Tuesday, May 22, 2012


After the goings on at council meetings and planning commission meetings. Last night Painesville City Council stepped up and did the right thing. They put the good of the city ahead of a few individuals and unanimously voted 7-0 for Inns in Painesville, along with this  the Steele Mansion can go forward as an Inn.. Not everyone was happy in the courtroom and I don't see the end of this presently. I cringe everytime someone tells me that this Mentor Ave. Historical District is  residential neighborhood?
Now Heisley Park is what I call a residential neighborhood. I guess everyone has a right to their  own opinion?
Being a unanimous vote by council I've been told this will be hard to win in a court battle.

How much have we payed our "Partner" AMP-OHIO for Painesville involvement in Prairie States Energy Campus since March $100,614.72 a month every month March, April and May we have payed over $300,000 for interest and maintenance. Painesville broke the second rule of business. Don't pay for something until you get something. If this plant is not operational in a year that means Painesville will have payed $1,200,000.00 for what? Lets not forget Meigs County's bill is still out there.

I have been told that AMP-OHIO is a member of ALEC why a not for profit  business gets involved with them is beyond me?
AMP-Ohio has over 484 million dollars in revenue a year,  [129 members] 540 million in assets [half in power generating plants]
A 150 million dollar in line of credit from JP Morgan Chase { I don't know if that's wise or not]
In 2009 they built a 20 million dollar corporate office have a corporate jet as well as a fleet of BMW's
This partner of ours seems to be doing quite well for themselves?
Now explain where the $100,000 we send them is coming from?

What makes a Vicious or Dangerous Dog? Well first they have to bite or kill someone or another animal. Innocent until its to late. City Council should leave our city legislation as it is written presently.


At May 22, 2012 at 8:58 AM , Anonymous Redi kill a watt said...

These deals with Amp must stop and stop now!
My electric bill is going to fund ALEC? How crazy can this get?
Yes they seem to be the partner making all the right moves.

At May 22, 2012 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't see Lori DiNallo or Paul Hach as tea toddlers? Why would they be against a beverage at dinner?

At May 22, 2012 at 10:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After watching the antics of some of the Painesville City Council members, concerning the Steele Mansion Inn. I think one should have second thoughts about ever voting for them again!

At May 22, 2012 at 10:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Galion citizens still have not heard back from AMP HQ about the free lobster and champagne dinner they all have requested at their fancy palace in Columbus.

At May 22, 2012 at 11:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:04 I don't want to critize Mrs. DiNallo or Mr. Hach it took guts to vote the way they did. I see some friendships strained if not ended by the vote they cast. Let's just agree to agree they were looking out for Painesville.
10:10 Atleast it was all done out in the open. I do believe someone would think twice before starting a business in Painesville.
10:57 You and the rest of Galion I think will wait along time for that invitation. It's nice to know someone is getting by on your dime,uh?
Galion, Painesville Bowling Green should divorce this partner.

At May 22, 2012 at 12:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how does the city pay the $100,000 a month? Where do those funds come from?

At May 22, 2012 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The exodus of people out of Galion is horrendous ... 25% of the teachers were just cut lose in the community ... no students to teach as families pack up and leave.


Galion city manager is dumber than the one in Painesville .. he still insist how great the AMP deals are.

At May 22, 2012 at 12:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again no mention of the robbery that is being carried out by Amp-Ohio on Painesville in the News-Herald. Who are they covering for?

At May 22, 2012 at 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where does the 100,000 come from ?

Normally a portion of each bill every month is set aside in reserve for equipment and purchases for the electrical division of the city.

If Painesville is like Galion, that fund is being liqiudated after the Meigs County fiasco and now Prairie State.

The state of Ohio will force the reserves back up to acceptable levels through higher rates .. a surcharge will be added to your bill. In Galion they use the words... rate stabilization .. we calling it PIMPING.

It takes years and years to build up that fund .. a few bad decisions and it can all be wiped out very quickly.

At May 22, 2012 at 5:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:33 The reporter left the meeting soon after the Inn vote. That's probably why no mention or maybe it ain't news?
12:43 rate stabiization yes it's Pimping. Did you notice that none of the AMP members from Pennsyvania are involved in these plants? It's not that they are smarter then us. The state of Pennsyvania has laws on the books on forbiding cities in ventures like this.
You also have communities like Yellow Springs, Ohio that must be patting themselves on the back everyday.

