Well here it is Sunday morning there's something outside that resembles snow? Not enough to plow but enough to make a mess. (sorry Derrick)
I was beginning to think it might be in the 50's Christmas day.
I wish everyone who visits here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I always attend Midnight Mass, it serves me as my New Year for the coming year.
sorta like a reset button.
I hope this time of year finds you all in good health and very little strife in your life.
Many bad things happened this year and many good things happened also. How many of you welcomed a new family member by marriage or birth? Found a job or a new career. Loved ones home from a war. There are many things to be grateful for.
As I have mentioned many times if you were born in this country or had the opportunity to find your way here. You hit God's Lottery.
In the coming year I will try to see and understand how others view things.
Painesville is my home. I want nothing but the best for this city and the other people that call it home.
Merry Christmas to you.
Appears some malcontents in Galion have decided to sue over the election results in Galion.
Good luck on taking on the Secretary of States office.
Merry Christmas to you.
Sometimes even the will of the public seems to be ignored. Did your council pay the stranded costs of AMPGS yet?
NO the council voted to pay it off over 15 years by tacking on even more interest and jacking electric rates up even higher to pay for it.
The idiots still think it was a great deal.
Prairie State, 55 % of the power we are forced to by from the money pit is resold at a loss, the city bought too much power ... we buy for $ 57 and then sell it for $ 28 ... Galion will lose 3,000,000 dollars next year .. AMP wont lose anything.
Going to be a wild 2013 in Galion for sure
Another 200 families had their power shut off on 12/13 ... can't pay the outrageous bills. Suspect these people have left the community as soon as Christmas break started.
From what I have seen of Galion you have a beautiful city.
If all the family leave what will happen to your property values?
It seems that somehow someway
Peabody or AMP-OHIO should be held responsible.
This week I found out our electric fund had over 12 million dollars in account. This is after paying AMP off @2.1 million building a new sub-stantion for CASH of @3.2
million. I believe we have been overcharged. Plus our electric plant has produced zero in the last 6 months.
Merry Christmas!
Property values are in the toilet. The only real estate activities are foreclosuers and auctions. Average value of a home is less than 61,000 now ... that's 1973 prices ... 600 empty vacant homes out of roughly 3400 in the community and growing every month now.
Does not matter how many people leave, the city of Galion is still FORCED and BOUND by the AMP contracts to buy the same amount of power every single day regardless of it being needed or not for the next 50 years.
The real crap hits in January, full interest and bond repayments are due on Prairie State, rates will rise even higher and higher to pay for it.
The equipment is falling apart .... 3 - 4 times a month entire sections of town just blackout .. no warnings .. no explanations ... like a 3rd world country. Ask the utility company whats going on .. never get an answer ... it's top secret
Per our electric buddies at Amp........ Seems they're the only one having a merry Christmas. Toss another dog on the bed gonna be a cold winter if you heat with electric. I can't understand how or why people keep electing these people.
No act of kindness goes unnoticed.
Today in my travals on Christmas Eve I ran into a good friend at Redi-Go. I asked him what he was up to. He told me he was waiting for the Frito-Lay driver to finnish his delivery as the driver who serves the smaller accounts in Painesville wanted my friend to find a family in Painesville and make their Christmas possible. He said it was his small way to give back to the community that make his job possible. I know that this is just many of the nice things that happen around town at this time of year. After all the sadness the past week. This small jesture seems to have made my Christmas.
Dec 23 1:40 pm said "3 - 4 times a month entire sections of town just blackout .. no warnings .. no explanations .."
Just to let you know......
The last three times the south end was out, was because of idiot drivers hitting electric poles, and thanks to the men who go out there any time and in any weather to repair our electric problems, last week they worked until 4 am and thank god they did it was getting cold.
7:03 I could be wrong but I believe that comment was about Galion, Ohio. Then again you might be from Galion?
Painesville is your home... You want nothing but the best...Then why not make it better by being pro-active? By hashing and rehashing issue upon issue at council or writing behind this cloak of darkness, make it better yourself by involving the community. The entire community not just Flock, Torre, Ware. Maybe invite people to your home for a meeting to get their opinions.
Being pro-active? hashing and rehashing? What cloak of darkness?
POC meeting are open to everyone, have you been to one? Hashing? I hear city officals as well as councilmen claim to me emergency legislation must be passed now to save the city money. OR is it done to save someones reputation? Do you really believe anyone believed the goal was to save money? If they would spend alittle more time addressing issues they could save plenty of money.Really Mike after all you must have witnessed this past year. This is your answer? Haven't noticed anything odd? You either Katie?
This is the best we can expect?
You two are city leaders not P.R. people for the administration. Or expected to carry water for someone that has been on council to long.
Yes, and they are elected officials. The majority liked them enough to elect them over the others. They need to do their job. If a citizen has an opinion, call their council person and let them know you are pleased or displeased. Or speak to them at a meeting, call city hall. There is no need to trash them on this site. Do it and your opinions face to face. And, sorry, POC meetings. Is there a public posting of them as to where and when?
I finally got a chance to watch some of the last city council meeting on TV. It seems there was an actual discussion on AMP?! With McMahon gone, did the city of Painesville and the citizens actually get to have at least a partial discussion on this calamity?
Next POC meeting 01/09/13 at Mprley Library. 6:30pm.
No need to trash them on this site? Lets make the AMPGS an example. No one expected council or the administration to take our word for it that it was a bad deal. The wat the City Manager and Council-President trashed anyone who disagreed with them. I believe by the next general council elections those will be brought forward so everybody can judge. Presently the only apoligy I have heard has come from Paul Hach. Others who voted for that disaster have remained silent. 2mil+ poof gone!
5:41 Partial good word. I wonder when the city was informed about this deal. I'm willing to bet we could have had three meetings on this issue. The last council meeting was the Annual let's sweep this under the rug session and look at the pretty Christmas lights!.
Praire State more good news coming our way. Painesville's own little cliff is soon to rear it's head.
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