"GUANTANAMERA" jose feliano
First the bad news;
It was reported in todays News-Herald 10/14/16 that Spectrum Brands will be closing their Painesville facility on Lexington Ave. early next year. Better known as the STP building more than 70 employee's will be left without employment and Painesville income tax takes a hit.
I'm a sincere man
I'm from where growing palm
Now lets talk about the Painesville Planning Commission Meeting held last night.
Over 100 attended this meeting (if you count all the 2 and 3 year-olds) The fire department had to limit the people in the courtroom. WE even had three Little Amigo's dressed in black with sombrero's?
First Mobilite permit was tabled until November. (the 75 foot utility pole people.)
Applicant : Veronica Dalberg on behalf of HOLA Ohio LLC
Well we were treated with a presentation by the firm doing the architectural features of the building along with Ms. Dalberg vision of the future of the building. commercial kitchen, business incubator, catering, retail and office. All sounded great. I was granted to ask questions.
First; Do you have title to the building? No we are in negotiations with the land bank.
Second; Have they promised to refurnish the building? New roof has been discussed.
Third; Have you applied to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for a $400,000 grant for a commercial kitchen? Yes
Fourth; Have you applied for another grant for new heating and air-conditioning? Yes, there is over 1 million dollars to be invested in this building. (Other people's money)
Fifth; How much is HOLA investing? A lot (no figure given but Architectural firm is owed $60,000)
Sixth; Have you secured parking at St. Mary's from the Catholic Diocese for parking rights? We will secure that in writing .
When I asked does it appear you are putting the cart before the horse? The Architectural representatives said these questions have nothing to do with the reason we are here today?
A nearby resident questioned where will you store garbage? Since building is landlocked it will have to be stored inside. ( no provision on exterior or interior design is shown for this)
After my questions a lady associated with HOLA stood and told be "you don't have to worry about financing, I will cover all costs occurred." Great I hope the people your asking for financing hear that.
Another Hispanic mother said it was important to instil her Mexican culture in her children. This center is needed to promote this. That is commendable. My problem is pay for it yourself don't ask my culture to finance yours. Trust me America is the land of the free not free handouts.
The planning commission put 8/10 stipulations on the building no more than 150 capacity of people on weekends as well as between 48-85 during the week. Most other stipulations made sense. One concerns me, being a business incubator the facility will be open 24 hours a day. I see a problem with this. That building is in a highly residential area do you want people coming and going at all hours? Who, how many?
This passed 3-0 (Mrs. Hada and Mr. Wainwight absent)
It become effective in 15 days if 4 members of city council don't request a public hearing on this matter.
In other actions;
The owner La Hispana would like to move his business across the street to the old Tony's Subway Inn. That passed.
Today marks the Grand Opening of "Starfish and Coffee" in the former Your Vine or Mine location.
The Coffee Shop will open with limited hours starting Friday at 4 PM. Hours will expand as the owner's get their feet wet. This business owned and operated by Austin and Bethany Homrighaus.
So why was Austin there? Well it seems Austin is a licensed in Acupuncture and would like to use a room in the back of the building to provide this service. The member's looked at me? "Oh why not this is Painesville. I might even spring for Mr. Lewis first treatment."
Seriously being a college town this business is a necessity. Also this type of business has been lacking in the city. All without a Grant.
You mean the last two applicants are doing what they need/want to do WITHOUT using someone else's money??
What a concept!!!
I wonder why HOLA Ohio can't fund their own project?
"Trust me America is the land of the free not free handouts." ??? This coming from you? I can't believe what you posted. America is nothing but land of handouts, Mr Obama cleared many paths for it and Ms. Clinton will continue this destruction of our country. The fine folks of Brentwood and Kensington Apts. are mostly on welfare. Their children attend PC schools and receive free breakfast, lunch, school supplies and school uniforms. Not to mention the free lunch box and summer programs. To the mom that feels it important to instill Mexican culture in her children? What the Heck. One word for MS Dalberg and the Mexicans in Painesville - Assimilate.
1:18 Yes coming from me. See in my world everything isn't black or white.
