Thursday, December 6, 2012


Monday's City Council meeting had only two things on the agenda. First passage of the 2013 budget. Along with a resolution thanking outgoing Congressman Steve Latourette.
We also had a presentation about Shamrock P.U.D.

I questioned what in the budget was Signals? Page 82 Signal (720) went from $34,682 in 2009 to $159,153 in the 2013  Budget.

Also I read a paragraph from the Budget Draft this on page 78 this  also in the public works budget.
"Alternative methods of preparing the streets for safety will be pursued to offset the increase expenses associated with maintaining the roads." I asked what that meant. Mr. Unetic said he would find out what that meant.

Tony Torrie asked about the electric rates that were submitted to the city manager. Mr. Unetic claimed he couldn't understand the numbers I submitted to the city. Also in all cases the city was cheaper.
I summited a bonafide First Energy Bill. all he need to do was compare Painesville  rates for the same amount of  electricity during the same time period. I can't understand what was so hard about that?
I am sure if the city bill was $10.00  $25.00 cheaper we would have heard about it.

Now for the uncomfortable part of the meeting. The Werners statements to council. This week Law Director stopped them and asked Mrs. Werner if  the council meeting this is the place to have this discussion? He seemed to believe as most in the room that this was a police matter. Also Mr. Gurley questioned what they wanted council to do?
The only thing that I belive the Werners want is that Jackie's move and the building left vacant again. I don't see that happening. I just hope this problem doesn't escalate.


At December 6, 2012 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This week Law Director stopped them and asked Mrs. Werner if the council meeting this is the place to have this discussion? >>

Since, when is it the Law Director business, to question, what a resident has to say to Council?

At December 6, 2012 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous Proud American said...

Werner couldn't/didn't do a thing about Jackies when he was on council, what makes them think anyone can do something now?
That bar was around before Werners lived there, I believe. In high school kids hung out at Mikes Cafe.I believe thats what it was back in the days of 3.2 beer? They should've thought of that when they bought the houses huh?
OH, can anyone explain to me why Mr. Flock does not say the pledge? Not only does he not say it, he doesn't even stand, not only does he not stand he turns his back to it. Why is this? It's not religion as we went to the same church. I am appalled a person in a political office would act this way. What gives?

At December 6, 2012 at 2:12 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

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At December 6, 2012 at 2:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Coucilman Flock always stands to say the pledge. I believe I would have noticed if he didn't.

At December 6, 2012 at 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Unetic is another one that needs to go. He might as well be McMahon. He covers up for the city, you can't get a straight answer out of him, and he'll talk you into circles until you can't take it anymore, because you realize you are not going to get anywhere reasonable with him. He will never in a million years tell you the truth, or admit that the city is not 100% right or better. He is a terrible person to have in this city anywhere, let alone someone in charge of something. I have no use for that guy, and I would like to see him go. What you pointed out in your post, Term, is typical of him, and it makes him useless to the citizens, which means he has no use here.

At December 7, 2012 at 5:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any reason why the last council meeting isn't shown on channel 12?

At December 7, 2012 at 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that the bill was discussed. Rita had said something about going to someone who was a first energy customer and getting a copy of the bill because what you had given her was only your calculations. They reported out on this...maybe it was a meeting you did not attend?

At December 7, 2012 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of council can it be that after all these years, the audio on the tapes of the council meetings is so horrible. I think they still muffle what they don't want the viewers to hear on purpose, but besides that even, what gives? We spend a million bucks painting cement, and we can't have a good audio on our council meetings? Now that McMahon is gone, hopefully we can at least accomplish that. Oh, I forgot--Hada is still here.

At December 7, 2012 at 7:02 PM , Anonymous Probably Why said...

Because FLock wouldnt stand for the pledge.

At December 8, 2012 at 7:32 AM , Anonymous CONCERNED said...

to post 5:21,the reason why the meeting is not shown on channel 12, is probably because, mr. murphy is trying to help the residents of the city with their late fee concerns, on their utility bills.

At December 8, 2012 at 9:02 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry, Id on't see a conspiracy here.
Let's just admit the way the run the council meetings are on par with the way they run the city.

At December 8, 2012 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:25 I gave here a First Energy bill? If no one at city hall can't understand it or compare it to the same time period as a city bill I have no idea how to explain it.
Also we here in the city are paying more for water service then people who use the county services.

