Thursday, November 3, 2016

"WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND" dusty springfield


Last night our city council had you guessed it..............another Executive Session.
They like them so much another one is planned for Wednesday, November 9, 2016 ?
These people are like the Justice League? Wish they would get a "Transparent Person"

This meeting was closed to the public in the darkness of courtroom #1

My spies report to me that the purpose of the meeting was to initiate a new secret handshake and the issuing council's new decoder rings. Well it least it wasn't to replace the new city manager, well let's hope not?

Like a tunnel that you follow
To a tunnel of it's own

Never ending on beginning

Recently I received an e mail from Ohio Citizen Action about a public comment open house


November 3, 2016, 4:00 -7:00pm

Lakewood Park Woman's Club Pavilion

LeedCo is developing the $127 million icebreaker project to demonstrate that offshore turbines are viable in the Great Lakes. With the potential to generate 1,000 megawatts of wind energy by 2020.

Got me thinking,Remember when?

A few years ago during the whole AMP-OHIO fiasco The City of  Painesville developed a contract  with developer Juhl  Energy to develop to windmills on property in North Perry. They would sell the power to Painesville at a set price and the only cost to Painesville was to give Juhl  Energy our clean energy tax credits?

Maybe the windmills are what happens to be stored in the unused Battery Building?

So it begs to ask where are we on the windmills? Who has possession  of our tax credits? Is Juhl Energy still committed to this project? Or is everyone just blowing smoke?

Juhl has spent  5 percent or more of the project's budget before the due date. Julh is "unable to disclose" just where that money was spent at this time. You got to wonder?

Jeffrey McHugh, Painesville electric power superintendent said the two 1.7 megawatt turbines would make up only 10 percent of the power Painesville needs daily.
He also mentioned that North Perry electric bills  would drop to in-city rates of $0.0572 per kilowatt per hour from $0.0692 per kilowatt per hour, according to the contract with Painesville.

Don't ask me ask Jeff and the council! So far we have developed the same amount of electricity as a child's pinwheel.


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