Yes you blame President Obama yet no blame for Reagan? Remember who gave us earned income credit? Complain about those in Brentwood or wherever but no blame for the many handout's the government give agriculture or industries?. Yes and remember those children are part of this country's future for the majority of them they know no other country but this one. Let's equip them for the future of this country..
You are 100% right they should and will assimilate. But I see no reason for a million dollar handout. It won't mean much if it was handed to you.
12:05 If you read the post HOLA seems to have a benefactor so no need for government intervention. My problem is with their attempt at government financing as well as the hours.
Seems Ms. Dalberg must expect them to just show them how to ask for handouts.
I'm just wondering if HOLA gets the building for free as well as all improvements what's to stop them from selling it and making a tidy profit? They are an LLC.
That will be between the land bank and HOLA. Damn good question.
I wouldn't count on the Land Bank to ask it.
I know a good place where the mother could instill Mexican culture.........Mexico!
Not all is black and white is right - its brown, black and white here and in that order too. Your other comment was absurd too - "It won't mean much if it was handed to you." That is spot on as to what I was saying about welfare then certain residents double dipping on the free lunch, breakfast, clothing, supplies. What is Given to these kids is not really appreciated. Go see or ask lunch personnel how much food is thrown away daily because it is mandatory kids have to take an item from all food groups (thanks Mrs Obama). See how many teachers have pencils and paper to hand out. Im sorry, I know your free money only goes so far, but stop making me pay for your troubles. Amen 606
1:18So what's your solution, never mind your input?
Go yu voice yourself at the land bank meetings, the BOE meetings, Commissioners meeting council meetings and planning commission meetings? No one spoke at the Planning Commission but me. Where were you? No I'm all wrong. All you do is sit in your basement and bitch about me on this blog.? So get out there let your voice be heard. Although the way Mrs. Miller was treated maybe you should stay in your basement, please! I'll listen to your ramblings.
1:18 The reason 1:18 should stay in his basement is simply he or she doesn't have the balls to make their opinion public. I guess they might feel it's wrong. I understood your point and have to say I agree. The 1:18 of the world will hide behind the curtain and just continue to complain about anyone who doesn't agree with them.
No Can Do - my opinion at council, city committees, board meetings would be considered as some here, racist. I am not a liberal nor conservative. I feel this Illegal Alien problem Painesville has is so far out of control it will NEVER be the town it was. Move forward? Progressive thinking? Of course I have that but thank the Feds for choking the life out of this city with PPD hands tied.
10:01 I guess your a victim of "Political Correctness"?
All I'm saying is I don't blame children. They had nothing to do with what decisions their parents made. Unfortunately for you if you like it or not they are this country's future. I have no problem with breakfast or lunch programs. My problem is with people like Ms. Dalberg expecting constant handouts for what SHE believes and wants.
Oh, and for the record I don't believe you are a Racist. Just someone who hasn't considered all avenues.
The building probably needs to be open 24/7 so that she can welcome all the new illegals that come by the bus load to Painesville at all hours of the night. No wonder they think White Americans are stupid.
I don' understand the stipulation that they must be open 24 hours/day. Is this so illegals can live there until they can find other housing? Or go there in the middle of the night when they arrive here and get a hot meal and, therefore, the kitchen? I'm very confused about this. This all seems like double-talk, as when McMahon and Hada were pushing the AMP deals on us. What exactly is going to go on there? I can't believe this is happening. Another government agency giving away American's money and property.
Its called job security. And yes, political correctness has to be until such time as Im retired and can shoot my mouth off just like you. Unfortunately it will be several years so I will have a gag order, pen under anonymous and sit writing from my basement.
Again, welfare recipients should be buying their kids their own breakfast and lunch foods, it is double dipping out of taxpayers (my) pockets. Again, if you saw the waste of food from taxpayers pockets you would be appalled and maybe not so inclined to give away the farm to these folks.
Dovetailing right into the coversation above,
For years I heard, and mostly discounted as BS, the ravings of those in the conspiracy crowd about one world government and the illuminati. Now, after reading the emails being released about people like George Soros spending billions on his pets projects, I take great pause. Why did the media start to report on this and just STOP?
