Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"MIRAGE" tommy james and the shondells

How it all comes back to me
The movies every Saturday
The places we used to go to eat
I want so much to have it like it used to be

I guess I can wish all I want?

Today in Painesville is the annual 'Mirage' day

Better known as;

Holiday Open House

Amazing Holiday Store Specials*

Tree Lighting Ceremony With Santa*

Pictures with Santa*

Artisan Pop Up Shops*

Ornament Sales*

Madison Chorale*

Harvey Choir & Band*

Sweet Adeline*

Least We Forget The Horse And Wagon Rides*

I guess this ride can annually take you past places that used to be?

The former hospital site, the former hotel site down the hill to the former Health Department site new this year the former Parking Garage site and ending at the Dorothy Allen Building before that site becomes rumble. Close your eyes and imagine what was and what someday you believe what might be! So what exactly have we added this year? A new coffee shop Starfish which replaced Your Vine or Mine. Don't go there if your looking for directions seems starfish can point you in five different directions! All direction leading to a clean piece of land.

Myself ? I can pass, old enough to remember this place in the late 50's and early 60's, Oh what some of you missed. Thankfully many of us will be gone and then to the rest of you this mirage will make sense.

Now if you need a hammer, bouquet of flowers, donut/loaf of bread and a new set of tires we have you covered. Anything else you have to go someplace with a real commercial district.

How many of these yearly presentations before we realize nothing is coming here do we spend another million to spruce it up?

Look the only thing positive and in the Holiday spirit in Downtown Painesville tonight  is you and the faces of other Painesville resident's you pass tonight. Anything else is just a Mirage.


At November 15, 2016 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eventually our beloved YMCA, guess it is better in Mentor.

At November 16, 2016 at 8:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice little event yesterday. Today at 5:00pm everything will be closed and no one there? I guess I'm like Term what's the point? Who are we trying to fool?


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