Friday, December 3, 2010

"IT'S YOUR ADDICTION" malese jow

What an addiction to power? It changes everything.
Local politics are fun but you have to remember its low minor league compared to national politics.
Yes our friends in Washington are at it again. I only hope the "teapartyiers" are paying attention. Just maybe their concern about the deficits was just a ruse?
Seems some Democrats, not our the President have figured out that the GOP will sell it's soul to the devil to extended those Bush tax cuts for the top 2% of the population.
Forget about how to pay for these tax cuts just extend them. Well, lets see how about we also extend unemployment benefits for two more years? Let's pass that START treaty, lets give every American $400.00 dollars even if they don't pay taxes?
O.K.O.K. Just extend the tax cut for the top 2% now!
Why are we even dealing with this now? Because come January they will be dealing with a guy with a VETO pen. So let's get it done!
Do any of these politicians care if your grandchildren get saddled with all this debt, DEM or GOP?
There are two million unemployed Americans yet the government must find cuts to pay to extend unemployment benefits, yet six million Americans get large tax breaks to whatever amount and no one cares that it will just be more money we'll owe China.
Conviction? Who has any?
You know someone told me the best place to be is in the "minority" because that's where the real power is no matter who you are.

Please, what say you?


At December 3, 2010 at 5:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Americans we should all be against taxing only those earning above $250,000.

What will all of you say when 10 years from now we have a larger debt and they decide $50,000 is the new "rich" American? Will you feel paying more than a fair share is OK then?

History does repeat itself, be careful what you wish on others today, it may come back to you tomorrow.

At December 4, 2010 at 7:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these tax cuts work so well why are we in this mess? Bush loaded the deck so the rich would get richer and turned around and gave someone making $30,000 a 300 dollar tax cut and a millionaire 80,000 cut? If the debt is so bad let them all expire.
Watching this , there's a good chance the middle class taxes will expire and the rich will keep theirs. Great question where is the tea party?

At December 4, 2010 at 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them ALL expire. The countrys BROKE! I'll pay my $300 more a year $6.00 a week and the guy making a million can start paying $1,200 a week. That's what this is all about welfare for the Rich.

At December 4, 2010 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Tea Party will be for the tax breaks and be damned with what it will costs this country in debt. Their frauds!

At December 4, 2010 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If tax cuts for the rich create jobs, where are the jobs? The rich have had their cuts for years, and unemployment hasn't only NOT decreased - it's increased drastically. The Republican argument doesn't hold water!!!

At December 4, 2010 at 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:02 and 3:06. You are absolutely correct. Too bad the country didn't understand it all before they voted back in so many Republicans. They listened to the screaming liars, and the Tea Party is largely at fault. In my opinion, they are a bunch of people who do not have enough political knowledge to know what they are doing, yet are running around screaming stupid things and doing stupid things, and now we are all going to pay.

I personally think that the tax cuts for the lower and middle class have to be renewed. Not only for their sake, but for the sake of the country and the economy. As far as the tax breaks expiring for the rich: I'm not for taxing anyone too much, but we are in dire circumstances now. I think they should be taxed more, but within reason, and I think that should be on a permanent basis. Maybe raise the point where the taxes get higher to 500,000 or 300,000. That would be a good compromise. If there is a problem with the highest tax rate, then cut that down a little. But what we DO know is that what the Republicans are proposing - trickle-down economics - has never worked, and now they're back at it again. Just a ruse to give the rich tax breaks. It's pretty sickening really. Even a lot of the rich are telling the Democrats to go ahead and raise their taxes. They say they are willing to pay more for the sake of the country.

At December 5, 2010 at 9:19 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

It will be interesting on how our "leaders" make the sausage in the next couple of weeks. The Republicans promise jobs and I can only hope they deliver.
Someone who reads the blog. but doesn"t leave comments explained to me that our government didn't prepare the American people for a Global Economy, but both party's went out of their way to position Corporate America for the change?

