"GIVE ME THREE STEPS" lynyrd skynyrd
Well it appears the Riverside School System is getting very serious about getting a levy passed.
The News-Herald reported today the the administrators, teachers union, have agreed to a true three year wage freeze. Also the non-teaching staff positions agreed to a four year freeze.Many times you hear of wage freezes but little mention made to "Steps" as well as advacements for educational credit. Which means even though your in a wage freeze your salary increases due to "steps".
The also agreed to one day furlough day where every employee must take a day off without pay The district claims a saving of $170,000 I believe this must be a typo. You would have to believe the savings would be much greater than that.
Painesville City will be putting a 4 mil. operating levy on the November ballot. One has to wonder if the PSLC employees feel the same as there counterparts in the Riverside District.
All this plus the fact the state received more lottery money than expected and the wise people in Columbus want to hold on to it. Legislatures please no games release the funds.
I have been told that the state budget runs for two years if this is true then Painesville starting next January will be start collecting new revenue even before the state might decide not to make further cuts. This I believe is called being proactive. Am I for the levy or against the levy? Haven't decided yet.
One thing that could sway me into voting Yes was if Painesville City Schools and it's employees made the same sacrifice as the people across the river.
If this levy is used to fund increased staff and fill in needs the schools have, fine. If one dime goes for a raise for an administrator, teacher, or other staff forget it. I don't want to hear "for the children" if it goes for increase wages.
You may disagree with me and I can understand why some of you might disagree. The staff as well as just about everyone deserves a raise. This post is not meant to be a slam on administrators, teachers and support staff. It's only the fiscal reality the people in Painesville face. If you are employed by PSLC you have an opportunity to vote on this levy, move here. We need quality people like yourselves living in our community.. I would rather tell you the truth on how I feel than to put a Vote YES sign in my yard and then proceed to vote NO.
There has been to little transparency in government around here without me adding to it..
Painesville schools are ranked one of the lowest in the three county area. This is not the teachers, administrators fault. This is because of the people you having living in "our" town, many living in poverty,a great percentage living on the governments dime. Have you seen the pregnancy rate at Harvey? Along with many who are new to the country ect. Don't you think educators teaching in this enviroment should be financially rewarded for just being employed here?
As far as moving here not a chance.I love where I live, enjoy the many advantages my community offers. Where I work should not have anything to do with where I live.
Painesville city school employees have agreed to a wage freeze already.
thought you knew everything Term.
Don't really know that much, difference is I will admit to it. does this include "steps" as well as educational credit?
Riverside will have no increase in classified and non-classified. If it's exactl the same I stand corrected. Seems someone mentioned something about raises at the last board meeting?
Back door raises. I'm just sayin.
Back door, front door. I really don't care even if they come down the chimney. A raise is a raise.
Back door, front door. I really don't care even if they come down the chimney. A raise is a raise.
Seems reading the News-Herald Sunday edition Lori DiNallo might just walk into the Ohio Statehouse?
Dan Troy I guess would rather stay on as a Lake County Commissioner?
Who will the Democrat's get to run against her now? Joe Hada maybe. We all know he has spent onver 30 years helping make Painesville what it is today. This could turn into a no lose oproposition for all of us. Unless he's afraid of little ol'Lori?
I know you go to the board meetings and I know you saw the minutes as you mentioned how small the print was on the one being mentioned. I also know, and you should too, the information was typed just below the all-to-small to read print. So not knowing this is no excuse. There were step raises given. Go back to maybe last months minutes and see. I also know because they were forwarded to you - the step increases that is. Were they for the classified staff? No they were not. They were for the higher ups. Also keep in mind not only does the administration NOT live in this city, most of the teachers DO NOT either. Who lives here? The classified staff, the lowest on the pay scale, the ones who don't get raises also and the ones who will be impacted if the levy passes because our house payments will continue going sky-high without a raise to help balance it out. Or we will be at risk if it does not pass as we will become unemployed.
So what is the fix for this mess that has gone on far too long?
Maybe we should do what Mayor Jackson wants for Cleveland. He says there is quite a bit in Ohio's rainy day fund and he thinks Cle. should be the one to have at it because they need it.
Well, who diesn't need it?
Do any of you know what you're talking about? I'm married to a teacher in the district, and let me tell you, there was no pay increase of any kind. Also, due to rising health insurance costs, it was as if there was a pay cut last year due to the current wage freeze.
