Saturday, December 24, 2016


As I watched a show of the many icons that we have lost in 2016, two stuck out to me the most. Mohammed Ali and John Glenn. Both were the first celebrities I can remember from my early years. One a brash kid from Louisville and one a kid from the Heartland of Ohio.

As the show listed the ones we lost all I could think was wow!

So many people have apprehensions for the coming year like myself and many believe this country has turned to corner to "Make America great again." myself I hope and pray I am so so wrong and that some of you see something I didn't.  I don't understand all the tweeting and his interference in the job until his inauguration . But he was elected fair and square and he will assume his position on the 20th of January.

As the election entered it's final week  I sensed that the pundit's were all wrong. It wasn't enough to just point out his flaws Hillary gave very few reasons to elect her. I don't blame the Russians, Comey, Weiner even the server I blame the lack of a message. Along with the recount being silly exercise.
Many people I never expected to vote for him were behind him 100%. Nobody cared three wives the way he 'graded' women' total lack of government experience. What or whom he grabbed even the very religious amongst us? Claimed so what.

Look at Michigan, President Obama saved over 1,000,000 auto plant jobs many in Michigan. The Republican governor took over the City of Flint and through the actions of who he put in charge poisoned the water coming to homes? Yet the state still went Republican?  Yes he could shoot someone on Fifth Ave. and wouldn't lose a vote.

I have lost friendships over this election and been unfriended and truthfully I  could not care. Most of those people were complaining about things that made little sense to me. And most had selfish reasons. That said I hope I am wrong and they are right about the President-elect.

I will be the happiest person to at this time next year to tell you, the person I thought was a Madman turned out to be a Genius. That's what I want for Christmas!

On the local front I hope our new City Manager and administration has unbounded success.

As well as all of you finding yourself in a good place and all in good health.

Starting Tuesday the stores will be stocked with Valentine candy and gifts.

Someone mentioned automobile commercials? The one that had me scratching my head was the Infinity Q50 with the little girl waving at a friend with a balled tree on the roof the vehicle. The family drives to the forest and replants the tree and the little girl says see you next year? Why didn't they just plant the tree in their backyard and save the trip?


At December 24, 2016 at 8:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you tell the people when they ask but he lost by 2.9 million votes?
His "Landslide"?
Reagan had a landslide 538 electoral votes and over a 20,000,000 votes cast for him rather than Mondale..
Trump if nothing else has NO mandate.

At December 24, 2016 at 11:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew he had a chance when I was at the rally in Geneva. I couldn't believe how many people were there and how rabid they were. I also knew the narrative was all wrong that Hillary was dominating among white, college educated voters. I am a white college educated voter, and of the many, many, white college educated voters that I know, including my co-workers, I didn't know a single person that was voting for Hillary. The smug big city liberals and media members had no clue what was going on across the rest of the country.

At December 24, 2016 at 8:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was no landslide but it certainly was a mandate.
People heard his message and liked what they heard.
Now, after 8 years of a nothing President, let's see if he can deliver.

At December 25, 2016 at 7:00 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Merry Christmas Term! Thank you for another year of blogging about life in the 'Ville. The conundrums of policy making that continue to baffle some of us and entertain a handful. May the year ahead be filled with community mindfulness to the good of all; local and national. This year we lost many but even worse I feel the country lost a piece of its soul and dignity. Hoping we as a country can dig our way back to an honorable way for all to live here.

At December 25, 2016 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:09 He will be making a very big mistake if he believes he has a mandate of the majority of Americans that voted. 2.9 million people voted against him rather than voted for him. I wish him luck. Many heard his message and weren't impressed. I can figure it out?
Funniest story of the election was a county in Kentucky where 60% of the population were either on Obamacare or Medicaid voted 89$ for Trump.? Lets see how that works out.
PotterMiller Love doing it and it's so easy around here. Can't wait to see the mysteries of the coming year for Painesville.
AS long as you know you didn't lose a piece of your soul or dignity as many who hadn't we will all be alright.
Try to remember basically they are good people just looking for a new door.

