Saturday, December 15, 2012

"TIME IN A BOTTLE" jim croce

If we only knew yesterday what we know today? Yesterday in a country that doesn't shock easily was shaken and today is grieving the loss of 26 individuals 20 not older than 6. Recently I posted a comment of parents that watched their children walk the twenty feet to reach the safety of the inside of their school building. We found out yesterday how easily it was to shoot out the door and with the police less than five minutes away the carnage that one person can create.
I just can't understand what would make anyone snuff the life out of one child let alone twenty along with six adults rushing to save those children.
Evil visited that community yesterday. Ten days before Christmas, presents purchased and wrapped and now gone. Parents suffering for the rest of there lives. Brothers and sisters left wondering why?
Some may not ever be able to cope with the loss.  More sadness.
After all tragedy such as this one we go to our religious leaders and ask why. We pray,we cry and we go back to living our lives.
Religion has a place in our lives maybe it may stop someone from random killings.
Gun control, violent game control, maybe it comes down to self control and knowing evil exists.
We will all wonder, than go back to watching the NFL , the Voice, the X-factor. All but 26 of us.

I'm rambling for I don't know what else to do. "Why, Why, Why"


At December 15, 2012 at 10:31 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Why? because a mentally unstable individual got his hands on weapons. There were no red flags but the one thing I hear over and over ....... he was an introvert, bright, quiet. How much harder can we pray? I thought of the gunman in Sweden who took out 77 kids at a retreat. Not sure it can be stopped but it is happening with more frequency.
We pray for them all; those gone and those left behind.........

At December 15, 2012 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, Where was god BEFORE this tragedy happened?

At December 15, 2012 at 2:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart is broken, like the rest of the world's. It really does leave one without words, and just grief and sadness. But I have been thinking lately that we, here in the United States of America, aren't any better now than the extremists in other countries that blow up innocent people with their roadside bombs, etc., and that drove planes into our towers. I have always looked down my nose at them, but look what is happening here. You can no longer go to a movie theater, a restaurant, the mall, or even go to school to work or send your children there to learn without the real possibility that they will be maliciously killed.

When you look back as far as Timothy McVee (was that his name?), blowing up innocent children and adults in a building, to the Amish massacre in the school house, and everything since then that just keeps happening and happening.

I don't know if any sense can be made out of this horrific nonsense, let alone how in the hell can we stop it? It seems we need armed guards around and in every building of every kind now, so hopefully after the first few are killed, they can stop the slaughter of the rest?

My thoughts, although not thoroughly thought through at the moment, is that all assault and automatic rapid-fire weapons should be outlawed in the United States. We also have to make sure that in every venue where guns can be purchased, including gun shows, etc., that background checks are run on all potential buyers, and I think we need ordinary citizens with the ability to carry guns. This brings its own hazards, of course, but we have to have something in place to be able to kill the killer once they start killing. There not only doesn't seem like there is going to be an end to this, but it is escalating. And we have our own school shooting with the horrible occurance in Chardon. People shattered and dead everywhere.

At December 15, 2012 at 7:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:56 I believe God didn't abandon those victims. They are all in a better, loving place. already united with there fanilies. There are no calendars in Heaven.

At December 15, 2012 at 10:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God gave man free will.

At December 16, 2012 at 8:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While on the subject of shootings,your premonition that if the city closed Tony's the troublemakers would head to McTaggart's . Two shot early Sunday morning at that location.

At December 16, 2012 at 10:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A background check would not have helped in this case. The guns belonged to his mother. Call me crazy, but I agree with 2:48. Maybe teachers should be encouraged to obtain CCW's and carry weapons.

At December 16, 2012 at 2:03 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:47 Where did you get that idea?
Of all the creatures on this planet humans are the only ones that can reason. Free will? All my beliefs have taught me is those victim have been healed in Heaven by God.
That what I believe.
The real saddness is the ones left behind.
God loves you always. Some he lets you only love for a short time in this life.

10:18 What was that woman plan to use that bushwacker she purchased? Were the guns under lock?
Better yet give the six year old's all a CCW?
Teachers teach period, students grow and learn period.

At December 16, 2012 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 2:48. If those two female adults at the school who rushed to try to stop the gunman as soon as he shot out the window to obtain access to the school had had guns, they possibly would have killed him instead of him killing them and then all the others. If the guns had been under lock and key, it would have taken a few minutes to get and load the guns. Some may have died anyway, or maybe not - maybe they would have been fast enough to stop him first. At the very least, probably many of the dead would still be alive.