At May 22, 2012 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Galion our city manager as well as council-president still believe in Amp and only seem upset because the figure and the questions come up.

At May 22, 2012 at 6:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oberlin - College educated city council asked for advice and reached out - said NO

Westerville, Ohio, highly educated city council... reached out to the citizens .. did their due diligence .. said NO

Yellow Springs ... ditto

At May 23, 2012 at 6:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing Painesville City manager or council reach out for has been our wallets.
They are all knowing ,just ask them.

At May 23, 2012 at 9:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Galion solved a huge crisis .. at the city council meeting last night they have made it illegal for a neighbor to share power with another...

So many people have had their utilities cut off that people are resorting to stringing extension lines from home to home ... like a 3rd world country.

VIOLATORS looking at 250 fine and 30 days in the clink.

At May 23, 2012 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Can anyone tell me what's the situation at Harvey is today? Many comments relating to Harvey today?

At May 23, 2012 at 11:11 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Painesvilles the same as Galion "penny wise pound foolish"

Both seem to have the same failed leadership.

At May 23, 2012 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another nice feature being with AMP, as a citizen if you wanted, Solar and wind energy is not an option as the AMP communities do not allow for reverse metering ... allowing you to sell any excess supply back into the city grid.

The Columbus TV stations and paper are ful of stories of AEP buying solar panels in massive bulk quantities in conjuction with shopping centers, malls, Walmarts, Walgreens, Giant Eagles, Krogers, Schools and such to place panels on roofs.

Buying such massive quantities gives AEP a huge discount. Then in turn AEP is helping all thse locations to switch over lighting to LED for inside and outside purposes saving electricity.

IN AEP's perceptions and views .. It's considerably cheaper to save electricity than build new plants.

AEP has 6 coal fired plants mothballed right now .. no need for them, but one by one they can be converted to burn natural gas and fired back up.

At May 23, 2012 at 6:03 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

AMP-OHIO and AEP are not the same company. AEP is Central Ohio's First Energy. They are in the profit making business run by professionals.

At May 23, 2012 at 7:02 PM , Anonymous AnnOn said...

To quote you again when others ask about something you say "If you want to know, why don't you just ask them yourself?"
Did you fall out of favour there?

At May 24, 2012 at 6:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's correct, AEP is regulated by PUCO and multipe companies in PUCO regulated areas are now competing for your business with lower and lower prices.

Not a single AMP community is regulated by PUCO as city owned grids are exempt. They can charge whatever they want, then state law allows the cities to slap a 5% kilowatt tax on top of their rates.

Cities can use that kiolwatt tax for whatever they feel like, or want to waste the money on.

At May 24, 2012 at 7:10 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

AnnOn, I have never been in favour there. I really don't care because most times I already know the answer to my questions.
Do you believe the mess we have with AMP-OHIO would ever be brought up if people didn't question them.
Ask how many council people were informed that the city was making payments of $100,000 a month? ask them if they knew? Why if we bring up riding lawnmowers that cost less then a third we can discuss that but no mention of this? The cemeteries need another Columbarium at Riverside yet the people in charge never had the forsight to be prepared for one. Maybe people will just quit dying? Someone should ask what the cost to the cemetery fund a Columbarium maintenance cost are? No grass to cut ect.
This city in deep trouble and sticking your head in the sand won't make them go away.

At May 24, 2012 at 11:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Unconfirmed reports are the police were at Harvey looking for 5 students that may or may not have been involved in a robbery,and assault in the northend of town before school.

At May 24, 2012 at 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was in 2011


Not a single AMP community can do this.


At May 24, 2012 at 6:40 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

It's interesting if you think of all the wasted dollars going to AMP-OHIO what we could have done with those monies?
But our leadership wanted to invest in old steam engine's. Wonder if the people that started our power plant would have instead invested in a candlestick factory?

At May 25, 2012 at 4:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am still constantly amazed that people believe a few myths about electric supply.

1. Natural gas is better than coal, they are both fossil fuels that have a similar carbon footprint. Natural Gas just "looks" cleaner, reality is you are still leaving behind that carbon footprint and paying more to do it.

