Mondays council meeting will be to vote on the 2011 $82,647,020 budget. along with an estimated revenue of $73,994,812. With a sizable cut to the general fund. [the part of the budget that affects residents the most]
I believe there will be only one person in the room who has a general clue how all this money ends up where it does.
I can only hope that the seven people who sit on council ask some questions. The city manager should be held accountable for every check she signs ever movement of money within the budget.
In the electric budget I believe a figure of 3 million dollars is to be used to build a substation so we can supply the businesses in the JEDD with Concord with electricity.
I would hope that someone should suggest that only those in the JEDD receive this power. Yes no power to go to Lake Health Administration Building.
On a Christmas note there are many homes in Painesville where resident have shown their Christmas Spirit by the decorations they have done to their homes and yard's.
Probably the one that has inspired me the most this Christmas Season is The Hill's Home on Wood St. between Washington St. and Sterling Lane. If you have the opportunity to drive pass this home this week I'm am sure you won't be disappointed.
I only hope by me mentioning it on this site it would not cost them points.
Just for FYI In the past week I have sent the City Manager over 10 questions concerning the 2011 budget. All my questions were answered within three days of receiving them. If she can answer questions from me she would answer them from councilpeople or resident......If some asked any?
You cost them points.
I thought you knew everything,it won't cost them points, because they picked the winners of the Christmas decorating on the 15th
Term, keep asking questions and your next blog title can be:
She Works Hard for the Money ...........
so she better treat them right!
thank you Donna Summer..... toot toot beep beep!
to post 3:57 let us know the 10 question,s you asked & the answer to each question. we have to start working to-gether to make our city a better city. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN OUR CITY 3:57 WE NEED MORE LIKE YOU. again thank you. a concerned city resident who is at the council meeting,s
They lost
6:36 Nothing surprising I asked what city employees contribute to their health insurance bi-weekly, upgrade plan family $42.85. found out you could buy water from the city @$15.00 per 1000gal.[bulk]
Where does Burgess & Nipple show up in the budget and was explained they are payed out of different city funds. Some of Painesvilles investments are bearing interest rates as low as .12% [why bother]
Send your questions to city hall.
Ms. McMahon was very forthcoming with the answers, you just have to peel the onion so to speak.
Again most of the business dealing the city is involved with are complicated, that's why I chose the Cemeteries. Everyone knows what one is most know where the two in Painesville are located and people can relate the fact that your spending over $9000.00 a week to operate them?
You picked on the cemeteries because you now have someone there so now you want changes. Before you never knew what went on or cared a flying fig about it.
Talk about being in it for yourself.
Anonymous December 20,Said
She Works Hard for the Money.
Yes she does, she runs an entire city with a large budget and makes significantly less than the superintendent of the Painesville schools makes. Why is this? I don't think it's fair and no I'm not related, an employee or a neighbor.
Great Present along with a Great song on u tube.
How do you find this stuff?
Song is a great play on words.
12:44 You may have a point. I never realized how poorly the cemetery were being taken care of until Memorial Day of last year.
Your right I never knew but now I do.
Misdirection? It's not about me or who's buried there. It's about how the city spends close to $500,000 there.
Again that moneys not just mine it's everyones.
Watching council meeting what isn't said is as bad as what is. You asked if the city pays for the policeman at Harvey? No answer.
Councilman Flock asked what the attorney fees were to recover the bad investment years ago? No answer.
Mr. Fodor asked council to submit their ideas on new revenue sources? Then later explain there were none he even liked? Why not ask what he then wanted others to submit? It's not enough to just ask the questions you need to receive the answers.
Rambling Joe Hada goes on and on about nothing and when he's done in his mind he believes he answered the question. Someone should ask him, what did you just say?
If these are the people we put in charge of 82 million, God save us!
12:44 He probably never knew or cared, because he believed the cemeterys were taken care of properly.
I for one am glad he got involved in this. Maybe the people in charge will do things properly if they know someone is looking over their shoulders?
Maybe we all should pay more attention to the goings on in Painesville.
Some people just dont get it!
You complain about the cemeteries upkeep, streets, water, sewer yet you dont want new taxes to sustain the work. You can not have it both ways, something has to give. The city can not maintain things the way everyone is used to without the money needed to do it.
You can not have your cake and eat it too. Why not do what I think the schools should do? Volunteer. Residents that do not/can not support tax increases should adopt a street, several plots, sidewalks to shovel and salt, etc. I also think the schools should require parents to come in for lunchroom, hall, cleaning duties too. That should help with a lot of these problems. Get out and do something to make it better rather than complaining all the time.
4:58 Maybe we don't but then explain spending close to $500,000 on the cemeteries? No one can.
It's not that the money isn't there its how it is being wasted.
Painesville schools 3,200 students 43 million dollar budget do the division, Then want to pass a levy and still can't or won't tell you what the cuts will be?
Your right, some people just don't get it.
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