At December 5, 2010 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 9:19: The jobs were already picking up before the election, so now when they continue to pick up, the Republicans will take the credit. They have been stopping Obama's jobs bill for a long time. He wanted to invest in green energy and infrastructure. Good and necessary plans. Republicans have been saying no for many months. Obama wants to make sure that the new kinds of car batteries, etc., and wind power are manufactured here and not overseas like they are now. Republicans have said no to every plan of Obama's to create more jobs, and yet they got away with that and were voted back in. The only good thing about that is if they would get the illegals out before they (the Republicans) crash out entire country again. Thank God for Obama. He'll try to hold our country together, but it will be hard, and the Republicans will do plenty of damage while they have these numbers. Right now they are up to their same old crap -- tax cuts for the rich and no unemployment for the average American who cannot get a job because the Republicans crumbled our country. Yep, good thing people voted them back in. And Obama still can't get his jobs bill to pass. Hope the Tea Party is real proud of themselves. And speaking of the Tea Party, now, when they COULD do something good -- do all that screaming to get their Republican buddies to get the illegals out -- not a word.

The reason that the Republicans didn't prepare the American worker for a global economy is because they couldn't. They just sent the jobs overseas. All gone. End of story. Obama is trying to stop those tax breaks that caused that to happen, and I think the Republicans are blocking that, too.

At December 5, 2010 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry but 39,000 jobs ain't cutting it.
This President for some odd reason believes the Republican leadership wants to work with him? I have no idea where he gets this message from. The only time I ever watched the President answer the right was at that health care conference and to be blunt, he put them in there place. As long as this President wants to make nice, nice with this bunch his poll numbers will go down. The public views this as a weakness and will stand behind a President with convicition when they stand up to a herd from either side.

At December 5, 2010 at 2:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:23, your comment sounds just like someone who believes the future of our country depends on all of us believing in entitlement. Go back and study history to discover what really built this country.

All of you Dems want the next great technologies built in this country but you want to make sure no one has the money or initiative to do it.

All of the great historical technology advancements in this country were made possible by absolutely disgustingly rich people who were greedy enough to risk it all for more. The whole basis of our country is the freedom to work hard and get ahead.

When you have changed that to work hard to support others you will have undermined the whole meaning of America. That is what China, Mexico and other countries are counting on.

At December 5, 2010 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 1:10. This is 12:23. I agree with you. I saw this happen to Clinton. Came in. Did a great job. All the while, the Republicans were screaming and tearing apart everything he did. The American people believed the screaming Republicans, and voted more of them back in. Clinton lost his breath for a while. He was working so hard, and doing so much, and the country turned on him. I wrote him a letter telling him to take a minute to catch his breath, realize that most Americans don't know anything about politics and will follow the screamers, and to come out fighting. He probably never got the letter, but I felt better for having sent it.

I'm thinking of doing the same thing for Obama. But the Democrats should be familiar with their crap by now. I think he is incredulous that he did so many wonderful things for us, and then the country turned on him. So he is trying to do what the thinks Americans want. The problem is that the Republican agenda is wrong and he knows it. So he seems to be lost in the land of trying to work with people who are SAYING they want to work with him, but actually have no intention of doing so. I wholeheartedly agree with you. He needs to get his tail out from between his legs and start talking straight to the Americans and try to get them to see that he was right all along. And he needs to start pointing out to Americans that it is a lie that the Republics want to work with him. They do not, and he has to continue to do what he thinks is right for our country in spite of them and in spite of the election. The problem is, he sees that he cannot count on the American people to use their own heads and not follow the people who are lying. He'll have to spell it out in children's building blocks if necessary.

Fortunately, the Republicans are showing their true colors, and I think most people can start seeing already how they almost collapsed our country and how they accomplished making life so much harder for the average American. They are for big business and the rich. Obama is for businesses, too, as he has clearly shown, but within reason, and not at the expense of Americans and our country.

I think I AM going to write Obama a letter and tell him to get a grip. He'd better start talking bluntly and frequently so he can spell it out a million times if he has to to Americans who will follow liars without taking the time to get the truth for the sake of our country. He needs to take a deep breath and come out fighting. He probably won't get my letter but, again, it will make ME feel better.

