"SHARE THE LAND" guess who
The old Harvey property. Yes Mr. Powers may have a point that is a pretty low price for that 8 acres.[$224,000] Especially when you see some of the other land deals that have taken place in this town. The Port Authority acting as a middle man for Lake Erie College doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary.
It would bring the college closer to downtown and we may be able to rent some storefronts out due to the number of students that will live there.
Lake Erie College maybe the only salvation this city has and I see no reason not to embrace the idea of Painesville becoming a college town.
When I looked at this property I thought what a great deal this could be for someone. Then I remembered the swampland our city manager convinced council we had to buy along the Grand River by Richmond St. "We had to purchase the land, or the county would redirect the money." Really? Forgot about that land that was tax bearing that the city purchased over five years ago as a park? That now I affectionately refer to as Horvath's Lagoons? I haven't and I will remind our City Manager the promises she made about that land yearly. $250,000 for land mostly under water . Anytime any of you cheerleaders see her ask her what she was thinking, when that money {NOTE} be taken out of the general fund.
If there was ever a reason to question the City Managers judgement that purchase had to be it. Talk about Fiscal Irresponsibility? Sorry I forgot AMP-OHIO Meigs County.
I won't defend the purchase of Horvath Lagoon. Bad decision. But occasionally the City seems to step in the right direction only to veer off. Back in Neros time, the City hired a bunch of experts to study P'ville and make some recommendations. The current C.M. updated that study and called it the Comprehensive Plan. When compared to other citys all the experts agreed that P'ville had more than their share of rental property and non- taxable property. This lopsided situation put additional burden and financial stress on the existing homeowners and property tax payers. The experts recommended that the City slow, stop and reverse the growth of rental property and non taxable property. I thought that was a good idea but I suspect just the opposite has occured.
The schools got a boat load of money from the State and went out a purchased a lot of private land for the new schools creating less tax revenue. They sold most of the old property to City. No tax revenue there. Now the Schools want to sell the Old HHS land to the Port Authority [why didn't the Port Authority buy Horvaths Lagoon?] so they can sell it to LEC a non taxable enity. The Comprehensive Plan suggested the old HHS be developed in to privatley owned single family homes, condos and apartments all tax generators.
Now as baffled as I am by the behavior of some I'm encouraged by others, Mr. Murphy recently asked the C.M. about the tax status of Founder's Court. She told us that LEC was leasing Founders from a private landowner and they were paying property taxes. John's reponse was priceless "Cool". Yes it is cool that President Victor would partner up with the private sector to find off campus housing for his growing College. Wouldn't it be cool if a developer purchased the old school property and followed the Comprehensive Plan [maybe name it Storm Court]and fill it with Professors and students? Now maybe this is all pipe dream but we won't know if we rush the sale. It appears there is some indecision and uncertainity on the board concerning this sale. I'm encourage that some board members are inquisitive. That's "Cool".
You also have to wonder what happens to Founder's Court after the new dorms are built?
This city has more then its fair share of non-taxable property. I made the Board aware at the last meeting that land was suggested to be single family homes in the city master plan.
Let's not forget the city manager let the old hotel slip off the tax rolls also.
Hey Term,
Sorry to get off the track of griping about everything, but did you know the new Casement Ave. is now open from Rt 20 to Madison Ave ?
To bad it is posted 25 MPH
To first post anonymous, just so you know, Rita did not update the comprehensive plan by herself. There was surveys sent out to every resident, along with the following list of city residents and business people who participated on the steering committee. The items listed in that plan were the wishes of the people and the business community, and you are correct, in the last four years our council and administration has totally ignored it.
That group put in there that the old school land should be parks and the city made residents beg and fight for that. Amazing that we keep re-electing the same group to council year after year.
The asterik means a city resident also.
Gary Fisher, Marketing Consultant and Owner of Multiple Rental
Tony Gagliardi, Local Industry Representative*
Joe Hada, City Council*
Michael Hanlon, Painesville City Schools Superintendent
Bill Horvath, City Council*
Pat Hoyt, Lakeland Community College
David Komjati, Planning Commission & Bank Representative (Steering
Committee Chairman)*
Jeff Koski, Painesville City Improvement Corporation (PCIC)*
Steve Madewell, Lake Metroparks
Rita McMahon, City Manager*
Johnny Nemeth, Downtown Business Owner
Lydia Ortega, Painesville Schools and the Hispanic Community*
Linda Reed, Chamber of Commerce Director
Debra Remington, Lake Erie College*
Jim Sullivan, Avery Dennison
Vince Urbanski, Lake Metroparks
Carol Waytes, Board of Zoning Appeals (Steering Committee Vice
Doug Elliott, Assistant City Manager, joined the Committee in July of 2006,
replacing Brian Frantz, City Planner, who left City employment in the Spring
of 2006.