At December 25, 2016 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is 8:09. I want to stress that I am NOT a "Trump supporter" nor could I stomach the Democratic candidate in 2016.
However using your logic, there has never been a President who received what some folks view as a mandate. When approx 50% the possible voters actually vote in a Presidential election the winning candidate gets about 1/2 of that number of voters. That means that in any election only about 25% of (possible) voters voted for any President.

Enough heard his message and were impressed enough to make him our next President whether we like it or not. In fact, not knowing what the final vote totals were, I might say that people voted for Trump were actually voting against the Clinton dynasty. Just another view.

Like you, I wish him the best. It could be great, it could be good, or maybe we should strap ourselves in for a bumpy ride.
I sure don't know what will happen but neither does anyone else.

Regarding your Kentucky statistics, I have no idea if they are correct or not. It could be that these folks get a "change" that they were not expecting. It probably is so. However I would ask why the rest of the taxpayers in the country should continue to pay for their Obamacare or Medicaid? These are the folks who voted for Trump.

At December 25, 2016 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding 8:09's comment of "People heard his message and liked what they heard" - no, not all people, and certainly not the majority. Those who liked what they heard include (but was not limited to) the easily conned, the ignorant who don't believe in science or other proven facts (but believe fake news stories), racists, misogynists, anti-Semites, the desperate in economically-depressed areas who somehow think that mines and big factories, where anyone can get a job, are coming back in numbers similar to 50 years ago, and those who just didn't like Hillary Clinton and/or President Obama. Their side was helped by Clinton being a poor candidate, and the national Democratic Party having turned its back on blue-collar workers since the 1990s (NAFTA), both of which discouraged a lot of people from voting, and flipped past Democratic voters to the Republican side. And, yes, I know there were minorities who voted for Trump, but this fact only proves that not just white people are capable of doing illogical things.

Term, you won't have to worry about having to admit you were wrong a year from now. Between Trump, his cabinet full of partisan hacks and know-nothings, and the even-deeper division in this country that will compel anti-Trump folks to fight him and the Republicans at all levels of government, you will see, instead, lots of turmoil politically and economically.

At December 26, 2016 at 3:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

With every group and everybody Hillary had doing "things" for her, she STILL lost. To Some, that everything and everybody equals 20 million votes.

Of course votes are votes, and "things" are not, but just musing here.

At December 28, 2016 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've lost a lot of good people in 2016. One person I will miss is Steve LaTourette. He could see both sides of an issue. He despised gridlock. He referred to the Tea Party as "knuckle draggers". He was one Republican I was proud to support.

At December 28, 2016 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one look at it from another way. The majority of people in majority of states chose Trump. In other words take away the margin of victory in Cal. and Mass. Hillary loses the popular vote too. I for one am more concerned about what happens in Ohio and Midwest than what happens on either coast. That's the reason we have the electorial college. So a few states can determine the outcome of the election. Maybe I'm wrong but for now everyone needs to get over it.

At December 28, 2016 at 3:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:20 Your logic astounds me? People in California, New York and Massachusetts are all Americans. Simple fact Clinton's popular vote victory was close to 2,900,000 Americans. Trump only received 46.1% of the national vote. Clinton 48.2% The point is I don't see a mandate. There are more voter's in Cuyahoga County than all of Alaska? So don't show me a map with counties most of those counties have more jackrabbits than people. We will the same way you did in 2008, 2012.
11:19 Yes we lost a good one there. He represented ALL of the people. When I posted that comment I thought we would have another before the end of the year but didn't want to jinx's anybody. Then the passing of Carrie Fisher and George Michaels. WE still have tree days left.
3:17 Every group doing things for Hillary? Did you mean Comey, the Russian's and WikiLeaks?
7:44 Yes a poor candidate who never told us why she wanted to be President. On the other hand I do so wish that a year from now I am apologizing for not seeing the wisdom that many of you see in Trump.