At December 5, 2010 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:15 It will make Me feel better also.
To 2:22 so the only ones entitled are the rich? check with your government on all the entitlements the country extends to the wealthy.
No man ever started a business to employee anyone. They did need employees to make whatever they wanted to mamufacture.
72 billion in fossil fuel subsidy.
Let's pay wealthy farmers not to grow crops?
GE builds plants in China and the U.S. government [you and me] backs their investment?
2:22 keep worshiping at the altar of the rich. Soon the middle-class will be something you read about in history books.
The walthy seem to be doing fine without your help.

At December 5, 2010 at 4:33 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

What ever happened to "government of the people, by the people, for the people"? Now it seems it's government for the government. The suckers (taxpayers) will pay for our great salaries, benefits, health care and pensions. How are these 4 things going for you at your job and all the while you wonder how long till you might get laid off?

Tax cuts for those over a million can be debated forever. Tax cuts for those under that amount should be automatic. That would include all the brackets down to the lowest. We need to create jobs. The stimulus and bailouts haven't reduced unemployment. Health care won't create jobs either. It keeps creeping up. Will putting more money in the hands of the majority of people help boost the economy. It has to. We give tax abatements to draw companies to Painesville. We lose taxes for a while but they soon go back to normal. We do gain city income tax from the beginning. Was this mentioned as a method of increasing revenue?

Extending unemployment is a two edged sword. While the unemployed need help, it is putting the budgets of the states billions in debt. Someone must pay for this. We probably all know someone who is out of a job. I know that around half of those I talk to want to use as much of their unemployment as they can before they look for a job. They have earned it and want to get the full 99 weeks. I believe the purpose of unemployment is only a stop gap measure until you get a new job and not a 99 week credit card soon to be what, 112 weeks. Every case is different but I am less inclined to extend the benefits for those people who don't look for a job.

Term, your 2 million unemployed in the US is closer to 15 million. 2 million would mean we only have 20 million workers in the USA. Florida is joining Texas because they say they have 800,000 undocumented workers. Now add the rest of the undocumented all over the country.

It's still about jobs.

At December 5, 2010 at 4:43 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

"No man ever started a business to employee anyone."

Without a business there would be no employees. Without employees there would be no business. Without one there isn't the other.

If business is so bad, maybe we could go back to what we had in the Feudal society. Where we work the kings land and pay him a good portion of our crops or labor to the Kingdom.

Opps, starting to sound like Painesville's Queendom.

At December 5, 2010 at 5:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 12:23. Thanks, Term, for answering 2:22 for me. I want to add to that. What you saw over the eight years that the Republicans were in power was what happens when they govern with only the rich and big business in mind. They took off all restrictions from businesses, banks, etc. They let banks do dirty business with nobody watching over them, and not have enough money in reserve to save themselves. The banks took down almost the entire housing market and almost took down America with it, and that's not even mentioning what they did to the American people. The Republicans and the BANKS almost took down our entire banking system. Try to have a country without a strong banking system, let alone without one at all, which is almost what happened, if not for Obama. The Republicans not only took off too many restrictions from big business, they gave them incentives to send our jobs overseas. The result is that we almost lost America. They gave every business group the ability to screw Americans every time we turned around. Just to name a couple - health insurance companies and credit card companies.

Obama is not only FOR business, but a lot of the money he has given out to save our country from the Depression that the Republicans almost created for us, was given to businesses to help them start new technologies and build up what they already had. He also has incentives for people trying to start up new businesses, and has many programs to help businesses in general.

The difference between the two ways of governing is that the Democrats are not letting businesses prosper by taking down Americans or America.

At December 6, 2010 at 3:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, I think your starting to see the light. I guess we all produce to support a government that does as it pleases at all levels. You wonder why NO ONE protects the borders?

At December 6, 2010 at 6:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 5:18, actually, the change in banking legislation that allowed financial institutions to create the crisis was passed by the Dems during the Clinton Admin., I believe a representative from Georgia was the one who led it.

At December 6, 2010 at 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two developments have played a significant role in the development of modern banking and the current crisis.