4:59 Here's what I talking about transparency. Sat at the last board meeting never heard any of this mentioned other than Dr. Hanlon mentioning the item and the board passing it. I am speaking about #12-251 I need someone with a higher pay grade than myself to explain what exactly it means?
Read Riversides agreement than tell me PCLS agreement is the same.
I have to agree with Annon I believe that "step" raises were given. So at the same meeting we ask for a levy, administrators are given raises?
And like a dummy I sit there and don't even know whats happening?
To Annonn comment, Is there a solution? that will work?
Many residents have checked the web site that the state provides and the general feeling in the community is that the systems pay is more than enough?
Remember I only get one vote as everyone else does and the everyone else might be for or not on passing the levy.
Did we manage without the last levy request?
As a teacher in the district (PCLS), there were no step raises(to the teaching staff)...as someone said, we actually took less money due to increases in insurance. I'm not complaining at all, just stating the facts....
deja vu in Galion
school administration has squandered so much money it's on the verge of state takeover as well.
Want to raise THE SCHOOL LEVY BY 800 BUCK PER 100,000 value.
When PIGS FLY ... let the state come in a FIRE ALL OF THEM ...
11:27 So your telling me no step increases for teachers and support staff, yet the administrators got them?
4:00pm Pigs will never fly, and I don't expect teachers to work for free or minimum wage.
If you look at the last board meeting minutes on page 14-15 it does appear are step raises approved for principals, secretary and certain board employees. It states class & step numbers. Of course one must be an account or in finance to make sense of it.
Just by looking at this, it does look like someone got their step increase.
Food for thought: In years past the assistant principal at Harvey was the athletic director. Now, again it appears, it is no longer that way. Looks like it is a full time stand alone paid position. Meaning this is the only job this person is hired for. He was a teacher at HHS, but now this is his only job? Just how does that save any money?
Term, administrators are in a different setup altogether when it comes to salary. They are on a completely different salary schedule and benefit package than either teachers or the classified staff (like custodians and secretaries), and therefore their contracts are different.
Also, the new AD position is for both the high school and the middle school. In the past, 2 teachers were doing the middle school AD job, while still teaching and coaching. Seemed to me like a lot. Anyway, the new AD position will cover all sports in both schools, and will relieve the teachers of this, and provide consistency across the district when it comes to athletics.
Again, I'm not complaining about what I make as a teacher in the district. I grew up in this district, and came back to try to make a difference. I have my own ideas as to what I feel are the problems we face, and I think many of the problems can be traced the sense of entitlement that some of our students and parents have. There are many great kids and parents, and I love teaching here...but some changes could be made....
As to a previous post about living where you work, I'm a teacher in another district and I live here in PAINESVILLE. I previously lived in the district that I worked and will never do that again. I want my privacy. If I want to do yardwork dressed like a bum, I can, no one is watching me like previously. My house doesn't get tp'd, I don't get videotaped and put onto you-tube by neighbors-students (happened to my colleauge when she was sunbathing in her backyard). I chose to live in Painesville and I love it here, but I shouldn't have to give up my privacy just because of where I work.
So, all these people "are on a completely different salary schedule and benefit package"?? They got their raise, others got NOTHING and we are going to get hit with another levy? If this district wants more money, shouldn't EVERYONE be taking a pay freeze? This doesn't make any sense at all. Stop everyones raises.
6:51 It's called Romneynomics. Take care of the top 1%.
So is Obama any better? He & Kasich are two to blame for the money problems the schools have. Not that past practice didn't play into it, but they really do not support public education and most of us can't afford private education for our children.
I keep saying someday I'm gonna move to Australia, maybe it will be sooner than I think.
That comment at 11:59 was really un called for. Romney has nothing to do with Painesville School salaries and even if he did none of those salaries are even close to being the top 1%.
$100,000 might seem like a lot to Painesville residents, but I'll bet 20 % of Lake County is in that range.
12:21 It's not the amount it's the process. Wage freezes and job cuts for the teachers as well as support staff...But well the Administrators they need to be taken care of, there the job creators in PCLS?
This is Romneynomics plain and simple.
Your correct $100,000 is more than most Painesville residents see in four years, yet they are trapped in paying for these expensive bunch of carpetbaggers.
