What we have today is a double header or a daily double depending on the sport of your choice.
I have been informed by e-mail that if you got time to kill and those few extra bucks in your pocket seem to be burning a hole in them. You can spend some of your valuable time convincing other Painesvillians to throw some more money into the pit.
Please join our group of volunteers Tuesday, August 13th at 6:30 pm in Morley Library Meeting Room A.
These levies protect our community by ensuring enough funds to upgrade aged and failing safety equipment.
Sorry, I won't be attending but not for the reasons you might believe.
First off the City of Painesville does not believe in a line item budget. That said if in the 2014 budget the administration budgets say $70,000 for new police cruisers, and say the police levy passes council can use that levy money to purchase the police cruisers. Than in turn take the earmarked $70,000 and return it back to the general fund to do with God knows what. This administration has proved it can't manage money well.
Look if I really believed that money would help the safety forces I would vote for it. Presently I view the police and fire being used as pawns to squeeze some money out of people that are squeezed out.
Tell us that money will be used of police and fire wages and I would vote for it.
The Road, Fire, and Police levy are being used so more 'general fund' money can be directed elsewhere.
Term the police have no money to spend on things that are needed like radar ,cars , vests , and I don't believe in 2014 or 2015 that there is going to be money for any of the above items . This level isfor equipment that is needed yesterday. If the level say it's for replaceing ,then that is what it's for. They are not going to give police a wage increase and not the rest the city workers. The police have never come to the voters asking for a levie this is the very first time unless it was before 1971. The fire levie from years ago was used for truck and nothing else this police levie is then same. Also you have what you asked for a new cm you do not know what he is going to do..
Na, I don't believe for a minute you would support any levy safety or otherwise. You were against the last safety levy and rallied the troops against it the said a lot of IF's...if it did this, that, was worded differently they you'd support it. Now once again you are backpaddling against this one too.
10:45/10:57 My opposition to all three levies is that they are all glorified general fund levies.
The last safety levy went down in defeat 82% to 18% knock yourselves out.
10$5 Yes a new city manager is what I wanted. My city hall spies claim that the water is being poisoned by someone leaving council. None of this represents anything the new CM did or didn't do. I do presently worry about who has his ear.
I believe it will only be fair to judge him after the next election.
Again, there isn't a levy that you would approve or support is there? Always against them all, even the schools. Never spoke to support any of them. If it doesn't help you, then you're against everything. And then you are the first to gripe and complain about everything and that nothing gets done.
Painesville should disband the PD force and contract out policing and patrol duty to the Sherrif.
It would costs 1/3 as much, no pensions, no healthcare, no liability, no cruisers to purchase.
Painesville could use the extra savings to repave every single street in the community evry 4 years.
6:54 And how will all this work? Have you thought about this. The employee's will still have benefits. they still need cars? All that will be added to the cost.
6:32 When the city decides to be responsible. Then maybe I will change my mind. As I watch in council meetings that time has yet to arrive. The big difference between some of your friends and neighbors and myself is I tell you out front. Some will tell you yes I'll vote for this and that, sure give me a yard sign and then when they step behind that curtain they vote NO, that's the difference.
Would it make you feel better if I told you I support the levies 100%?
654! Be very careful what you ask for. You would first loose all control of law inforcement in the city next the county can not in force city laws ,all money earned would go to the state . We would loose fast response time as county would put as few officers as they could get. By on and you would loose having three to six officers on the street. The county would ask for full payment for there officer to include all benefits cost of using there cars . Cost of using there jails . You would save nothing in fact it may end up costing more money
I think you would loose more than would be gained. Your officers make fair wages bot they are no where near the best paid city officer in lake county
And have Sherrif Dan in control? Absolutly not. You think we got problems now?
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