The first was deregulation of the U.S. financial services industry with the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, after years of lobbying by the banks. Carefully crafted during the Great Depression to control speculation in the stock market, Glass-Steagall prevented retail banks, insurance companies and investment banks from owning each other. With the repeal of Glass-Steagall, massive financial services conglomerates were suddenly formed, combining these three types of financial institutions. Industry behemoths such as Citigroup and JP Morgan quickly came into being. This meant that retail banks seeking higher and higher profits could now dive headlong into high-risk speculative ventures through ownership of (or being owned by) investment banks,

At December 6, 2010 at 1:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term,. Ask Badger if he knows Jayson Werth who just signed a 126 million dollar seven year contract. Ask him how this guy will help our economy?

At December 6, 2010 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:27 What party is the party of there's to much regulation?
smaller government? what exactly does that mean?

At December 6, 2010 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, I've spoken out about all levels of government. The only safe job is to be a government employee. Great benefits and pay with little job performance reviews to keep jobs.

Well they make the deal. Estate taxes should have been allowed to increase. I stated above that taxes for those above the million dollar level should have been increased, also. The earned income credit and student credits needed to stay.

I still am undecided if a 13 month increase in unemployment is good or bad. Good for those actually looking for just about any job. Bad if they are just going to sit at home for another year before looking for a job. Also, I have known quite a few who work under the table and still collect unemployment. Most truly need the help but some just take advantage and end up making more by collecting unemployment and working under the table than before they lost their job. Reminds me of Jose ILLEGAL.

I am still against big government at any level. Term, even you complain there are too many upper level and high paid positions in Painesville. They also, do as they please.

They are suppose to work for us. Hence the phrase "government of the people, by the people, for the people".

At December 6, 2010 at 4:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:23 Jayson Werth, you had me for a while. Baseball player for the Phillies who never hit .300 a year? 27 homers and someone gave him 127 million? Washington who could have guessed it?
Wonder how many jobs that will bring?

At December 6, 2010 at 4:34 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

The million dollar and above incomes. These would include the actors, sports figures, large investors, famous musicians, high ranking officers in large companies and those receive huge bonuses.

It would not include professionals that have advance degrees such as doctors, lawyers and others who might still have college loans and other expenses. If my doctor happens to make over $200,000 or might be a specialist, I feel he deserves his pay. I also happen to know several people who are 2 professional households. At the $250,000 level, that make $125,000 each. Still, way more than I earn but I don't think it is too far out of line. Don't forget that some of these people may be self-employed and are not eligible for unemployment and must pay for their own health care along with paying his share of the social security and the employers share. Social security for the self employed is double the rate an employee pays. Thats an extra 6.2% more than the employee pays when he works for someone. Sure the rate drops as you go up in pay but most people forget this.

At December 6, 2010 at 6:48 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well I personally agree with you Badger. I would go up to a million dollars in income before anything kicked in.
If you ever watch a doctor save a loved ones life or maybe your own you soon realize what actors and sports figures do is really not that important.
The Republicans have nothing to fear. President Obama seems to have caved. This alone will make him a one term President. Sorry no Mo-Joe.

At December 6, 2010 at 9:42 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

One more thing. A million dollars in Painesville (who are we kidding) goes much further than it does on either coast. Here the average house is what, around $100,000 or less in this economy. In California or New York you couldn't buy an outhouse for that. Income level or rich depends a lot on the cost of living where you live. Rich can be a relative term. I'm richer than a homeless person but I believe I am just in the lower lower middle class. Not week to week but must watch what I spend.

Term, one question. When or if you get public documents, budget for instance, how do you go about it? Do you use the Freedom of Information Act or just ask nicely. Just wondering. This is something I have little experience with.

At December 7, 2010 at 3:43 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

We;; Badger it looks like you and I will go hat in hand to China to borrow 900 Billion dollars soon? Have to wonder how the Tea Party views all this?

At December 7, 2010 at 4:41 AM , Anonymous REW said...

You just start out asking nicely if you cannot find it online. Persistance is the key although I would imagine the city has a procedure in place now for budget requests. Good luck reading it though...I read last year's from cover to cover and came away with only a sense of where we stand.