According to someone at Bain Capital there were many years Romney payed ZERO income tax and the main reason he will avoid showing his records. If you people buy into his economic policies it will be like a self infected wound.
I make no apology for calling him out.
I teach in Painesville City. We have been on a pay freeze for three years already without "steps". Our health insurance keeps going up as others have mentioned, and the cost of living keeps going up. No way am I going to be forced to take a day off without pay. Does the sub who covers my class get paid while I'm forced to stay home? How is that a savings? I should at least be offered the choice to come to work for the pay they would have given my sub. Which is still insane. Why did I go to school for 6 years and have to continue my education every 5 years to renew my license? What are you people thinking? We deserve a raise with our new contract and the steps should be put back in place. I feel really bad for the teachers who were hired in the last three years. They may never reach the pay that they deserve. They may be stuck at an entry level pay scale for the duration of their career, especially if Lori Dinallo gets elected.
6:07 I understand where your coming from. Try to understand me when I ask you where do you expect the money to come from?
Many in town are in the same boat your in.
You should also know the many comments I void due to language as well as mentioning names.
One yesterday spoke of a first grade teacher who works 185 days a year has a class of 15 to 16 students and is paid over $70,000+ a year. I am not here to argue the merits of teachers pay but since people can now go on line and see what everyone is making don't expect much sympathy in the near future. That person also slammed fire men and other city workers.
Final sentence. You A------s choose your fields of employment if you are not happy find a new career, there are many willing to step in and replace you.
Makes you feel warm and fuzzy uh?
6:07 boo hoo hoo. I looked up the salaries of the painesville city schools. I would gladly take a pay freeze for ever at that rate.
6:07 See 4:14
He might be a resident working for $8.00 an hour or even $20.00. with no connection to the schools. Fact is you will find many who feel the same way.
You will find very few people in Painesville City with salaries over $50,000 a year for 40 hours a week for 52 weeks with 3 weeks vacation and more just 7 paid Holidays. That also retire a a young age.
Dear Term,
Painesville City employees have given to wage freeze and Insurance cuts 3 years ago. One thing I can say about PCLS is they ask for money, if they don't get it , they cut. UNLIKE our friends across the river. I believe Riverside is learning from us. As for the people out there that think teachers are making just way too much money or that they are getting something for nothing. Go walk a mile in their shoes! The cost for their education,and continuing education, masters degree etc.These are all requirements. The countless hours spent outside of the classroom preparing, talking to parents tutoring. Not to even mention all the situations that go on in the classroom. They do it because its a calling and they love it,Yes the teacher's Union is probably too strong and bold. But, that is not PCLS doing. All in all the school is asking,and they don't ask much. Their track record shows when they didn't get the funds last time, they cut big. The cuts show in the classroom, but they can't spend what they don't have. Just like we make cuts in our home, skip a needed paint job, or fix a washer or drier instead of replacement. What ever we have to do to make ends meet. I think when they ask we should support them if you believe them. If you don't believe them, go to a board meeting, call someone let them prove to you they need this levy. Let's all make good informed decisions by educating ourselves on the issue. Please support the levy and if you are on the fence please at least go to a board meeting.
not a teacher
I attend most BOE meetings. What sad is there usually are less than 3 people that attend that don't have to be there.
If education is so important where are the people?
7:46-I remember the last time PC pondered a levy. The admin said even if the levy passes they would still have to make cuts. With or without it cuts were made. As far as repairing your washer or dryer, the schools should have repaired the old schools instead of building new ones on the taxpayer's backs and then asking for more. I don't have any more to give. If I wasn't paying for the new buildings I would be more likely to vote yes for the education and maintenance portion. Right now I can't give for both. Look at the Fairport schools. Very old but a good education from within those old walls.
Maybe 20%of the county makes $100,000. and that's great for them but that doesn't happen in PVille. I cringe when Morley, Metroparks or Lakeland has a levy on because I know the wealthier communities will vote yes and I'm here hanging on wanting MY schools fixed, MY roads repaired and MY fire department funded.
As for the athletic director at Harvey, how is that a savings? The job was done by the assistant principal and at the middle school I believe that was considered a supplimental position. Now still have the assistant principal, a full time paid athletic director and had to hire a teacher to take the new AD's place. Where is the savings? I don't see it.
I still feel another great way to save big bucks is to eliminate the ELL nonsense. When you enroll in school you should be able to speak English. Most of them can, they just don't want to.
