"MANIC MONDAY" bangles
A special council meeting this Monday. We have officials from AMP-OHIO come to town to give us "facts" that council-president Joe Hada has been asking for.
This was the first time the News-Herald ever printed Painesville sending over two million dollars on the failed Meigs County AMPGS power station. We could get it back? Well send me 2 million see if I send it back? Will we collect interest on that money? We sent it to save on interest, wasn't that 2 million collecting interest for Painesville?
We hope to find out how much Painesville owes in "Levelization" costs as well interest.
It will be interesting how much support Jenkins, DiNallo, Fodor and DeLeone will show Joe Hada as well as the previous McMahon administration. I guess the question comes down to, would you do it over again if you could?
Do I expect much to be resolved? No, but people in Painesville will start to get a better idea what a bad deal these AMP-OHIO contracts are for us.Some may even question why we still do business with them?
Hope someone on council asks to see the contract between Bryan, Ohio and the Amp people? Maybe they just like them more than us?
If they like it or not these deals will be Ms. McMahon, as well as Mr. Hada "LEGACY" to there leadership of running Painesville. These deals will impact the city for 30 to 40 years. With millions of dollars at stake. Did they bumble into believing these were great contracts? Where they lied to, or did they lie to us? I guess my biggest concern was they didn't even bother into looking into these contracts after many people asked them to. Was there an ulterior motive?
Council will also consider the 2014 budget, what a family is or isn't? At least we finally got the Asian Carp off the table.
Anybody see our newest councilman at any of the water meetings?
Maybe Tom is reliving the sixties by travelng to Viet Nam? Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City as well as the Mekong Delta. His website claims two week trip for close to $5000.
Hell back in the day the U.S. government paid you for a one year stay.
Tom might be a great guy but will he be around when the city needs him?
I really do understand how "mistakes" can be made. In the end, you need to admit the mistakes and move on.
Lies, however, are a different animal.
If you lied, or were lied to, there needs to be some sort of payback. The people deserve knowing the truth.
I guess I am most interested is seeing where the "levelization" costs go. How are we on the hook for more money for power that was never delivered?? Just wondering!
Painesville will never get the 2 million flushed down the toilet for the Meigs county fiasco.
AMP is suing BECHTEL CORPORATION, and Bechtel has prevailed in every single ruling in the federal courts.
The last remaining ruling lies in the hands of the judge to dismiss the case outright, then order AMP to pay for BECHTEL legal costs incurred in the frivolous lawsuit.
According to word from Galion, they owe over 1 million in rate levelaztion charges from delayed billing on Prairie State. Galion and Painesville ordered identical amounts.
AMP oversold these projects, convincing all the communities they could SELL the excess electricity at a profit.
The only thing needed at tonight's council meeting was Arlene Beck's....... Joe might have passed out!
Lies are serious crimes, and the liars that tell them are dangerous to individuals and to society as a whole. They always need to be exposed, no matter what the circumstances.
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