At December 7, 2010 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Well, as most know. Badger isn't really my name. I also have to be careful what I say and do using my real name or in person. In a better economy things could change but right now I must protect my job. Just because I must blend into the background doesn't mean I don't try to follow what is happening. But for now, I must let someone (Term) take the point. For that I am thankful.

At December 8, 2010 at 3:45 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I'm having a hard time following our President. First he caves to the Republicans and then at a news conference compares them to hostage takers? Doen't sound like a way to win friends.
My advise to the Democrats who presently control both the House and Senate. Fillibuster this bill until your terms are up. If you don't all you will hear for the next two years from the Republicans is "remember this bill and tax extention was passed when Democrats controlled both houses."
President Obama should get out of Washington more and listen to people. Sorry I can't find any justification to extended these tax cuts to anyone making over a million dollars a year. We have to remember $250,000 today was about $160,000 in 1993 and all familys up to a million dollars should be included in the tax cut.
If the President thinks this is such a great deal why only unemployment benefits for 13 months instead of two years? Sorry I thought Social Security was goimg bust and you agree to take 2% out of revenue?
I wonder what that lady, the one with the husband that cheated on her, if she would have folded so quickly on this issue?

At December 8, 2010 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe thats Obama's plan? Make the rich and republicans the ones to blame. Most people belive this is a failed plan.

At December 8, 2010 at 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was personally happy to see that Obama at least took a minute away from his stupid moves to call the Republicans hostage takers. It's the only thing he just did that I like. He should have held out for at least another week until all of the Americans who voted in the Republicans could see what they did, and were continuing to do, which is hold up unemployment benefits until the Democrats agreed to tax cuts for the rich. I think it was a good description, but Obama should have used it stronger and not caved in as much as he did. Stupid.

He said other money would be transferred into the Social Security account to make up for the cut in Social Security taxes from pay checks. I don't know about that either. Won't he just be blamed when the taxes go back up. True, the average citizen can really use that money now, but they'll find a way to use it against him - they always do.

At December 8, 2010 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, I believe that is a 13 month EXTENSION to the current 99 weeks. That would make over 3 years of unemployment. The economy is bad all over. Just think what a self-employed person thinks when someone gets 2 years of unemployment and soon might be 3 years and he doesn't get even one hour of unemployment let alone benefits. Also, since the unemployment figures don't count these people if they aren't working, we actually have more people not working.

Jobs should be priority one. Forget who is to blame or who gets the credit. We must get people back to work. Jobs put the money in the hands of the people. The loss of tax credits, higher gas prices, the need of school levies and local, state and federal government's needs to increase revenue only hurts the recovery.

"I'm having a hard time following our President. First he caves to the Republicans and then at a news conference compares them to hostage takers? Doen't sound like a way to win friends".

This is what also worries me about foreign affairs. We have over 30,000 troops in South Korea and more in the area. We have also had more deaths in Afghanistan in the last two years than in the years from 2001-2008 put together. Add Pakistan and Iran + Israel and the the increase in terror attempts makes me doubt his ability to be a strong President. Remember that word, perception. What does the rest of the world think or perceive of him or America.

At December 8, 2010 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

First Badger I don't believe it extends unemployment to the people who have reached 99 weeks, could be wrong but this measure is only to help yhose with less then 99 weeks.
Afghanistan, I would have every American and NATO troops out of there now. Burn the poppy fields and wish those corrupt people luck. That country isn't worth one American life. Sorry.
Some things are woth the sacrifice and Afganistan isn't one of them. Perception in the world? How does it look to the world that we are borrowing money from China so people making over a million dollars a year get to keep a tax cut? Stupid?]
My only hope is that the Dems stall this until January when the hostage takers can do it for themselves.

At December 8, 2010 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger I just ask nicely, only one time I was asked what I wanted them for. I politely explain it was none of their business.
The city is more forth coming then you may think.

At December 8, 2010 at 7:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I've heard it all there are Republicans against the tax bill? What did some one
wealthy call and complain?