Good conversation....I just want to respond to the comment about a teacher making $70,000 a year and ONLY having 15 kids in her class. Let's do some math here. After taxes she probably brings home around $52,000 divide that by 15. She gets about $3,500 per kid per year. The school year is 180 days So that teacher is getting about $19 a day per kid. That's pretty cheap child care. Oh wait then she is expected to teach them something and she is evaluated based on their performance.
Well she's not even the norm.
I can tell you that most teachers are making around $40,000 a year. After taxes probably $30,000. The average class size is more like 25-30. So most teachers are getting $1,200 a year per kid which works out to $6 a day per kid. Don't forget they are not babysitting, they are expected to teach the kids and the students are expected to perform on the state tests. I'd say all of you parents are getting a really good deal. Maybe we should consider charging tuition. I'm really shocked that people are willing to pay to have their trash picked up, but they don't want to pay anything for their children to get an education. Messed up....don't you think?
Signed: a math teacher
So what have you been doing with those children from June 6th until August 23rd?
Two weeks off a Christmas I mean Winter break. Spring break yes a very challenging job.
those that do do, those that can't teach. Tough life hardly. How many hours spent at school. I know you grade third graders papers until three in the morning. I send my children to private school great education and it's odd but excellent teachers making nowhere your money. I don't expect them to babysit! That's pretty much how you view your job.
7:34.. I challenge you to do my job at the middle school...28 12 - 14 year olds for over an hou at a time, while keeping hem engaged and focused at the same time. Then do it all day, with an academic support period where you individually help students. Oh, and don't include planning and grading, which you just gloss over.
People think my job is "easy", unitil they hear I teach middle school...then I get a "oh, that must be fun"...
As for Christmas and Winter Break, I'm sure you get 3 weeks of in your job as well....as well as addressing the Summer, the majority of it I am taking classes to further my education to be a better teacher. I also work with students with the sport I coach at the High School.
I understand people are upset due to the Summer break, but if you remember ( or don't know), PCLS parents were given the option to have YEAR ROUND school, which they soundly voted down. Many, if not most, of the teachers were for it, as most thought it would really benefit our students. It was a 9 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off schedule. Just a little food for thought before you go blasting the profession here in PCLS.
We have have many hard working, dedicated staff members here, and many great parents and students. Unfortunately, we have a small group of students and parents that think school is the enemy, and that they are entitled. This makes for a difficult situation, in my opinion...
And let's not forget the ultimate trump card in teaching private school....they can CHOOSE their students. I cannot. I have students every year that would never make it behaviorally in a private school. I do my best, and are successful with most of them, but there are always a few that are challenging...Do you think that these students negatively impact the learning environment? Of course they do...I could be an even better teacher if I taught in that paradigm...
Again, I am not complaining, I love my job, and think I am fairly paid. I just think so people give us a bad rap without knowing all the facts. I encourage everyone to visit the schools and ask a staff member about what is going on there....
Ok can we stop bashing the teachers for a minute? I am not voting for a levy until I see a change in the administration from the top down. The current administration does not make decisions in the best interest of children or education.
Now my question to the bloggers out there; would you vote for a levy if Dr Hanlon and some of the administration were replaced? I am anxious to see who the next Harvey High School principal will be, that will speak loudly as to the direction the schools are headed.
The teachers are not the problem.
I know it's hard to detect sarcasm in written text, but that's what it was when I said "babysitting." The point I was trying to make was that most people pay more than $6 per day for child care and we are expected to do much more than child care. By the way I don't teach third grade. Also, I know for a fact that some teachers in private schools are not even certified teachers. So, I'm sure your children are getting the "best". (again with the sarcasm)
Why do people hate teachers so much? We care for your kids, teach them skills to help them succeed in life, spend our own money on school supplies, support their teams and all of their fund raising, sponsor kids who can't afford "pay to play" sports, volunteer before and after school to tutor them, encourage them every day and model appropriate behavior and language which I am sure many of them do not see or hear at home. We do it every day with a smile on our face and love in our hearts and with little or no gratitude from their parents. I would think since you are paying tuition for your kids to go to a private school you would agree with me that parents should contribute financially for their children's education.
