Saturday, December 17, 2016


FYI Tomorrow at 3:00 pm there will be a Land Bank Meeting in the Basement of the Key Bank Building at\8 N. State St.

Makin' a wish checkin' it twice
Gona' find out who's naughty and nice!

Not one to be judgmental but when did Santa Claus become political?

Here is a story found in yesterdays Cleveland Plain Dealer

Painesville's Latino-themed Christmas party postponed until Tuesday
By  Grant Segall

PAINESVILLE, OHIO-- A bad forecast has postponed the second annual La Navidad  Para Ninos (Christmas for Children) party from tonight to Tuesday night.

The party is now scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 20, at Elm Street Elementary School in Painesville, Registration is closed.

The event is meant to unite Latino and other families

"This will help us a lot," said Painesville's Claren  Estrada, mother of three. "It takes the tensions from their minds of what's going, from fears of their parents being taken away."

Co-host Nelson Cintron Jr. a former Cleveland councilman who owns Painesville's La Nueva Mia 88.3 FM, says the father of at least one of the party's has been deported.

Immigration lawyer Richard Herman considers the La Navidad Para Ninos holiday party a way to tell local Latino children, " You're not alone."

Many Latinos across the U.S. are fearful because President-Elect Donald Trump threatened during his campaign to build a wall at the border to keep out Mexicans and make their homeland pay for it. He said Mexico forces drug dealers, rapists and other criminals into the U.S.

Politics aside, Estrada says the party helps families from Mexico adjust to the U.S. Back home, she says, Christmas isn't a big deal as Three King Day, so the Navidad parties help her  and her children learn America's holiday customs.

Immigration lawyer Richard Herman, co-host of the party, considers the event a way for the wider community to tell Latino children "you're not alone."

The party will feature a special guest; Santa, of course. Herman played the role last year but has hired a professional this time around. With help from his family, he has bought gifts for the children, and Harvey High students have wrapped them.

Other party hosts include the Painesville Schools Family Resource Center; local activists Brittany and Chalio Payne, lawyer Dennis Seaman and Nelson Cintron.


I hope the school administration as well as the board realizes getting political can be a slippery slope. I wasn't crazy about when the Tea Party held rally's in the Harvey Auditorium, and this seems more of the same.
So much for diversity "we will hold our own party" Believe me it doesn't take any kid of any nationality long to figure out Santa Claus.
This smells from politics and Santa will not do anything to reassure them of Donald Trumps intentions. Assimilate? United we stand, divided we fall. That should be Santa's message.


At December 18, 2016 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, we now have the schools providing a place to hold a Christmas gathering.
Correct me if I am wrong but are the students allowed to say "Merry Christmas" in the school when school is in session?
If not, what is the difference?
Is this group paying to use the school for their festival?
If not, why not?
This is multi-cultural but did anyone outside of the Hispanic community know about before reading this piece?
Since this is the "second annual", when and where did the first one take place?
I know I wasn't aware of it. Where was it advertised?
How many of you knew that we have a Hispanic FM radio station?
Do either Mr Herman or Mr Cintron live in Painesville?
Why isn't the gathering held where THEY live?
What does ANY Christmas gathering have to do with our incoming President? Why is he dragged into it?
So many questions and yet no one will dare answer them.

At December 18, 2016 at 8:52 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...


Probably more about Trump than Santa?

At December 18, 2016 at 9:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the question is if this is an official Board of Education sponsored event. I know in New York City many churches hold services in schools on Sunday, but they rent the facilities in the same way any private group can do. Nevertheless there were a lot of complaints about this, but at least for now it's permitted. I don't know if groups can rent Painesville schools in the same manner.

At December 18, 2016 at 10:53 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:29I checked the PCLS web page and Facebook and found no mention of this event? Maybe I didn't look in the right place?
I would think this would need board approval?

At December 18, 2016 at 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must say I hadn't heard of this until I received an email stating it was cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday?

At December 18, 2016 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people have spoken. Instead of a party maybe they should be loading up the vans? Many Hispanics voted for Trump so what's your beef?

At December 18, 2016 at 8:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Christmas presents do the Hispanic children need. The group hosting this doesn't share the recipient names with other organizations. Hola does not share names. Jobs and family services does not share. That means these families potentially are receiving from several programs because the ones that allow all children to receive do share their names to avoid duplicates and they are loaded with hispanics. But the Hispanic s collect also from the above listed programs. Not fair.

At December 19, 2016 at 5:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Probably more about Trump than Santa?"

Sad but likely true.

At December 19, 2016 at 11:48 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:49 Christmas is the time for giving, people want to give let them. I believe there are enough organizations that make it possible for all children to have a Merry Christmas. We all become Santa Claus when we reach a time where giving is more important then getting.

5:49 Santa's got nothing to do with Trump. And very little sympathy is garnered at a Christmas party for kids.

At December 19, 2016 at 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes there was the same party last year, when I read about it I nearly bust a gasket. much the same this year. I can no longer be the least bit sympathetic for the Latino children whos parents are deported. Those parents new full well they were breaking the laws of our country when they entered, when they stayed years and when they did not file the proper documentation. Take them away and if they are concerned about their children take them too because they sure weren't concerned about what would happen before they got caught.


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