At December 8, 2010 at 7:23 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Hostage takers, sit in the back seat, borrow from China and blame the Republicans.

Don't pass any bills, blame the Democrats, fight tax increases and Obama is a Muslim.

Ask someone without a job if any of these matter. All they want is a job. I've got an idea. Charge everyone just one dollar every time they blame the other party, campaign negatively or one of my pet peeves, just complain but never vote or get involved. Sounds stupid but we would be out of debt in no time. How about a National complain day like the National Smoke Out. Makes people feel better but doesn't solve the problem.

Until we put jobs before the blame game or political bashing, we won't get to the real issue. Jobs. The R's were in power and people didn't agree with them and voted them out. Last election was just the opposite, the D's and some incumbents were voted out. Hopefully, politicians will get the idea. Perform or you are out.

Complaining about the other guy does little. Want to get something done, then vote for the ones who follow through with their campaign promises you believe in. If the don't, vote them out. The electoral process is suppose to be slow by design but still it works. The majority or the people rule not a party.

We need to start electing who want what is best for ALL Americans and not career politicians who will do anything just to get re-elected. The old saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely" is right. Two sides with two different ideas are suppose to be a checks and balance or two heads are better than one. But right now, no one is listening to the other side.

Without compromise we remain at a stand still at the same time the economy is circling the drain. The extreme left or extreme right will never agree or solve anything. The ones who only complain are in one of these groups. That means the ones in the middle who are willing to listen and/or compromise to get something done. Which group are you in people? I am far closer to the middle than either extreme.

At December 9, 2010 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Anonymous 6:27

I believe he/she is talking about the policy or belief that all Americans have a right to home ownership. Yes, as long as they can pay for it. Making money available with sub-prime loans or letting some insurance company or investment group give out home mortgages was and is a mistake. How many of you older people remember going to a LOCAL bank or savings & loan for your mortgage? Someone who knew the area and not some stranger looking at a picture and some paper work. Also, I would have been told not to bother filling out a loan application unless I had 20% down.

The banks and saving and loans back then were experienced in home mortgages. They didn't want high risk loans. They didn't write the loan and then sell it to someone else. You made your first payment and the rest of them to the same lender. Fannie and Freddie got stuck with a lot of junk loans written by someone who grabbed the profit in the beginning and then turned them over.

Barney Frank was one who wanted more Americans to own homes. Great idea as long as they can afford them.

At December 9, 2010 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, what happened to the guy that wanted a buck for placing blame? Barney Frank funny I remember GWB bragging for eight solid years in State of the Union Addresses taking credit for increased home ownership. Your a little right of center??? Remember your conversation with me on the virtues of Sara Palin?
There is an internal GOP memo going around to let members know leadership wants this tax plan to pass. So it will no longer be known as the Bush tax cuts, but the Obama tax cuts. Let it die and lets see what the boys can muster up in January.
Charles Dickens couldn't write a better script. Heads of families out of work their unemployment cut, yet the "orangeman" demands to hold the budget hostage unless Millionaires, and Billionaires, get there tax cuts.
This type of provincial thinking on one subject only is what prevents a true dialogue concerning the big picture. Yeah, that includes me.

At December 9, 2010 at 5:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth is they have to pass this before they leave, because come January the Tea Party rolls into town and do you think for one minute Rand Paul would go along with this plan?

At December 9, 2010 at 10:43 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, you must be confused. I have never talked to you about the virtues of Sarah Palin or any other politician regardless of party. I may disagree politically with a politician but I also don't badmouth (foul language) them. Asking questions or opening issues for debate is what our form of government is all about. Seems we all are forgetting that. I, also, realize most in Painesville hate her and most believe she said she could see Russia from her window. In fact it was Tina Fay in a comedy routine. I also don't eliminate a political candidate just for the party they belong. I have always said here, vote for who you believe in, just vote. Otherwise you don't have a right to complain.