Term, for you to take that thought and say that anyone is talking of arming 6 year olds is ridiculous. Just as bad, is to still be thinking on the terms that teachers teach period, when people are getting gunned down in our schools on a regular basis. Did we ever think that in our nation it would come to this? No, but it has. It has. And something needs to be done, and adamantly taking a stance of "no change" is not working. Somebody has to kill the killers before they start killing, or at the very least as soon as they can be killed after they start killing.

Ask the parents and students in Chardon, for example, if they wished a teaher had had a gun. I bet they would tell you yes. And wasn't it in Chardon that a teacher had bulletproof vest in his class, and put it on when the shooting started, and then went out and saved a student who had been shot from being killed? I think it was in Chardon that I am remembering that.

People are being gunned down in our schools on a regular basis. Something must be done. I think the kids would feel better, too, at this point if some of the people in charge in the schools were armed. They're not stupid - at this point every kid in America knows that going to school could kill them.

We need phones in every classroom so teachers can inform the main office of what is going on if they see or hear something, as well as the ability to broadcast over the whole school from each classroom. We need some people armed in the schools - there is just no way around that any more.

Unless you think they could have killed this murderer with kindness, they needed a gun. Those women were very brave, but they were unarmed, and it cost them and many others their lives. This is not stopping - it is escalating, and we need to respond to the craziness around us, not hide from it. Hoping it won't happen "here" is not working.

At December 16, 2012 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I have to ask wouldn't putting an SRO officer in every school make more sense. You also assume these people want to be armed on their job. In that situation every time the situation may change two gunman maybe.
This man should have been under medical care.

At December 16, 2012 at 6:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Putting that guy under medical care may not have helped. You can't assume that everyone who needs medical care is going to get it; that they are going to get it at such a crucial moment in their lives as when their brains start thinking in a deadly direction; or that the medical care, even if they DID get it would have worked well enough to prevent what happened.

And we certainly cannot sit back and wait for that scenario to happen. Heck, in a perfect world, nobody would even HAVE medical issues, but we are so far from a perfect world that adults, young adults and children are being murdered in our school and college campuses on a regular basis. And I believe there have been other incidences already since this latest tragedy where people have opened up on strangers (or people they know) in public places. Just happened in a hospital somewhere I do believe, for one.

I'm not proposing to have all the answers right this moment. And certainly teachers or administrators who do not want to carry guns should not be forced to. So your reasoning is what?--don't arm one person, because maybe then the murderers will start coming in by twos?

The bottom line is our society is now filled with crazy people who kill innocent citizens for sport--be it foreign extremists doing the killing, or homegrown extremists or people who are who-knows-what.

It's time to understand that and to act on it. It's not stopping - it is escalating, and we need to act now with armed people in several sections of at least every place there are students.

I just saw on the news that California created strict limits on guns a while back, and their murder rate is down. That needs to be looked into to see what happened there. The government has also promised to look into mass public murders starting shortly. And we clearly need a ban on rapid-fire guns in America. Too many Americans cannot be trusted witha them. The people who want guns can still have guns - just not those guns. But that does not mean that, in my opinion, we do not need armed defenders in our places of learning in the United States of America. My God. Do you think the families of the dead wished that the murderer had been killed, or the innocent?

At December 16, 2012 at 6:54 PM , Anonymous Had enough! said...

To CCW nuts,
Cedar Lake Indiana man who has 47 guns and $100,000 in ammo. Was arrested after allegedly threating to kill people at a nearby ELEMENTARY school.
Von I. Meyers 60 a friend of anyone out there?
Well send him home and wait for this clown to get his minute of fame?

At December 17, 2012 at 5:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:54 EVERYTHING must be on the table.
The proper medical help must be made to people with mental problems. I need to have an explaination why someone needs 47 guns. And in the end in true American fashion. It comes downm to money. not freedom.
Time for us all to take some responsibility.

At December 17, 2012 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing the schools need is to have a complete network of cameras inside and out like the malls/stores do, and have them monitored by someone on-site every minute there are students/employees present. If the stores can do it to prevent theft, then certainly our schools need it. As soon as this guy would have been outside the school, someone would have been watching him, and hopefully people with guns - some of the "good guys" would have been able to get to him before he got to the innocent people.

And mental health has always been low on the totem pole in America. There are a lot more limits on coverage for that than physical problems, and people with problems can find themselves with no access very easily. So, yes, that has to change, too. You hear all the time that people with mental health issues just have no place to go for help.

At December 17, 2012 at 2:20 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:15 I noticed a flaw in the system today as I was at one of the schools. I will discuss with a board member.

At December 17, 2012 at 3:11 PM , Anonymous I Blame Mom said...