2. Solar or Wind power will replace other forms of power like coal or nuclear soon. In the US both of these have just recently managed to pass the 1% mark of supplied power. Neither has yet found an affordable way to provide constant on demand power. STOP believing the environmentalists, yes we need to move to a different form of power but most electric industry experts still are saying it will be 20-30 years before either solar or wind become viable sources that an industrial country can rely on.

At May 25, 2012 at 7:05 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

20 or 30 years maybe to long to wait.
This country has needed an energy policy since atleast 1973. Why are we moving so slow? One word Lobbyists. Working for the coal industry, gas and oil industry all with the only goal of preserving the businesses they represent.
The world not only hasn't unlimited resources but lets drill deeper and in more ecologically dangerous places at what cost? Drill baby Drill so maybe we can have a bigger mess then the one in the Gulf of Mexico. One of these days people will realize there is no such thing as "Clean Coal" nice phrase but its isn't true.
The Keystone pipe line the oil flowing thru that pipe will cause three times the ecological mess that normal oil would.
Fracing? Where are you doing this fracing and how many wells are to many wells?
We have waited way to long for to many poor reasons not to have solved this problem already. If this was 150 years ago there would have been no railroads because the Pony Express, and Wells Fargo would have had thousands of lobbyists protecting them in Washington D.C.
Times is now to move forward. Catchy phrase.

At May 25, 2012 at 9:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natural gas is 70% cleaner than coal .. you do not know what you are talking about.

Solar Energy efficiency has increased nearly 50% in just 5 years.

Stanford University researches have just discovered another new breakthrough that will double that again.



None of any of this coming soon will be available to a single AMP community.

At May 25, 2012 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous believe inn said...

What words did Lori Dinallo claim you were putting in her mouth? Fodor claimed she preferred no food or beverage to be served at the Inn?
Look ever since she been running for another office, she talks and talks and makes little or no sense. We all know the purpose of her questions. For her to be this much against the Inn she then looks rather stupid with her YES vote. What a piece of work!
I might vote for her just to get rid of her.

At May 25, 2012 at 10:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard an unconfirmed report from a student at HHS that one of the suspects in the assault and robbery is also a person of interest in the "shoot out on Liberty Street" back in April. Oh what a tangled web we weave in the V'ille. The students seem to know who the criminals are, why not the PPD?

At May 25, 2012 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the above what was the purpose of all the drama that Lori created and then vote yes.
What was the reason to drag this issue out. I will never vote for Lori for anything. This was so unnessary.

At May 25, 2012 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sniches get stitches

At May 25, 2012 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just received word that CBS 10 TV WBNS COLUMBUS has been looking at this story for weeks after the Dispatch SUNDAY front page AMP story.

The story is to big for them ...

CBS 60 minutes is looking at it now

At May 25, 2012 at 6:28 PM , Anonymous AnnOn said...

So sorry you misunderstood. I meant your "what happened at Harvey today" question. Had nothing to with the city, cemetery or the utility situation. My head is not in the sand, where is yours?Not where it should be if you can't follow along. FOCUS.

At May 26, 2012 at 9:51 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry, What happens at Harvey is in most cases the most important thing in the city.
FOCUS? Really on which subject would you?

At May 26, 2012 at 9:56 AM , Anonymous Redi kill a watt said...

60 Minutes conclusion will be is that these cities all have idiots running them. Along with people investing in something they know nothing about. That's what makes Amp so successful. One could pray alittle kickback could be found, then maybe some of the foolishness would make sense.

At May 26, 2012 at 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annon is meaning for you to stay focused yourself. On the questions. Follow blogers when you mention one thing then answer with another thing. You need to focus on your bloggers.

At May 27, 2012 at 6:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 60 Minuetes in Painesville years ago when the City lost $6,000,000.00 in bad IO Investments? I remember the Newsperson asking a Councilman if we lost $6 million who made $6 million? No one knows was the answer. This whole AMP thing is just Deja vue all over again.

At May 27, 2012 at 1:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical what Lori does, she questions the value of the Inn to Painesville. She really doesn't see the need. Then flip-flops her vote as for it not to become an issue in her upcoming election.

At May 27, 2012 at 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody know about a drive-by shooting on West Jackson St. Friday nite?

At May 28, 2012 at 4:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the race of the people who were responsible for the shootings on Liberty street a while back? White, Black, Hispanic, other?

At May 29, 2012 at 12:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems one of our new Hispanic residents took out a sheriff car on Stage Ave. this weekend.