One of his pet projects is to erase borders, mix the peoples of the world so to speak. I have to ask, WHY would anyone want to do that? Old George spends his money on this, big time. That's includes campaign contributions. And he is not the only one.
I think this phenomenon bears further scrutiny.
3:54 You and I plus others must demand a Hearing on this issue. I will ask tonight at the council meeting. Won't mean anything if no one else asks.
5:59 I guess if you were retired you still wouldn't make the remarks you make here? Sorry!
1:44 It's reasonable to ask council.
Term did ask Council for a public hearing on the HOLA request.
I would hope that the Council members do what is right and listen to the voters.
What could it hurt?
5:59 here. I HAVE been retired. I had to go back to work. So.....your point?
I'm curious about WHY so many world politicians are SO HAPPY to go against the will of the majority of their people in so many countries and push for immigrants to come.
Being against mass immigration shouldn’t be so much a racist thing; it’s a cultural and economic thing. I wonder if world politicians at high levels are just tending to their herds, keeping them quiet and content, while they answer to a higher authority, those who finance their elections. That's our world. Sad, but the USA's system is still better than most.
So Google search this and read about it.
It's pretty illuminating. It makes me wonder who's more in debt to their benefactors in this years election cycle, president AND congress.
1:45 and 3:54 when and where do the busloads arrive? That would be something to document and bring to the attention of city council, sheriff, ICE etc.
I have seen the busloads arrive at the redi-go on richmond street in the evenings although I suspect these are work permit holders and legit.
Sorry 905 the city council, city police, probably sheriff can NOT do a thing about the illegals. It rests in the hands of the FEDS. So, where are they? Yah, they are too busy to be bothered. The nearest ICE office I believe is near Port Clinton. Perhaps with winter coming and I cant seriously see anyone coming in on Lake Erie from Canada, they should relocate here in the county seat till warmer weather arrives and the illegals all leave.
306, are you calling me out? Just wait till retirement in 2025 then you will know me here by name.
9:05, this has been brought to officials attention. Guess what? Nothing done. I've gone to watch the busses many times. I heard on scanner chatter one night to make sure the arrivals were safe and all picked up. Sanctuary city? No doubt.
2:17 I don't know about a Sanctuary city, but it does appear to be different set of rules for some organizations around here than others. Where and how are deliveries' made to this building? Forget the rubbish issue. No the 'Rubber Stampers' will ignore any issue with this building. They want to be liked.
1:02 Yes, and hope I'm around to witness it'.
The rest of you have reached your own conclusions. Me it appears the building isn't the right fit for this purpose and it will just create more problems. But no one on council lives nearby I guess?
Yes, I know busloads came for a very long time to Redi-Go and unloaded there. They probably still do, unless once it got so noticed, that they moved the location. It seems to me it was all illegals, and I do think that everyone in charge of the city knew/knows about it, but let it happen anyway. The city, under pressure, finally said it was not a sanctuary city to the public, but I personally believe that, of course, it still is (look around for one thing), and this probably still goes on. I think the entire Mexican town of Leone, Mexico has illegally migrated here. They have so many ghost towns in Mexico, because the towns do all end up here, except for the old people, who are sometimes left behind. We've probably got two more Mexican towns here by now. We've had open borders for years, and most Americans don't seem to even notice.
I respectfully disagree. I too was at the planning commission meeting. Some of your facts are not accurate. Those "Little Amigos" were there for a purpose and it clearly went way over your head. It seems to me that you have put a lot of negative energy into finding reasons this project should not be. I wish you could put that same energy into understanding the positive impacts this center will have on your own community. Respectfully I tell you, you are stabbing out your eyes to spite your own face. Remember, the way this building is zoned--and has been zoned for years-- it could be a night club or something way worse than an incubator kitchen/community center for the whole community to enjoy.
I tried to comment already, but I don't know if it went through. If this is a duplicate, my apologies.