To answer your question about what I do for kids over the summer. I pay $1,500 per credit to further my education, take courses that better prepare me for teaching 21st century skills to my students, prepare for the upcoming school year, buy those school supplies that I know parents won't purchase, volunteer, coach and tutor for the summer administration of the Ohio Graduation Test. Thank you for asking.
The "ELL nonsense" referred to above is necessary because the test is in English, as I feel it should be, but our district report card is tied to how those "ELL nonsense" students do... In English...you should know that many new Hispanic students cannot read or write in Spanish either...they can just speak it....
I don't think the ODE thinks things through in things like this. If a student from any country enrolls in our system, we can only give them a dictionary in their native language for the OGT, and that's it. How would you do if you moved to China and was given a test the next day, using only a Chinese/English dictionary? You probably would not do so well....
Don't misunderstand me...I think English should be the official language of the US, but the ODE makes it difficult for those students, and they end up counting against us...this doesn't happen in the surrounding districts, due to the demographics...
Madpotter this was never meant to bash teachers.
3:53 Believe me teachers are not the only ones with a job that challenges people. I respect most teachers and find them as you describe them.
Year round school? At one elementary school? What does the parent do with their middle school student or even the one in high school? More confusion along with the real reason for this change was to benefit Hispanic children who migrate back to Mexico. Yes and it's still only 180 days of schooling.
Why do people hate teachers so much? I don't believe they hate teachers. One mistake teachers made was joining a union. Not that a union's aren't a good things but very few professionals belong to unions. Look at all the push back pro- sports gets from having unions?
I once had my daughter when in elementary school come home and ask me if I belonged to a union?
I told here I was a Teamster, she informed me that her teacher said that unions were corrupt and run by crooks. I proceeded within the next week to have a one on one meeting with her teacher. She informed me that the subject came up during class. I asked her if she belong to the teachers union? Yes but thats not the same thing it's a professional organization. I left shaking my head. Teachers get all the bad press due to what sometimes their union and their represtatives ask do. Don't fire him put him on paid leave. We want this or we walk. That is where this hate you speak of comes from. Corporations have been brainwashing the public for over 40 years that unions are evil and only benefit the lazy.
Private schools do better because on top of taxes parents pay out of pocket to send their children. If the student turns out to be a problem, well back to public schools.
Most people won't vote for a levy because they don't have the funds. Teachers need not worry. There is so much public housing,section 8 and renters that will vote for the levy. Plus parents who worry that if they didn't agree with the levy the teachers might single out their child. Yes people believe that. The levy should in no way be mentioned in a classroom. Maybe if we get 18 year old high school seniors to register to vote we could do something nice for them at school? Painesvilles school levy will pass and things won't change much.
Yes, in a round-about-way, schools are a babysitting service. Ever sent your kids to school if they have a cold because YOU cannot afford to take the day off? Nothing like contaminating an entire classroom then entire building with their germs. I've been around colds, flu, pink-eye (very contagious). Well you get the picture and then told by the parent "Yes there is something wrong with the eye, but I've got a class/appointment/errand today so I have to send him/her". Not only that but when the kid really needs to go home the parent has the cell phone off! Or the phone number is old and there is no way to contact them. They can't be bothered and they don't want to be either.
Don't get me started with their supplies...bring in paper, pencil, kleenex? Noooo, we supply it all.
Term, if we could get rid of the section 8 housing, I think scores and discipline will improve. Someone in the district who came from another district told me that their scores rose when they demolished a section 8 housing project....Im not sure if I agree with that, but I think Rita and the city sold their sole to the devil when they agreed to section 8....when I went to Harvey, there was just Argonne and Shamrock. Now there is much more, and the entitlement mentality is starting to be pervasive....
I just want to say about our union. We are not given a choice to be in the union. The dues are automatically taken. I forget the name of it when you pay dues even if you don't want to be a member, but that's what painesville city does. I'm not against it though because they do help us when an administrator (who thankfully is not here anymore) has a personal problem with a staff member and writes false statements on an evaluation and recommends non-renewing a teacher that does not deserve it.
6:28 Yes you need representation, but teachers useing the word union was a mistake. Attorneys have a Bar Association, Doctors have the AMA both could be considered unions but aren't. I think the dies been set and your stuck with it.
2:24 Secton 8 and Argonne Arms and others have been around since Rita's was in high school. Rita can't be blamed for that and in all honesty she has made improvements in demanding more from groups like LCMH.