At May 29, 2012 at 1:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Website devoted strictly to the financial nightmare ...


At May 29, 2012 at 5:05 PM , Anonymous Adios said...

I'm not sure what race has to do with a shooting. I wouldn't care if they were pink with yellow polka dots, a criminal is a criminal and they should be arrested and charged. The problem with the Hispanic population is they get arrested but not deported depending on the nature of the crime. I'm sorry, should you get arrested and find you are here illegally the border patrol should be called immediately and they should get a one way ticket back to Mexico. Should you return and get caught again immediately go to jail. Now does anyone have any suggestions how to enforce the law?
Look at the I fought the law blog; doesn't do a darn thing to contact Washington.

At May 29, 2012 at 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:05 p.m.: I am the one who asked the race question. I don't think race matters as far as what the punishment should be either (except if they are here illegally, they should be deported, as you said), but I am curious now as to what race or races are shooting up our town. I didn't pay attention to what race the people were in the Liberty mess, and now I wish I had. It's a pretty big deal when you start having shootings, let alone regular shootings in the place that you reside. I just want to know who all is responsible, as far as we can tell.

As far as the illegals go, this is just one person's opinion (mine, of course), but nothing is going to happen much with the illegal problem until all Americans unite together and demand an end to the giving away of our country. If we all got out into the streets together and kept it up, and at the same time assaulted the government with calls, emails and our demands to stop the insanity, they would have to do it. And then they could blame it on us, so the political parties could throw up their hands and say there is nothing to do but to give Americans what Americans want. If there isn't one party that will lose votes more than the other, and they can't point fingers at each other, then we could get what we want.

What will make Americans do this? Beats me, I sure did my best to get people involved, and it barely worked.

One case in point, however, is that all these illegals were almost legalized a few years back, and it was only for the fact that enough Americans got out into the streets and got on their phones, etc., that it did not happen.

We could do more if we wanted, it's just that not enough people care enough about it to do something themselves, and not leave the job to someone else. If everyone that loves this country and is scared for this country, got up to be heard, they would hear us, and we could get it done.

Maybe the people in Painesville need to gather together and ask the police department and the city manager what in the heck is being done about the problems we have here with the illegals, and why are they held to a lesser standard than legal citizens are. And what else can we do to get them out--all of them--everyone who does not legally belong here in this country.

We did vote in a council person a while back that was supposed to do something about the problem, but turns out he was just a useless dud.

At May 30, 2012 at 6:29 PM , Anonymous Adios said...

10:16 I share your thoughts. I listen to a morning talk radio show with 4 hosts. They have brought these thoughts up and many people that call in share the same thoughts as you and I (5:05 Adios) and it seems many of the bloggers on this site and the News Herald do also. So with this many American's in agreement it seems there is something we should be able to do - there is strength in numbers - to remedy this problem. If we as Americans don't get a grip on this problem, we will all have to learn and speak Spanish. It's not only here in Painesville, look at the WalMart store brand packaging, look around Lowe's and their products. I have sent numerous emails to WalMart stating I refuse to buy the store brand since it is printed in Spanish. Never heard back. But if everyone against this wrote, they may take notice. Alabama and Arizona have been trying to enforce the immigration laws in place and the government is fighting it. This is all wrong.

At May 31, 2012 at 1:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:29, this is 10:16:

Maybe the radio station you listen to could start a "Get Off Your Ass America" campaign. Or maybe it could be called the "Americans Get Off Your Collective Asses" campaign, or the "Get Ready, Get Set, Get Out" campaign. Or maybe they could start with a contest on what the best name for the movement would be. Then maybe it would go viral, and the whole country could join in. It has to start somewhere. There are a lot of people and groups out there that are fighting but, for some reason, it doesn't seem to all get connected. We have a group right here in Painesville that still fights hard. Also, the states that are fighting the hardest need all of America to join in and help them. The second arm of the movement would be to stop the anchor baby nonsense. Or maybe join them both together and call it the "Stop Giving Away Our Country" campaign, with the purpose to (1) get them out, and (2) stop the anchor baby nonsense.

What do you think?

At May 31, 2012 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found out today Walmart pulled all funding from ALEC. Maybe times are changing?

At May 31, 2012 at 2:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hannibal, Missouri ... Huck Finn town

Their electric division is being liquidated just like Painesville's is.

Hundreds of communities are.



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