meeting for a Block watch. Yes I guess if we can clean up our little piece of Heaven it would be a good start. excellent comment.
6:01 O.K. I'll bite please explain what "I" "ME" flushed down the toilet. Willing to bet immigration is coming first.
Since the assault weapon ban was lifted in 2005 there has been 32 mass shooting 7 in 2012.
All because some believe the bogeyman in a black helicopter is coming to get them.
How that war in Afghanistan workig out ?
US is bombing and blowing everything up for 11 plus years now and the guys wearing sandals firing AK 47's still control 80% of the country. They are withstanding tanks, B52's, fighter jets, helicopter assaults.
The cilvilians in this county can go toe to toe with anybody if needed .. don't kid yourself.
Funny how all mention of the guy wearing camoflage behing the school carrying weapons completely vanished from the news stories within hours.
Funny how the Sandyhook donation website went live on Google and was time dated 3 days before the event happened.
Any govt that is capable of inventing the Vietnam War based on a pack of lies that never happened ( Gulf of Tonkin )that ended up killing millions is capable of anything.
11:07 So the whole things was made up? Where are the children and do you have the balls to tell the parents of those slaughteredb children ?
I'm glad at the number of people who come here but you are unbelievable.
10:40 I wonder if the people you suppose will come after you will care as much about the civilian population as American forces?
The medeia told everyone an AR 15 was used ... that was a lie ... it was later found in his vehicle.
I don't deny the shooting took place and the kids and adults were killed.
What I am saying is the media initialy claimed someone wearing camoflauge, carrying guns was behind the school was spotted and pointed out .. then that vanished.
The Sandy Hook website did go live 3 days before the event happened ... those are facts and GOOGLE has it time stamped .. how is that possible ?
The one thing that is not talked about ... in every single instance of mass shootings ... everyone single one of the perps was on powerful psychiatric drugs ... stretching all the way back to Columbine ... every single instance.
The second amendment was written in to keep any forces from external or internal from getting out of control. There is not a country in the world stupid enough to invade the USA because of it.
Stalin disarmed his people .. how'd that work out ?
Hitler disarmed his people ... how'd that work out ?
Mao disarmed his people ... how'd that work out ?
Chicago has some of the scrictest gun laws in the country and has never had more gun related killings and shootings then they did this past year.
Mexico does not allow guns .. how's the border area look ?
4:56 Check the time stamp on your comment? Is it right.
I also have heard no offical mention that an AR-15 was not used I guess we will have to wait.
4:56 is 11:07 what are you trying to tell me?
4:56 Are you saying the goverment killed those at Sandy Hook?
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