I respectfully disagree with some of the information in this blog. I too was at the planning commission meeting. The "Little Amigos" were there for a purpose that was obviously lost by you. There is too much negative energy to try to derail this project, which will bring many positive outcomes to this community including jobs. I feel you are clawing out your eyes just to spite your own face. This building has been zoned this way for years. It is zoned that even a night club could make a home there. Your argument should be there--or should have been long ago, with the city. It is misplaced--and very delayed--negative energy that clearly should be on other entities--or should have been a dozen years ago. I think the real issue is that it is a center being created by the Hispanic community of Painesville. I am sorry you feel that way. I wish you put some of this energy into understanding what this project is about and how it will actually benefit Painesville rather than trying to rip your own eyes out.
4:21/6:00 Yes I guess the Three Amigo's were lost on me. This was a government meeting not the culture club?
I am composing a post to relay what I believe "I" witnessed.
For starters who spoke for HOLA presentation that was a Painesville resident?
Second working a rubbish situation needs more than to 'work it out'.
Parking, deliveries hour's of operation are some of the problem's I have concerns with. Is this really a good fit? Why can't it at least be discussed? Myself the problem isn't with HOLA only that if anyone tried this I would ask the same questions. My problem with HOLA? Well claiming it will be a million dollar investment with other peoples money is not comforting. What skin does HOLA have in the game? Finally it all sounds so feasible until you wonder how near impossible getting that commercial kitchen grant from the USDA lot of assuming going on.
This has nothing to do with negative energy, I guess other's and myself are not allowed to question this project?
6:00, WHAT EXACTLY is going to go on there? Please answer that question directly. And I, for one, resent anything going on in this city with any citizen, city, state or federal money that helps the illegals, and that's what this seems to be for. And since when does Dahlberg do anything "for the whole community?" She does things for Hispanics/Latinos only, and to hell with America and Americans. Her only care is how America and Americans can serve the Hispanic/Latinos. Again, I would like to know exactly what is going to go on there, and why does it need to be open 24/7 for one thing.
1:22 I guess it's odd you ask these questions? For some reason 7 council people could probably couldn't give a damn about you receiving answer's!
Like you, I was at the Planning meeting and I wonder what the purpose of the children in attendance REALLY was. They were dressed in native garb but they didn't sing, dance, or do anything else. Please tell us what their purpose was. If you took the time to look at them, they were bored to tears. BTW, if I was their age, I would have been bored as well.
No, the real reason was to tug at the heart strings of the decision makers behind the table. You might like to think otherwise but if so you are not dealing in reality.
The questions asked by Mr Pollutro deserve more than a "we'll work it out" answer.
Regarding some other use (like a nightclub), there would be parking issues that would have to be solved before approval is granted. Mark my words, HOLA might get permission to park cars behind St Mary's but I would bet you a lot of money that virtually all parking will be on the street. Don't kid yourself, no one is going to walk any farther than they have to.
I want to stress that I am not against this project. I think it is, or at least could be, very worthwhile. However, this location is NOT a good fit. It is a FREE building given away by a quasi-government agency. If HOLA was having to pay their own money (assuming they actually have any), this would not be their first choice. There are many locations (like W. Prospect St) that would be much more suitable with regards to parking, hours, garbage, and so on.
I welcome the Hispanic community. I understand that the times are changing. However, we do not need a 24/7 restaurant in what is mostly a residential area. That fact has NOTHING to do with who owns the business. Just because this, IMO, is a bad location for the business does NOT make me anti-Hispanic. Don't let feelings get in the way of facts.
Why in the world was she given a building for a restaurant? And a 24/7 restaurant at that. Who's kidding who here? Something smells very fishy here, and if Dahlberg is involved, you can bet that fish is rotten. So she was given public money in the end. She was given Painesville money, right? Who decided that?
The $150,000.00 USDA grant for the commercial kitchen was approved.
3:58 well its like the duck story. If it walks like a duck, quacks like one and fly's it a duck! But I this case it's a "business incubator"?
8:31 So we have a grant for a building they presently don't own and in need of a new roof? The question I have knowing the speed of government, when did they apply for this grant? It should all let us know how long this has been simmering under the radar?
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