Saturday, August 11, 2012


Woke up this morning to find out Romney Hood had picked Eddie Munster to be his running mate?

First I want to ask every Conservative if two Democrats who had never served in the military had run down the gangplank of a historic battleship to make this announcement? What would have been said?
I thought he served in France during the Vietnam War?  No that's where Daddy hid him.
 Remember Governor Dukakis head sticking out of a tank?
The closest these two ever came to a battleship was maybe a vacation on a Princess Cruise Ship.
The only this missing was the Mission Accomplished Banner, or Mission Impossible Banner.

Now we can have the debate I have been waiting for. More money for the rich and entitlement cuts for the rest of us. Lets have an ENTITLEMENT TAX RATE  for all  Americans. 14% or less for the Romneys and this man wants to talk about welfare cheats? Let's talk about tax cheats both group seem to be doing thing's legally? Romney only reason for this is a announcement coming out now is called Sons of Bosses. There is no way he can attempt to walk back from this story.. This is only August can you imagine what the Obama campaign has ready to release in October?

Lets the debate start, vouchers for Medicare, closing loopholes like your mortgage interest deduction on your home loan. Taxing the value on your employee payed health insurance as well as what you contribute just to name a few. If I'm wrong prove it. While your at it prove Romney paid taxes.
You seem to like to prove things?


At August 11, 2012 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some times when your opponent is digging a hole its best to remain silent, or hand him a longer shovel.
Even the Catholic Bishops believe Eddie is off the rails.

At August 11, 2012 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes you stop and wonder if Paul Ryan had to show Romney his tax returns?

At August 11, 2012 at 6:19 PM , Anonymous Just a sinner said...

This time the GOP REALLY,REALLY out did themselves. At the top of the ticket sits a Mormon who believe by his church teaching he can become a god in his own world? Now add a practicing Catholic who believes and follows the teachings of an Atheist named Ayn Rand who rejects all forms of faith and religion. This congressman makes anyone who wants to work for him read Atlas Shrugged? Greed is good, selfishness is an honorable trait.Charity is for fools. Look it all up.
Can't wait for all the preachers out there to explain this?
Now if there was ever a good reason for free contrceptives these two could be on a poster.

At August 11, 2012 at 6:58 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I quick checked sinners comment and there are news stories that back his claim.
I don't like to get into to much religion here but Yes Romney is a Mormon, and to work in Ryan's office you must read Atlas Shrugged.
I'm really more interested in how these two will cut 5 billion out of a 10 year budget at the same time increase defense spending and cut tax rates. Just the facts.
I could care if they were disciples
of Mr. Spock/ Mickey Mouse.

At August 11, 2012 at 7:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! Its getting weird. Romney called Ryan a "man who appealed to the better Angels of America"
Please explain who the better ange's are?

At August 12, 2012 at 8:00 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:23 Romneys better angel's are the are donors like the Koch Bros. only one problem, the not so better angel's votes count the same.

At August 12, 2012 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Paul Ryan how can he be the darling of the Tea Party?
Voted for TARP
Voted for the auto bailout
Medicare Prescription [no funding]
The Patriot Act
Yes votes for big agriculture
Yes vote for No child left behind

Along with one of the stangest comment on the House floor.
Madame Speaker "this Bill offends my principles. But I'm going to vote for the Bill in order to preserve my principles?" What?

Nice smile though.

At August 12, 2012 at 11:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the past, I've never declared myself a Republican nor a Democrat... I've always voted for the best person I felt would do the best job. In 2008 I voted straight D. With Ryan now declared the "chosen one", I hereby proudly declare myself officially and unequivocally a staunch democrat.

At August 12, 2012 at 4:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a voting Republican. My problem with these two gentlemen is somehow they believe Social Security and Medicare are entitlements. No these are earned benefits that I have been forced to contribute1117 onLegov to since the day I first started working. Please do not insult me by now presenting them as an entitled form of welfare. Don't go down that path or the retired workers in this country will hand you your hat.

At August 12, 2012 at 7:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What in the WORLD is 4:54 TALKING about??? You need to quit listening to people like Limbaugh, who make their living telling lies and exaggerations about the Democrats to people they can manipulate like you. Really. Honestly, please get informed.

At August 13, 2012 at 6:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:37 Please better inform us all.
When Republicans talk about means testing something. What exactly are they saying?
When you pay into something I never thought that some political party would view it as a government handout?

At August 13, 2012 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 7:37. I misread 4:54's comment. I thought they were saying that Democrats were trying to take away their SS and Medicare, so I thought it was another misinformed, hysterical Republican. So sorry--especially because 4:54 is actually a Republican who is thinking for themselves, and listening to the facts. Again, so sorry 4:54.

At August 14, 2012 at 7:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Today Paul Ryan rolledout his "I'm one of you" speaches. Drive a truck, flipped burgers ect.

Now go to your computers and google Ryan Incorporated Central in Janesville Wisconsin. See what Grandpa left the family.

It is very unfortunate for him to have been he one who found his dead father, but it is also of interest to note that the money to provide for his college education from his father's Social Security trust. How soon we forget?
How and who provide him his first job in D.C.?

At August 14, 2012 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

On another note The new Christie minstrel will give the keynote speech at the GOP Convention.
Hope they reinforce the stage. Chris brings a new meaning to the meaning of a Republican "Fat Cat"


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