"KNIGHT AT THE ROUNDTABLE" bill haley and the comets
Well in the past our Red Raider has been called a Knight?
Well I had a choice Thursday night Andy Flocks Town Hall Meeting or Raider Roundtable both at 7:00 pm at the Elm St. School.
Since Andy's meeting had the police chief as well as the (new city engineer sorry she was there). excused for personal reasons. I decided to go to Raider Roundtable.
Well like I mentioned before you can't blame this administration and Board for not trying. 14 people came to the meeting along with at least 7 educators.
I learned why school started so early? We will have the state testing as well as the first semester completed by Winter break (Christmas Vacation.) sorry old school.
I learned the pluses and minuses of Maples A/R reading program. I do believe the reward for reading a book, should be reward enough. At least now I know why the books I buy my granddaughter at Barnes & Noble collect dust there not A/R.
That it will be the administrations policy to have all three elementary school student's at the same level as they enter Heritage Middle School. Now I'm not a fan of this first do you hold one or two schools back so the third can catch up? Not a good policy idea sorry.
Reading program called 'Daily Five Stamina' reading, reading to someone, listening as someone reads, writing .
Did you realize many text books can't be taken out of school? Many cost as much as $100.00 here all along I thought the kids were just lazy? Chrome book, tablet going home forget about it.
The dress code came up, my take was to enforce it or scrap it, don't make some kid's follow it and other's test it's boundaries. Kid's continually ask why can't I go like that? What those kids can argue better with authority?
Many parents claimed even after parenting classes many still did not understand how it worked. I speaking of the new math, I don't get it either.
Another question asked, why the high teacher turnover? I guess you can lose money by not retiring? Makes no sense.
One parent asked why the poor publicity from the News-Herald when it comes to Painesville Schools? Well let's check the circulation of the News-Herald. Highest in Mentor, Willoughby, Eastlake, plus expanding into Clevelands southern suburbs. We are kind of the poor stepchild here. Remember "if it bleeds it leads." Unless it's a scandal preferably one with sex. Now the school have a new reporter covering them, Devon Turchon be honest with him and he will be honest with you. How a Harvey student can place 7th nationally in an FBLA competition and not receive recognition in the local paper is beyond me? Now if he robbed someone......
Bus Transportation issues came up. (what a surprise) Main concern not calling the parents back over an issue.
The administration would like to come up with a strategic plan with the help from parents as well as the community.
First off Raider Pride from the first year to the last and understanding what being a Red Raider means. The BOE should copy write the logo before it gets snatched up. As far as I can tell its been a part of my life since 1955. Always wear it with pride.
Yes, books can be expensive and glad you brought the subject up. Morley Library, have just learned how to 'borrow' books from their collection. Just wonderful, I can check out books digitally and return digitally, I use my Kindle. Amazon not happy as they would rather sell, but it can be done. I asked how Morley was able to obtain the books, and they are charged about $80 a book. For those folks without kindle access, there is adobe digital editions for home PCs. This is a great resource that many should take advantage of. I found the staff at Morley very good at answering any specific questions. Reading time with parents/grandparents, book in hand, is also very recommended.
Scrap dress code? Do you mean scrap uniforms? For years schools have always had dress codes. What would it be like without one? Skirts up too far. Pants down too low. Midriffs exposing bellies, too much crack without a belt. No way, we don't want to bring that problem back. It would best if they went to black pants and red shirts for everyone. There are too many choices and shades that vary. KISS...basic red and black. Or maybe a white shirt. White is white unlike burgundy is red or royal is blue but it isn't navy blue. Too confusing.
My kids are confused with the colors. What is ok in Elm isn't elsewhere? They were upset when were told they had the wrong colors yet wore them for the past several years. What gives with that?
How well would a school levy do on election day if residents of the city saw those non dress code examples wile driving near the school?
9:40 That's the reason for the Raider Roundtable. You can bring your questions to an 'unofficial' meeting and ask questions. Look if the BOE is going to have a uniform dress code have a 'uniform' dress code throughout the system. One parent questioned how many shades of blue there was. Good point.
5:58 you bring up a good point.
The parents of the kids no fallowing the dress code will vote for a levy
coz it don't cost them anything! Renters sec. 8 food card painesvilles new class
They run the town NOW! 3:11 you need to get over it MOVE!
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