"SHARE THE LAND" guess who
Maybe I'll be there to share the land
That they'll be giving away
Lake County Land Reutilization Corporation ie; The Land Bank
Well attended meeting Monday they were so surprised and had to move the meeting that started a half hour late.
Some agenda items;
Talked about the agency's NIP Demolition Program?
Eastlake JFK Senior Center Demolition
Painesville Senior Center Demolition. (this was interesting on a former post someone asked who was paying to demolish the Senior Center? I answered simply the county? No the Land Bank will spend over $200,000 to help the county tear it down. I guess it's in a blighted neighborhood?) Although it is good because it will bring income tax dollars to Painesville community development/ Should have thought about that before the Health Department left town?)
Commissioner Dan Troy sits on the committee all I heard was the reason to establish the Land Bank was to remove blighted homes from neighborhoods? Yet he was at the trough when they wanted to help teardown the Senior Center?
Painesville Parking Garage (we have covered that)
Gage House Land Bank was looking to purchase for $220,000 for their offices that got shot down
and at the very end
265 N. State St. property
265 Future site for HOLA Clubhouse. No Veronica staff presented a 25 page plan for the site.
Which included architecture drawings of her vision for the building. Someone seems to be putting the cart in front of the horse here?
Her plan is to establish a business incubator to promote entrepreneurship, support micro and small businesses. She has applied for a $250,00 grant from the USDA to fund kitchen equipment and construction of ADA-compliant restrooms. Looking at the diagram I didn't see a business incubator, it seemed more like a soup kitchen to me?
She's done her homework from letter's from Hawken School , Lake County Port Authority, Perry Public Library to everyday people. It was rumored she has already met with Governor Kasich over this proposal.
Yet at the same time the Land Bank claims to have made no promises but .they would probably give them the property could vote to put a new $80,000 roof on the building? Why not go all out and put a new heating and air conditioning system in. $50,000 Wonder how she found out about this building?
The claim was made this building has been on the market for 10 years? Yes but was it free with a new roof thrown in?
This could be a promising venture for ALL of Painesville. My problem is who's behind it? Veronica might have fooled many but I have watched her manipulate from afar. Turning this building over to just HOLA would be a mistake. I can only hope the city when permits are drawn remember the history with this woman.
I believe the city should view permits and parking recommendation the same way they would anybody else. Also the city should demand a oversight committee to make sure that HOLA follows all federal laws. Hope they make cabbage rolls perogie's , as well as chitlins and greens? as part of their fare. HOLA on the Front Door will automatically discourage many from entering.
Ms. Dahlberg does her homework and to all listening yesterday it's quite a mountain to climb. If anyone can she can. A community incubator with HOLA offices inside paid by US taxpayers.
For this to work it must not be affiliated with any one group.
This was only the first part of my day! What possibly be going on at a school board meeting in July?
Just to clarify the Land Bank is not a government agency but a 501c.
As we all know, that might be factually correct (like the Post Office) but it is a matter of semantics. It is semi-governmental in fact and is run by John Rodgers, who has some political connections.
IOW, if it walks like a duck, etc.
Make no mistake, they use political muscle to do things that you or I cold NEVER get to do.
Like you, I will be most interested in seeing how they solve the parking issue. That building has NO parking so they will have to work something out with St Mary's, CVS, or apply for some sort of parking variance.
9:59 I understand your point, as well as agree with it. It seems to be an extension of government? I heard a few strange stories yesterday? County buying houses on Jackson St. turning them over to the Land Bank and after the teardown back to the County? Haven't verified this yet but it seems plausible. Also numerous times during the meeting we were told We are not a government agency.
And if we say it often (and loud) enough, it will become true and you will believe it!
If I understand things correctly, if the County was to tear down those structures, they have to meet all the abatement and EPA regulations. If the "Land Bank" does the work (or have it done), they don't have to meet any standards.
Sounds to me like a cover up of the most interesting sort.
It sounds like a major conflict of interest for Mr. Troy. He's a Commissioner and the Commissioners own the Senior Center building. He is a member of the Board of the Land Bank. The Commissioners are responsible for the cost to tear down the Senior Center building. So he goes to his other group and votes to have them pay for the demolition. Major conflict of interest. Sounds like some Cuyahoga County politics going on here. Jimmy Dimora sound familiar? The Senior Center isn't in a blighted area. And the future use of that building will not be bringing in new business. So why is the Land Bank funding this?
11:57 Not only doe Dan Troy sit on the board but another county commissioner Judy Moran is also on the board? There's got to be a conflict of interest? Now as far as economic development when the building is completed they will locate the engineering department there adding income tax dollars. That's how they skate around that. What 5 employee's?
Call your state legislator? John Rogers is our state legislator.
The board of directors of a county land bank is composed of five, seven or nine members and statutorily includes:
1. The county treasurer.
2. At least two county commissioners.
3. One representative of the largest municipality in the county.
4. One representative of a township with a population of 10,000 or more in the unincorporated area of the township, if there are at least two townships in the county having a population in excess of 10,000. The township representative is selected by a majority of the townships with a population over 10,000
5. Any other members appointed to the board by the commissioners and the county treasurer.
6:29 Thank-you for the information. Odd it appears this is slanted to the county? All I have ever heard about the land bank was about blighted homes in neighborhoods.
I going by what I could barely hear at the meeting (lot of quiet talk) The county buys the Senior Building for $275,000 the cost to demolish it is over $400,000 and the land bank chips in $200,000? Wouldn't have been a better investment to put the $200,000 into that building and making it compliant? Senior aren't at the YMCA? Maybe using the top floor for a real business incubator.? The land bank wants to buy a building? What's wrong with 265 N. State St.? You already own that building and putting a new roof and heating and air-conditioning system in. Right there you save $80,000 along with no mortgage and who knows what the Gage House needs? No people that's not how this story will end.
Remember the movie the 'Jungle Book' and poor Mr. Rogers is now dealing with the snake.
"Poor Mr. Rogers"? Mr. Rogers is the one who lured the snake in. Didn't take much luring, but he is still the one who brought her in.
Why not let the county firemen burn it for free and training? Almost happened once let em do it for nothing.
9:35 just be burning a shell.
9:19 I look at all of her affixations, I question what has she done to improve those organizations? Seems everything flow's one way.
Term, great idea.
There would still be parking issues/problems if the building on N State St went the Seniors but at least it would be serving the people who built this community.
IMO, there is no justification for turn it over to HOLA over the Seniors.
10:52 No mention if the Senior's were offered or turned it down? No parking for a supermarket.
Seniors should have stayed where they were.
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