At December 8, 2012 at 1:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And speaking of water services, I know I only use a "3" or "4" monthly, (I know the minimum charge is a "4"), but I get charged for "5" a lot. I do not use that much water. We have discussed recently on this blog how we could be getting overcharged when they bill for more than 30 days at a time, but I, for one, am getting charged for more than I use on a regular basis. I finally got a "3" and was charged for "4" (which was correct to do it that way) not too long ago, so I thought that they were done cheating me on my water bills, but I guess not...I'm back to being overcharged. Does anyone else think this is happening to them?

At December 8, 2012 at 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 9:02: Anyone who has been watching for that "conspiracy" (where council meetings are muffled when they don't want people to hear what is going on, either with them or with what a citizen is saying, can plainly see that that is exactly what is going on, I believe. It's been happening for many, many years--for at least 20 years, since I got here. I don't know exactly who is responsible for doing it, but to me it is very clear that that is what happens. They've also been known to completely edit letters from citizens that are to be read by Jennifer (Clerk of Council) during a council meeting if they don't want the rest of the citizens to hear what that citizen is saying. I am in complete agreement with 7:32.

At December 8, 2012 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hal Werner cooked his own goose in this town, as far as I'm concerned. He told lies to the people who helped get him into office, so they would help him get elected, then immediately upon winning, spit in their faces. I believe when he was in office, he used that "power" to try to throw his weight around town, and from what I hear, he had the police on call a lot. I don't know what's going on with him and Jackie's, and I don't profess to know whose fault it is, but I don't think there is much sympathy for Werner around here.

At December 8, 2012 at 3:52 PM , Anonymous Kathy Sak said...

I agree with poster Dec. 6, 10:32 am. So a councilwoman wants demographics. Check the census - about 25 percent of all Painesville children live in poverty. Painesville, according to the census, leads Lake County in poverty. The previous city manager was also the member of a local board dedicated to helping the less fortunate and I believe, had she been seated at the table when the callous, uneducated remark was made about paying your bills on time and budgeting accordingly, she would have immediately corrected someone’s poor judgment. And on poor judgment and city managers - isn’t the current acting city manager also the current acting safety director? So why was a resident told not to address council concerning what the resident believes to be criminal activity? Instead he was told it was a police matter, and to go to whoever oversees the police, if the police had in fact not performed to his satisfaction. Which means he was using the proper venue. Who is leading this council? The finance director? He must be very busy - and that's why he never responded to my written public request for the salary of the city manager and safety director, which I made several months ago. This group of people is out of control. Someone needs to call'em out.

At December 10, 2012 at 12:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Kathy, Have to agree it seems you pose away of seeing things in a different light.I guess until I read your reasoning I didn't see it your way.
I wish our law director worried as much about AMP-OHIO deals as he does about Hal.
2:35 Again the only solution is Hal or Jackies move.
2:28 The last council meeting is viewable on the city sight. If it's there why isn't it on channel 12?
7:02 I watch only to see councilman Flock standing during the pledge. Watch for yourself.

The blog. has been down Saturday and Sunday due to a problem at yahoo. Sorry.

At December 10, 2012 at 3:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the Att U-verse customers in Painesville STILL can't get council meetings. I can watch Mentor, Willoughby, Solon, Westlake....dozens of cities council meetings but can't see my own!

At December 11, 2012 at 5:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I believe that is because Time-Warner owns all the equipment? Not sure. I guess you could call your councilman and ask why the council meeting can't be viewed this week.

At December 12, 2012 at 8:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe there may be a fairly high cost associated with getting a channel on U-Verse.

As for why it was not on Channel 12, there was an equipment failure and it had to be sent in for servicing.

Anyone who can not view it on TV would be able to view it online if they have internet.

At December 16, 2012 at 6:40 PM , Anonymous What Gives said...

OK so I was incorrect, after looking at old council meetings. Mr. Flock DOES stand for the pledge. BUT he does not say it, place his hand over his heart or look at the flag. What Gives?

At December 17, 2012 at 5:30 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:40 I must admit most hear never admit to being incorrect. I have always watched Andrew stand, put his right hand on his heart and say the pledge. I guess I can ask what gives?

At December 17, 2012 at 3:13 PM , Anonymous What Gives said...

Maybe I'm watching the wrong channel. I'll try again sometime.


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