I've never been a big fan of the Tea Party but I do see thier concern about too much Government over reach.
We have a Local Government Group, the Painesville Board of Education attempting to sell Old HHS to another government agency, the Lake County Port Authority for a low price. Then the Port Authority, who has no interest in the land is going to play banker and sell it to a non taxable property ownwer LEC.
I thought the message the voters sent last November was for government to get the hell outta the way [no more bail outs, stimulus $$$, earmarks] and let the private sector rebuild a healthy recovery. If enrollment drops like every other college in Ohio and the College defaults who owns the land? Port Authority? Schools? City?
I think it's great that LEC is doing well and they've done well for over 150 years without climbing into bed with the Local Government. Lets not rush into this land sale.
And speaking of the Old Hotel wasn't the Port Authority going to buy that land at one time? Gee maybe Lake County Sheriff Dan Dunlap can get a get a "favorable loan" from the Port Authority to staff his jail and patrol cars. Where did the Port Authority get access to these funds?
Maybe a local Tea Party member could research the Lake County Port Authority.
The Tea Party people are idiots. Screaming about the deficit, so they vote in Republicans, then stand silently by while the Republicans give billions of dollars of tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans during this crucial time. Not only did they put the people back in power who got us into this mess, but not a peep when THEY raise the deficit with this move.
6:25 I believe the Port Authority has received the deed to the old hotel, so they can move forward to apply for a grant.
I remember the city sending out a survey over five years ago with multiple answers concerning crime, shopping ect. There was one question that asked what have you seen as the major change in Painesville over the last five or ten years. The answer to me is the large numbers of Hispanics that have moved into Painesville. Good or Bad it was not listed as one of the answers. I only wonder why?
You have to wonder who made the money on that property after the city purchased it? Can we impeach a city manager?
I don't think you can impeach a city manager but you most certainly can let your present council representative know how you feel about her job performance. Call, e-mail or write to them. (Their contact info is very easy to find...llook on the city web site) And if she still gets another rubber stamp to continue her contract then vote the bum(s) out.
I want to second 12:40's question. Can we impeach the city manager?
Term 5:29: Yes, let us not forget to what great lengths that the leaders of Painesville went to make our city a sanctuary city for illegals - and most of it behind our backs. I'm still waiting for an explanation on THAT one, and I am still waiting for them to rectify it and to get the illegals out. Let's throw McMahon, Hada, Hach and Fountain right along with them.
I'm new to this.I have heard this city refered to as a sanctuary city. What makes it a sanctuary and where would I look to verify this term?
The city was never an "offical" sanctuary city. The person in charge of the local Hispanic group would tell Mexicans don't worry the city and the courts will look the other way. If this is true I can understand the anger when ICE along with Border Patrol started making arrests.
Painesville leaders? What Mexicans? We don't profile.
I would have loved to be in the meeting between city officals, nursery owners and St. Marys participated in years ago. No minutes to that meeting either.
So this is probably just a myth.
To 6:13: Here are a few more facts on Painesville being a sanctuary city for illegals. A few years ago, our council president, Horvath, wrote a letter to state leaders behind the backs of the citizens of Painesville (except for the Hispanic community and their leader Veronica Dahlberg, who helped him) about how much we loved our illegal Hispanics here in Painesville and did not want anything to be done about all of them being here. This was at a time when they were piling in here left and right (they still are) because it was understood by them that our city council and McMahon wanted them here.
We even had a city council meeting where illegals stood up and gave testimony about how safe they felt here and how they came here because they heard they would be welcome here.
There is even a song about Painesville that can be heard all across the U.S., and also in Mexico (and probably other countries, too), telling people they can go to Painesville, Ohio, and they will be safe here from deportation.
If not for people like The Rally Team and others who stood up finally and fought Horvath and the illegals, this city would already be taken over by illegals Latinos.
By the way, during one of Horvath's statements (lies) about how he penned the letter himself, Veronica Dahlberg stood up and admitted that it was HER that wrote the letter. Horvath put it on official Painesville stationery and signed it.
So that is part of the reason that Painesville became known as a sanctuary city. To most, or maybe all, I believe it still is. And as the song and that fact continues to circulate, we will continue to get more than our share of illegals.
we cannot profil said Joe Hada our council president. this just might be why our city is the way it is. if you want to impeach anyone maybe we should impeach Joe Hada he leads city council. the city manager only takes order,s from council. LOOK AROUND TOWN WE NEED HELP. concered concerned.
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