At December 28, 2016 at 7:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


No, you're definitely wrong, and why do we need to get over it? Just because you say so? It's difficult to take someone seriously who, as Term pointed out, has problems with logic. Anyone can manipulate numbers to support their argument; using your example, what if we threw out the electoral votes of the entire South? I'm more concerned about Ohio and the Midwest than about what happens below the Mason-Dixon Line.

At December 29, 2016 at 5:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:17 here. I meant the almost immoral press giving her a lot of help, Donna Brazil handing her the debate questions ahead of time, HUGE donations from every corner of the earth, etc etc. plus more advantages. About Comey, he HAD to do something. They found classified Secret info on a personal laptop belonging to her aide (and Carlos Danger) Very bad timing I'd say.

At December 29, 2016 at 11:07 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:35 Really? why no indictment? My greatest fear was avoided. What if Clinton had won the electoral college but lost to Trump by 2.8 million votes. Or Clinton smushed up to Putin and the Russians attacked Trump's emails. Clinton talking about a male Dick and winning? He's all yours and he belongs to you!
7:38 Only State votes count where they send more in taxes to the Federal government then they receive?

At December 29, 2016 at 5:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone wants to check the integrity of the election and recount the votes, they need to start in the states like California and New York that gave Clinton her win in the popular vote. Obama went on national TV, and he repeatedly told the illegals that they could vote and get away with it. He also said there would be nobody coming to get them or their families, so they were free to vote. Illegals in Texas were wandering around on national news wondering where they should go to vote. There are millions of illegals that have drivers licenses in this country, especially in California. I.D's. What good is making people show I.D., when the illegals have I.D's. That's what we need to be checking about this election. She probably lost the popular vote by a landslide if it were just the legal citizens of this country that voted. As far as you losing friends over this election, they probably got tired of your lies and propaganda, and your vicious talk about Trump and his supporters, and all your name calling. You were horrible. No shock to some of us. And Democrats are still doing it, even on this board...saying they go high when they're actually in the gutter, like the Obamas. Saving America came down to one unlikely person... Trump, so thank goodness he won the election, and let's hope he can save America. Getting drivers licenses away from illegals, and sending them home to their own countries, where they can drive all they want, would be a good start. I, for one, do not want someone in this country illegally, let alone driving on the roads with my family and friends. Or voting in our elections. But I believe that is how Clinton won the popular vote. She, like the rest of the Democrats, were/are willing to take down our country to win elections. Doesn't even make sense, but that's what they do. She promised to legalize all the illegals within her first 100 days without knowing who is here or how many are here. Thank goodness many former liberals decided to use their heads and voted Republican this time. I, for one, think the Clintons are frightening, and I formerly voted for Bill and Obama. But if you want to know how Clinton won the popular vote, I'd start right there with the investigation, and it's an investigation that needs to happen.

At December 30, 2016 at 4:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still....a mountain of help and money on her side, and she STILL LOST. That says something. Lost on you, but still something.

I'm just an observer.

He's ours, just like Obama is ours.

At December 30, 2016 at 10:04 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:40 Understood, and expect some to treat him the same as other's treated Obama.
5:02 Happy New Year. First off I won't argue that 2.9 illegal voters voted for Clinton, you would know. You are completely fabricating what President Obama quote was please read the complete text.
No I got tired of listening to all the mean spirited talk and not understanding why people were buying in? Mexico will not pay/build a wall, those 11 million people will still be here in four years with the bad ones weeded out as they presently are. No future jobs for coal miners, and automation causing more job losses. In four years there will be more jobs leaving than coming. Obamacare will be repealed but won't go away as they have no idea what to replace it with. Along with no matter what happens you and I will pay for the uninsured. No lock her up. What you will see is a tax cut for the top 1%. As well as the inheritance tax going away, the national debt increase as well as some wanting to cut Medicaid., Medicare and Social Security which has nothing to do with the national debt being cut. God forbid we get into another war with someone. Israel can help with that happening. Along with a thin-skinned President that presently is at war with a Broadway show and Saturday Night Live. A man that strikes out and then with a compliment becomes their best friend. Your right what can go wrong? I only hope for you that in a couple of years illegals are still to of your list although by then we may have bigger problems. Again have a safe and healthy New Year.
I believe there are some surprises for our new Commander-in-Chief.
In four years let's see if I'm right or wrong?