1:38 Read what you just wrote? Does this seem like people who can add to their tax burden?
According to you they can't or won't pay for kleenex.
Never looked at it that way. People don't hate teachers but many hate unions,good answer.
It's too bad we got so off the subject. My original point of this blog was to point out the BOE's meeting notes where it looked like certain non-union folks got their step raises while both unions have taken a pay freeze.
I wanted to know why and how this can happen (other than blaming Romney)? And how dare the schools ask for more money while giving out raises to their top officials and throwing the others under the bus?
628...you certainly do have a choice to be in the union. There are 2 people in my building that are not in it. It's called a "fair share payer", and I think it is around $500 per year due to the fact that those staff members still benefit from the union even though they are not in it.....like getting the same raises, etc...
I don't know who can afford what.
I don't care who can afford what.
My woe is with those that WON'T.
Everyone has a cell phone (must have it in case of emergency). I remember having penny loafers and my Mom put dimes in them in case of an emergency I would have payphone money.It's all a matter of priority. The school sends a list of supplies & materials home but who is providing paper & pencils? The staff. Poverty is not an excuse either, a good parent should/would want what's best for their child to make a better life for them. Buy your own supplies, leave the fancy electronics and shoes alone if you can't afford your essentials.
The Facts... One parent mentioned to me that when they went to school things were different. Now every teacher sends a list of what their child needs in school. She mentioned that she purchased a 48 count box instead of a 16 and the teacher was upset?
Do we need school supplly to all be the same useing grade level?
Today is Unity in the Community day in Painesville and I believe as in the past school supplies will be given out. You are 100% correct in this fasination of shoes our culture seems to have. As far as phones have you tried to locate a pay phone lately?
4:58 Excellent info
Annon Yes it's what we do best here...get off the subject.
I as yourself want to know why and how this happened. It's seems very unfair to the rest of the employee's of the district. Maybe our BOE hasn't the stomach to say No to the administration? I guess we will have to wait for the right time to ask them?
Human nature would suggest that in the back of some peoples mind a little voice is telling them "I won't fall for this stunt again."
You should ask the BOE for a list of all the additional financial benefits our top administrator gets. Clothing allowance, cell phone, etc. It's quite a list on top of the high salary.
Why does Harvey need two assistant principals? We used to get by with one, and I believe we had less behavior issues.
We have two curriculum directors at the board office. (not sure what their duties are)
We have added other administrative positions like a director of school improvement.
There are other positions I fail to see the need for like a secretary for the business department and a full time athletic director.
We could hire more teachers, reduce class size and reduce classroom disruptions if we eliminated some of these expenses/positions.
I just want to comment on the lack of pay phones, because they virtually do not exist now. I just found this out two days ago, and I am still shocked. I left Painesville and headed into Mentor on Mentor Avenue. I had had an appointment, and then I was going to call my doctor's office on my way into Mentor. I was all the way past Great Lakes Mall at Best Buy, and I still had not located a pay phone. Heading back into Painesville was the same thing. I saw four places with blue pay phone boxes, but none of them actually had a phone in them. Even the phones outside of Walmart are gone now, and I could always count on them. I checked in the lobbies of some businesses, including Drug Mart on my way back, and there were none.
I must be the last holdout who is refusing to buy a cellphone. My childen are grown, but I cannot imagine having to provide a portable phone for them if they were still small. But after my experience on Thursday... I ended up having to stop in to my doctor's office, because honestly, I could NOT find a pay phone.
I know where there are two in Painesville I think (one outside of Bertones, and one at the gas station kitty-corner across the street from there--if they are still there. If they ARE still there, they may be the last two pay phones in America.
If a child or teen were having a type of urgent or emergency situation there are enough businesses they pass and even frequent (RediGo, Walgreens, etc.) I'd think a clerk or manager would make a phone call for the child to help.
I just went to Walmart and purchased $102.43 for school supplies for my two Painesville students. bought 6 boxes of kleenex so some poor teacher wasn't put out.
Marc's didn't even have a list of needs for Maple Elementary, good planning?
As someone who works at a well known restaurant chain in Mentor. The waiter's and waitress's hate waiting on teacher's. Why? They are known as the worse tippers in the world. Please refrain from giving my children anything but you expertise. They can learn to be selfish almost anywhere.Kleenex?