I do believe that both Palin and the President have very little experience. Neither had any track record to make an intelligent choice. I wouldn't vote for either one in 2012. Long term politicians can be as bad as those elected for the first time. I don't think she would have done any better than what is happening now. I will say that she probably has more backbone, though (just my perception). I honestly don't know if there is someone I want to run in 2012 for either party. Political surveys rate both Kennedy and Reagan as the two best presidents of the last 75 years. Funny, one Democrat and one Republican.

My statement at 4:02 PM was what I believed a previous poster was talking about hence my the anonymous 6:27 at the beginning.

And you are right about the 13 month extension. I have never collected unemployment and thus I am not fully familiar with how it works. Seems there are different tiers. Simply put, I THINK, is that 26+53+20 weeks are all different tiers. States pay first and can borrow for the rest. The 13 month part is to stop some from getting cut off after the first or second tier. Still the maximum will be 99 weeks.

Of course, who knows if they will ever stop fighting each other and actually pass some kind of tax bill extension.

One more thing, I too am against any war but at the same time we need to stand firm. I know at least six in the military who are currently serving in harms way, personally. I want all our troops to serve honorably and return safe.

At December 10, 2010 at 3:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger, it seems that every time the Republicans do another repulsive thing, there you are again saying not to place blame on any particular party.


Now that the R's have lost us billions of dollars every year by doing that, they are on national TV being holier-than-though saying that they will start making cuts in everything else right away - as if THEY are the responsible party when it comes to the deficit.

At December 10, 2010 at 4:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger so we stay in Afganistan because,why? Did we not learn anything in the past 50 years? Please explain what we can do over there that we can't do with drones or B-52's at 5 miles high? Sorry that piece of ground isn't worth ONE more American life.

At December 10, 2010 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

When in the H**L did I say I wanted the troops to stay. Supporting the troops has nothing to do with wanting them to go here or there. I am concerned for the ones in South Korea and Iraq too. I have pointed out that people complain about Bush's war and at the same time we have escalated the war in Afghanistan. That is a fact. In Afghanistan, both parties need to be held accountable. So stop calling me a war monger. I have several friends with sons serving in harms way right now.

At December 10, 2010 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Then write your President, Senators, and Congressman. Explain to them you can support the troops as easily at Ft. Braggs as in Afghanistan. Both parties need not be held responsible only President Bush and Vice-President Chenney screwed the wars up in Iraq and Afghanistan.
History will record that we attacked one nation who had nothing to do with 9/11 and let the mastermind of 9/11 escape from the other country. Sorry it's that simple.
Sorry, theres your accountability.
I don't ever recall calling you a war monger? You mentioned you wanted to stand firm? Explain that comment?

At December 10, 2010 at 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now it begins. Our newly elected Governor want's his inauguration to be a four day extravagance to let all the people in the state know theres a new Governor in Dodge.
Let's start off in Cleveland.The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and ride this out all over the state with it ending up at the State Theater in Columbus.
This should make all the people on unemployement and some left without a safety net know that the Lone Ranger is in Columbus. High oh Silver Away! FOXNEWS I'm sure will carry this story.

At December 10, 2010 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I guess Term has spoken. All else need not open their mouth.

Well, Merry Christmas to everyone. With Term's permission of course.

At December 11, 2010 at 3:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 3:55: Yes, and let's not forget how Bush announced every hour on the hour to the entire world when they knew where the mastermind was - all about how they were closing in and about to get him - giving the mastermind, of course, plenty of time to be warned and to get away. Even kids playing hide-n-seek know better than that. I remember how horrified I was when I first heard him say it. I knew like everyone else that Osama would get away, and gee, guess what happened.

At December 11, 2010 at 6:56 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, Merry Christmas to you and yours, along with a Happy New Year.
You have a right to your opinions, but lets also state the facts.

At December 12, 2010 at 4:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, you just don't seem to be able to handle the facts.

At December 13, 2010 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4:54: And just what facts are you talking about?

At December 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all the Tea Party frauds?
900 Billion to borrow from China and not a peep out of them, where are you Badger?
I guess if a black man borrows the money its a bad deal, along with a whimpy cry baby from Ohio says its a great deal we do it?
Moody released a ststement that this could lower our bond rating, who cares.


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