At December 30, 2016 at 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:04. The Democrats always call the Republicans and their followers racists, etc. That's what helps them win when they win. I don't have to go back and listen to what Obama said. I heard him when he said it; he said it clearly, and repeatedly. He was asked about it again and again, and he said the same thing. And they voted; why wouldn't they when the president said they could. Clinton thought all she had to do was to call Trump and his supporters names, and to promise to legalize the illegals, and she would win the election with those two things alone. Thank goodness so many Americans looked at the facts, and what her and Obama have done to the world (Middle East, ETC.), and for race relations, etc., with all their race-baiting, just like you do, and voted for Trump. A lot of people saw, including myself, that he was our only hope. Now we hope that God is with him, and that he makes the right decisions. I wholeheartedly agree with everything he has done so far. And many people have now seen who the Democrats really are, and it's pretty shocking. Obama even told the Blacks that they had to vote for him because they were Black. Let's hope that Trump keeps the Republicans in some sort of check, if necessary, and that the Democrats shut-up with all the stupid stuff and help.

At December 31, 2016 at 4:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:04, I'll just take issue with one of your statements, although I disagree with almost everything you said. Why in the world should someone have to pay taxes on their estates just because they died? That money was taxed all the way up and around and sideways getting to that place where the person died. It's theirs and their family's money. This is America, and the money is theirs. They earned it, and they paid taxes on it. You can't take it with you, but there is no reason why the government should be able to come take it. That's a terrible thing that the government does, and that the Democrats are so fond of, and many families lose their farms and their businesses because of it. It's UNAMERICAN.

At December 31, 2016 at 2:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:59 Whatever you say. Talk to me in two years.
4:11 Maybe you should take a few lessons in our tax code?
The estate tax limits the large tax breaks (loop holes) That extremely people get on their wealth as it grows, which otherwise go untaxed.
I pay capital gain tax and so do you?
The loophole is basically "pay me now or pay me later" And better known as the Paris Hilton tax cut.
Get rid of the inheritance tax? No problem close the loopholes.
Less than 2 out of 1000 pay federal inheritance tax. I pretty sure both you and I are not one of two. But I guarantee Trump is. And that's what job #1 will be on taxes.

At January 1, 2017 at 1:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh, so you're not a racist, but you made up a comment about the president telling "the Blacks" that they had to vote for him because of their race. Yes, you made it up - prove that he specifically said this. And since you "wholeheartedly" agree with everything that Trump has done, that includes appointing an anti-Semitic White Nationalist as one of his chief advisors (Steve Bannon), a straight-up bigot to be Attorney General (Jeff Sessions), and only half-heartedly denouncing the endorsement of him by David Duke and the KKK, but I guess in the Republican bubble in which you and your ilk live, that's not being racist. And you accuse Democrats of being race-baiters? Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate, and still managed to win the popular vote; the only mandate Trump has is the one given to him by the racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, and easily misled who voted for him. You said that the Democrats should shut up and help; no, and no. Trump told a bunch of lies and made grandiose promises to get himself elected; he and his Republican sycophants in Congress will have to make it all come true on their own, and Democrats are sure not going to help them. If and when the Republicans don't, let's see how many of those who voted for Trump out of economic desperation stick with him and the GOP in 2018/2020. In the meantime, you and your fellow Republicans keep on alienating minorities with your words and deeds; I'm sure that will work out well for the GOP in 10-20 years, if not sooner, as minorities become the majority population in more states. Yes, some minorities are racists, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with how badly they and their ancestors have been treated for a couple of centuries by the majority race of the United States.