10:18... As a teacher in the middle school, I am glad you spent the time, energy, and money to make sure your students are ready for school. I don't agree with the Kleenex being bought either...I could buy that myself. It's on our list, and I am not sure why..I was never asked if I wanted or needed it. I routinely tell students each year that they don't need to bring it in for my class.....
I wish all parents were all as prepared and care about education as you do. I went through 12 gross of pencils last year ( yes, that's 12 gross), because students never have one. Not complaining, just stating reality. You can get a gross pretty cheaply on the Internet....
I'm just a little confused about the wide generalization for which you paint teachers as bad tippers. How do you know a teacher when you wait on them? I imagine you pick something up in the conversation, but that seems a bit far fetched to paint virtually ALL teachers as bad tippers. By the way, my wife used to be a server in college (she is not one of those cheap teacher-tippers), so we routinely tip 20% due to the fact that we know how much servers make and what they have to deal with. I am just amazed that blanket statements like that are made...I will now wonder what the server thinks of me when I go to a well known restaurant chain....
O.K. Servers. How do you know there teachers? Along with are they good or poor tippers? 10:56 I know that anyone who has had a job waiting on tables as a server tends to be a very good tipper.
Don't know about the tipping situation. This teacher is telling us he purchased 1,728 pencils for his students last school year?
That's almost 10 a school day. No wonder no one buys any you keep passing them out.
Is there a black market for No.2 pencils? Where do they all go?
10:56: So not only are the parents/students irresponsible enough not to have that pencil for the student, but after you GIVE them a pencil, they can't hang on to that one, either, and continually need another one? Man, times have changed--and not for the better--when I was in school, you had a pencil, or you were in trouble.
Heritager should be commended for providing supplys for his student. That said...Heritager you are an enabler. They don't worry about pencils because they know you will supply them with one.
I did check the cost of pencils in today's ads. Office Max had 72ct.No.2 pencils for $2.00 with a coupon. Heritager I believe you are being taken advantage of. How much class time is wasted with your distribution of pencils daily?
Make them start being responsible for themselves.
In the restaurant business teachers are well known as canadians, Canadians are terrible tippers.
They fangle every way they can to get a better buy. Servers call them substitue teachers they always want to sub something marked as a special.
If you get close to 10% tip it's a miracle and they are notorious to tip the amount after they use a coupon discount. They for some reason more than anyother group to mention they are teachers.
These educators as a rule can't figure out how todivide a check with more than two people on it along with also expecting the coupon to be valid for all six of them.
Term....this is where you are a bit out of touch...it's not the same as it used to be ( and not really for the better) I agree with your sentiment, but the reality is, some will forget them on purpose, so they don't have to work. I look at it slightly differently....now you don't have an excuse NOT to work. You have to pick your battles with middle schoolers.....also, I have 140 students a day, so 10 a day (that is 2 in a class of 24-28) isn't unreasonable...also, there a times when they need a pencil, when a pen won't do...
Now, some of you are starting to see what teachers today are up against. How do you think they do on the OGT when they can't ( or wont) bring something to write with? A simple daily task.
There is zero class time wasted on pencils. I have a few in a place in my room, and students get one...this is done as we are completing bell work. It's part of the routine of the day. There is no discussion, it just happens. I run my room with very few discipline problems, and students generally do well for me.
As for the cost, I get a gross of pencils for $3.49 each. I buy the misprinted pencils online that are messed up at the factory, so it's not as expensive as you think.
Additionally, I feel the same way to an extent about the school district...the students are being given everything, so why should they take care of it....they forget a part of their uniform, we give them one, they forget to eat breakfast or lunch, we give it to them for free.....but I do fight the pencil battle because they need that to do anything, then they don't have an excuse. If they then don't want to do anything, then we really have a problem (but this doesn't happen much)...
For those of you that said it, school really has changed....changed since I graduated from HHS 20 some years ago, since I taught at Hobart, and each year since. I encourage all of you to visit a school this year...you will see a lot different, most of it better, but some definite room for improvement....
Term, here is a news flash ....not a rumor but a confirmed fact for you to explore....the seventh graders are each going to get a piece of technology this year....you may be surprised when you hear about it, but it is a good thing, and will change the way I teach for the better....I leave you with that...a bit of foreshadowing for now...and this has nothing to do with the upcoming levy..the funding for these are secure....
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