Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"HANG ONTO YOUR EGO" beach boys

Well first off I realize this is just Council-President Hach's third meeting, but he better get control of the meetings and soon. The bickering and remarks have no place in a council meeting. Along with timing visitor's, it his responsibility to control the meeting.

Only two items caused much conversation at last nights meeting the snow parking ban, and the letter concerning immigration.

First off the council should listen to all views of all Painesville residents. It seems the driving force on one side is a advocate for amnesty and advocates against legalization on the other. What does the average resident want? It seems a few on council have decided what their position is with little or no concern of what the Painesville resident wants.
I agree with councilman DeLeone the draft of the letter is very vague. If you want amnesty say so, if you want deportation to stop say so. If you want the federal laws followed say so. It seems every so often a letter is asked to be written and for what reason I know not. This letter I believe was composed by an advocate of immigration not by anyone on council, it's happened before and now it happening again.
I believe this country must find a solution for this problem but this letter adds nothing to the debate.
A word to council members write your own letter to whoever you want stating your position. Council should spend as much time on city business they can control and not on things they can't.

Just a reminder from the 11/18/13 council meeting with concerns of a letter to be sent to the Ohio Attorney General with concerns to Prairie State Energy Campus.

Mrs. DiNallo added that she'd like everyone to recognize that we are one of many communities participating in this project, we have a voting member on the committee. If we ask for an investigation we are asking Prairie State to incur a cost of defending their position or at least gather the information. In the end it will cost us money. The decision belongs to the committee not the individual communities. 
Now change Prairie State to Immigration and committee to elected federal law makers. Please explain the difference in the two reasons for the letters?

Snow ban parking a council member shared with me the thoughts of a resident that believed a $100 fine was ridiculous. I wonder if that same person believed that a $5.00 ticket was just as ridiculous?
The point of increasing the fine is for the word to get out and people refraining from leaving their vehicles on the street making it safer for the snow plow driver as well as the general public. The city if the check will find the most municipalities have a $50.00 fee.

Council-President Hach you missed  #12 altogether on the agenda?


At February 5, 2014 at 9:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

are the comments really anonymous?
term you don't know who they are?
if this is true i will take part in this i think this blog may help
Painesville! thanks

At February 6, 2014 at 2:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Item #12 was listed as tabled thus it is left on the agenda until the council person(s) wish to bring it back on the table. No discussion is necessary. It is to remind those that brought it fourth the issue is still out there.
Roberts Rule of order is a very dry book but you may want to read it.

At February 6, 2014 at 6:01 AM , Anonymous Adam said...

What's the point in increasing the price of a parking ticket? The roads aren't being plowed as it is. Walnut, Liberty, and Washington still had at least 2 inches of slush on them this morning when I left for work. They were even worse yesterday.

However, when I drove through Heisley Park around 4pm I found the roads absolutely clear. Wonder if that has anything to do with the rumor I heard that the new city manager lives down there? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I wonder if there's any truth to that. Guess we're rewarding HP residents for sending their kids to Township schools by giving them excellent plow service.

All I got on my dead-end street was one pass with the pickup that was totally crooked and left no room for a second car to come down the road.

At February 6, 2014 at 7:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

ADAM, Friday afternoon 2:00pm you can meet with the city manager at city hall. Even if you just call I know the stree you live on and I'm sure they will resolve your problem. As far as our overall snow removel in Painesville with the weather we are having I believe the city is doing an excellent job.

At February 6, 2014 at 7:35 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:24 And why is it stil tabled?
No one asked if it was wanted it backed.
Same situation with the battery box situation. Hada at least addressed tabled items on the agenda, was he wrong to do so?
9:24 Yes they are I have never even tried to find out who someone commenting is. And without a court order even the police have been refused. Now a couple of simple rules no profanity, no Mrs. R is having an affair with councilman X. Councilman X took a bribe from this company. no gossip. I won't let it on the blog. You have proof of something illegal you must make it public.

At February 6, 2014 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off when did Mr. Fitzgerald show up to the council meeting his chair was empty at the start of the meeting?
Lori Dinallo didn't write that letter. I'm glad you called her on it.
Why do you replace a truck with a diesel engine that has only 40,000 miles? Poor

At February 6, 2014 at 11:39 AM , Anonymous Adam said...

Typical Painesville. City Manager says he'll be available to talk, but makes himself available when everyone is at work, myself included. How about pulling a late shift once in a while? Guess I'll have to free up a Monday to go to a council meeting.

As far as snow removal, we have different standards. I look at other area cities and see that they're doing a much better job than we get here.

At February 7, 2014 at 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should probably wait and cool down before writing this. Watched our council meeting tonight and I've had it with Fodor! The letter speaks for him? Well Mr. Fodor it doesn't speak for me. Your concern for the stress of the Mexican children in our schools is what you seem to be your only concern. Let me tell you a story about my two grandchildren who attend Painesville schools. First their father lost his job through no fault of his own over two years ago, last December the government cut off his unemployment. The family is living off the two part-time waitress job my daughter holds down living off tips. This family has no cell phones, cable TV, movie night is going to Morley and getting one. My son-in-law has always worked hard and will even leave the area to find work. You want to talk about stress talk to them? You have to wonder if he would have found a job if he didn't have to compete against workers not legally here that will work under the table. Mr. Fodor vote for that letter and I promise you I will do everything in my power to make sure you are never re-elected, that pretty much goes for anyone who votes to send the letter, you do not speak for me. And Mr. Fodor not everyone believes your humor is funny less self indulgence and more concern for residents.

At February 8, 2014 at 8:51 AM , Anonymous Amen said...

How soon they forget. Does anyone remember the bunk Mr Horvath went through writing a letter concerning illegals? Why again? WHy is council proposing this stuff? We have more than our share of problems in this town, fix Painesville first then go after Washington. This town turns a blind eye on the illegals and it needs to stop. 7:01 I feel your pain. If you don't speak Spanish you won't be able to hold a job in Painesville/Schools. This is very backwards. All should be able to speak English before enrollment. And if you want to live in our melting pot of a country you should be blending in with us not standing out against us.

At February 8, 2014 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If every councilperson was invited where did Dinallo get the idea to send a letter and why? It appears the letter will be sent even if most residents disagree with it.
Fodor sits bank in his chair like it was a lounge chair and makes remarks. Everyone should be more concerned with people legally here instead of people who broke the law. There will be NO vote on immigration this year. How about you concern yourself with things you possible could fix?

At February 11, 2014 at 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you will find out that these people
in pville just like to talk they will not help you! GOOD LUCK!!

At February 13, 2014 at 3:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the streets in painesville are going to get repaired in a timely manner. I noticed they are in bad shape after the bad winter.I drove under the train bridge on north state. Bad real bad lets hope the road crew is up to the task!!!
I believe they can do it!!

At February 14, 2014 at 8:13 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:12 Maybe if council could tear itself away from more pressing business like writing letters?
Then again when the weather breaks and the cold patch starts, it's another waste of time and money. Things have changed since 1930, but our service depatment hasn't seen the light yet.
I also believe they can waste time and money.

At February 14, 2014 at 8:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why so negative I think the city can ask the asphalt plant to open early! and give them there business and use real asphalt it would work better what do you think? we should work together!

At February 14, 2014 at 9:03 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

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At February 14, 2014 at 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

surprised? Fodor is for Mexicans he was all about the schools and spending your money for all liberal reasons he will take take take and take more 85% pension and you think he will care about your money Mexicans kids have stress lets hire some more teachers just for stress
Fodor knows about the problems with certain workers he has done a lot of sweeping under rug! he was and still is one of the Jefferson boys!


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