Thursday, December 13, 2012

"TICK OF THE CLOCK" chromatics

This song is from the movie Thelma & Louise. When they drove off the cliff. Speaking of cliff's are we about to drive off one also?
Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we have an election last month and didn't the guy who claimed he wanted to raise the rate of taxation on the top two-percent win? Even won the popular vote alongwith the the electoral college? What's that saying elections have consequences? It seems polls show a majority of Americans  agree with the President.
Now if I'm even a little right and the GOP wants big cuts in Medicare, and Social Security I willing to bet those people at the Tea Party meeting I attended never believed they were expecting to take a hit?
My question is what are the Republicans fighting so hard for this 2%? I believe the President should double down and tell them "O.K. lets raise the top rate to 42% and anyone making over 10 million a year 48%.
I also love how many in the GOP fear a private citizen Grover Norquist. than they do the President? You have to wonder where their loyalties lay?
This deal that for the most part came from the Republican leadership, believing no one would want what would happen on January 1st. Well times running out. The GOP seems to be raising the bet with them holding a pair of deuces against a President holding a full house.
My advice is if you can't bring yourselves to raise the taxes on the top 2% well let's play Thelma and Louise. I believe this President has had enough. With these politicians along with the Remora's that swim with them.

Republicans speak of the "gifts" the President allegedly promised what are "loopholes" but another form of a gift.
Read this week in the Wall Street Journal 26 of the top 30 corporations paed no tax 2011? And you complain about 47% of what.

A warning I do not believe the President will blink, now where does that leave you and me?
Guessing alot more crying along with House Leader Boehner, I'm still waiting for Rep. Cantor to stick a knife in his back anyway.


At December 14, 2012 at 5:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To add insult to injury Republicans are stalling along with cutting aid to Hurricane Sandy victims. Why? Then ask how long it took President Bush to get his aid for Katrina victims.
This party is soon to be history at the rate they are going!
I voted for results I expect them.

At December 14, 2012 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to understand why something that I've been paying into for over 40 years is an entitlement.

At December 15, 2012 at 7:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:10 That is the question many of us ask. They took the money you contributed spent it on wars,NASA, highways, research and only put an I.O.U. in a "lock box". What caused the problem we face today had nothing to do with S.S.I. or Medicare. But at the same time a political party is trying to make it the scapegoat.


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