I blame the Mom. She knew her son was sick so why on earth didn't she have those guns locked up and away from him? Some say perhaps he knew where the keys were or knew the combo to the gun cabinet (if in fact they were even locked up)What about the ammunition? Is that something you keep sitting on your nightstand? If you buy it in bulk quatity, does the store record who you are? Sorry, but Mom should have done better.

At December 18, 2012 at 1:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 12:15 adding to my last post. I just saw on the news just how well that school was locked down on an every day basis - including that day - to avoid such an occurance. They were really doing a good job, according to the "before this" standards. I stand by everything I said in my last post, but I want to repeat that there needs to be "good guys" with guns on the inside. Locked doors and windows with bars on everything that can use them, on-site manned surveillance for all hours when anyone is in the building - janitors included, I.D's shown at the front door by camera as this school had, AND GUNS ON THE INSIDE. Those two so very, very brave women may have been able to save everyone else - and themselves - if they had had guns available to them (if they had wanted to carry them), or if other people in the building had them. I just don't see how we can have anything less in our schools now. Colleges will be harder, because there is so much coming and going. But still if they have the surveillance and guns on the inside, everyone will stand a much better chance of stopping it altogether, or at least cutting down on the number of victims. Who would have ever thought it would come to this, but here it is. Here it is.

At December 18, 2012 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

It's Mom's fault... Arm the principal ...with what?????

First to train the Principal to use a common police pistol a .38.

Next this guy shows up at you school in off the rack Kelvar, from head to toe.
Three weapons one being an AR-15 with a multitude on 30 round plus clips. All purchased legally. And proceeds to shoot out your front door. Your on your own Mr. Principal.
More violence. will not help.
More guns what maybe more will get shot in the crossfire?
Afgan War about over. Give every school pricipal training in a
M1A2 Abrams tank?
escalate the situation.

At December 18, 2012 at 8:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please. You tell me if the children and the adults in these situations want guns on the inside to protect them. I would, and I'll bet most children want the adults to have them, and I bet most adults want guns on the inside, too. Let's see. Guns on the inside to try to protect us, or sitting ducks for the murderers? Doesn't seem like much of a tough decision to me. One little boy who survived the shooting said he wouldn't go back to that school unless there was an armed guard at each door. I don't blame him; I wouldn't either.

And you say that would "escalate the situation?" Really? The adults and the childen in a school are being massacred, and having guns on the inside HURTS the situation? Doubtful. The alternative is to be slaughtered with no defense. I sure as hell don't want my grandchildren gunned down in their schools, and anyone who would tell me that guns on the inside is not called for at this point, or that it would make a situation worse, I would say had better come up with a better plan...and fast.

Daily in the United States someone walks into a school or place of business and kills people.

I lived in Texas years back, and when we first moved there, we rented a old house out in the country. The police knocked on my door one day, and they said a prisoner had escaped, and was I armed? I said, no, but I had a doberman, which they were quite aware of as they approached, and I also had another dog that was a good watchdog. They said "ma'am, it will take two bullets to put those dogs down, and then how do you think you will protect yourself and your child?" They offered to take me into town to buy a gun and to train me if necessary, I said no thanks, I would do it on my own. As soon as they left, I called my husband and told him I was headed into town to buy a gun. The Texan down the road trained me how to use it.

The cops didn't say that if someone broke in trying to kill me and my family, that we should just take our chances. I got my head out of my behind real quick and took action, and that is what the schools need to do now, too. I also would not be a business owner these days without a gun, either. We are a nation who likes to murder each other, and we better face it now, and get the guns into the hands of the rest of the people.

As I said previously, I think there needs to be a complete coverage inside and out with manned cameras, bars on everything that need them, locked down school, and guns on the inside. When the cameras pick something up, they authorities are called, and meanwhile the people inside have some means of trying to protect themselves. I don't really see any other way.

At December 19, 2012 at 3:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, maybe a possible solution is to have the security people who would be doing the camera surveillance on-site be armed. Have them trained and armed. So hopefully they would see the problem coming, be able to call the police, alert the staff and students about what is happening and where, and then try to protect everyone from the inside until backup comes.

At December 19, 2012 at 5:01 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The simply solution would be to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have guns.
That will even bring about a fight from the NRA.
Ann Curry suggests this holiday to do 20acts of kindness 26acts of kindnrss to rember the people who lost their lives.

At December 19, 2012 at 12:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one common factor from Columbine on that's not being mentioned ... every single one of the shooters was on powerful psychiatric drugs .. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them.

The drug companies make up 4 of the top 10 advertisers in the nation. They are the 4th most powerful lobby in the nation.

Keep popping pills.


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