At January 3, 2017 at 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:03: Just a couple of points. Obama telling Blacks they owed him their vote to protect his legacy, and telling him repeatedly they had to vote for him; they owed him, he said, is public record. It was major campaigning speeches he gave for Clinton. Most of your regurgitation of Democratic crap calling Republicans racists, etc., is just that. Maybe you should try thinking for yourself and calming down with your hate. That's what Democrats do to win elections...they call Republican racists. Race-baiting, pure and simple. Sorry, race-baiter, I'm not a Republican; I just voted Republican, and I did it to save the country from Democrats, who have completely gone astray and were/are taking down America, and, yes, I agree with everything Trump has done so far. You sound like one of those dangerous Democrats who think you're the ones who go high, when you're actually in the gutter. Quit following blindly what they tell you, and quit thinking blindly what they tell you to think. And maybe tell your Democratic friends that illegals should not be voting in America, and a Democratic American President should not be telling them to go out and vote. He won; that's the way it is. I think you'll be okay. I really do.

At January 3, 2017 at 5:59 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:45/1:03 You to can make the coming year interesting.
All the Trumpeters I know are bragging about the Ford deal? Well they claim they aren't building a new plant in Mexico, but all Focus and C-Max will still be built in another plant in Mexico. So no more small Ford's built in U.S.A. sometimes you have to read more than the tweet3:45 You won now let's see how it works out. The first most important item of business for the Republican Congress was to get rid of the ethic's commission? Can't wait to see the next act.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on GOP move to gut ethics panel "Dumbest fricking thing" Lindy it's only the first day!
Then we have Democrat Sen. Schumer pulling a Hal Werner on us reading his prepared statement.
Fair and Balanced? I am. Megyn Kelly has had enough of FOXNEWS?

At January 3, 2017 at 8:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Megyn Kelly is a Democrat, and she is not fair and balanced. Trump also stopped the Republicans from gutting the ethics committee, which shows us that he is willing to do the right thing, even if means going against his own party. You can continue your babbling by yourself, 5:59, and bring up every stupid point about nothing that you can think of. And, again, 1:03 and 5:59, I think if you can learn to think for yourselves, you'll be okay, and I think America will now be okay, too. Obama and the Democrats have done a lot of damage, but with Trump in office, there is still a chance that America will be able to recover and be okay.

At January 4, 2017 at 6:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:59, what's your stupid point about Megyn Kelly and Fox News? That since she left, Fox News is bust? LOL. That's all ya got? Truth be told, Fox News listeners probably wanted her out, because she stinks; she belongs on CNN, where she can slant the news all she wants, and Fox News is still Number 1 last I looked. Dumb point, as far as points go. Like it really means something.....hahahahaha. You lost. Get over it already.

At January 4, 2017 at 8:41 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:11/ 6:16 to two should hang out? I wonder are you trying to convince me or yourselves? Give it a couple of years let's see how it all shakes out.
Seems like more than Kelly? Andrea Tantaros, Greta Van Susteren, Gretchen Carlson. All Democrats uh?
Roger Ailes news with blondes short skirts and high heels? Yeah that's where you get your info. I see Ted Henry's back google him. Tucker Carlson even has a show? Going down the tubes.

At January 4, 2017 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Something I learned today. If the Congress gets rid of the inheritance tax Donald Trump and his newly appointed cabinet will have a tax saving of 9 Billion dollars. That's right with a B.

At January 4, 2017 at 12:35 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Truthfully, everyone should be outraged at the very idea of an inheritance tax.
In most cases, that money has already been taxed when it was earned.
If for some reason it was not taxed, then by all means tax it.
However why should more tax be paid on money that was already taxed?

At January 4, 2017 at 3:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:56. As they should. Nobody should have their estates taxed because they died.


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