Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW" johnny nash

"Well not really and it seems neither can Ross Grippi"

I will print Mr. Grippi's letter and maybe you can figure it out?

August 12, 2013 PCLS BOE Meeting

At the July BOE meeting I asked several questions regarding Dr. Hanlon's modified contract, which according to the information I received, Hanlon is going to walk away with $111,228 of tax payer dollars despite a very poor performance over the  last 11 years on the Ohio State Report Card averaging only 28% of Indicators Met. In July of 2010 the PCLS BOE extended Dr. Michael Hanlon's contract not 1 year, not 2 years, not 3 years...he was given a FIVE year contract, commencing August 1,2011 through July 31, 2016. The board of education approved a FIVE year contract for Dr. Hanlon even though our district received 2 out of 26 indicators met on the State Report Card in 2010. With all this in mind... The PCLS BOE gave Dr. Hanlon a FIVE year contract. That contract included $129,552 base salary, an additional $5000 per year stipend for possessing a Dr. of Philosophy degree, paid 100% of his STRS contribution (by the way... the teachers got a 1% raise just recently that is being eaten up by an increase in their STRS contribution), also included in his pay was his right to severance pay, also included the taxpayers will pay 3% of his base salary payable in monthly installments to an approved tax shelter annuity selected by the superintendent, as well as tuition reimbursement, $250 per month expense account, $300 per month stipend for use of his personal vehicle, and the tax payers will pick up all costs associated with Hanlon's cell phone. There is more but I didn't want to spend the majority of the time talking about his FIVE year contract extension. Once again... Look at the data in front of you... 2 out of 26 indicators met 2010. I don't get it. What business, organization, sports franchise or other school district would give their CEO a highly compensated package over five years for that type of performance. Our new treasurer  (which is not responsible for this contract) provided me with a comparison spread sheet of our taxpayers saving $100,202 by the board modifying Hanlon's contract. If you look at the comparison it leads you to believe we are actually saving money. Numbers can be deceiving. Why would the board approve a FIVE year contract for a person with a poor performance record... 11 years of poor performance. We really did not save anything... Poor leadership by the board in extending Hanlon's contract cost taxpayers $111,228. What do you say for yourselves? I am tired of this board & the administration blaming the students, teachers & community for the districts poor performance. It is all about leadership, wasteful spending and failed initiatives. As a taxpayers, I expect a full account of Dr. Hanlon's time for the next 5 months. I would like to know what he is working on and the amount of time he spends on each project. He must account for 750 hours of work.

After that I got up to speak, all the time thinking Alex Rodriguez should have Dr. Hanlon's contract attorney. ( maybe he did? ) My first question was who broke the FIVE year contract? How do you get rewarded for breaking your contract? Why isn't Dr. Hanlon here tonight? I answered that myself he's currently at Chardon's BOE meeting. What as a Painesville taxpayer can I expect to receive from Dr. Hanlon in the next five months? In around about way I was told  he will not spend time in any of our buildings but is on board as a "consultant" to the administration, Ross don't expect that 750 hours. It's all a ruse. But that's not how it's spelled out in the modified contract is it?
Now about those 100 day banked vacation days?

AS I returned to my seat I kept wondering what if this bunch would have negotiated the AMP-OHIO contract?
Remember it's for the kids.


At August 13, 2013 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Thanks for all your follow up work.
I can only wish that my job had rewarded me like that. I would have been VERY happy to make $111,000 for having no responsibility and no accountability. I never made anything close to that and I was expected to show up and WORK every day.
I certainly hope that each and every member of the School Board understands that they are the guardians of the taxpayers money and this is a LOUSY way to use it. One has to wonder if Mr Hanlon has pictures that they don't want seen. Otherwise I can't see a reason to take it from the back side like they did.
Simply amazing!

At August 13, 2013 at 7:59 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:50 Truth is Ross Grippi is the one that should be thanked. I will do my best to post the treasurer's comparison of Hanlon's 2011-2016 contract vs. the modified contract.
I did mention to the BOE for transparency they should openly post it on the system's web site.

In the end sorry to say it goes back to 'It isn't their money'.

At August 13, 2013 at 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really wish someone would look deeply into the school administration. It would amaze you what happens and what doesn't happen. And teachers only received 1% which is gone anyway through STRS?

At August 13, 2013 at 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand- if he quit to go elsewhere, how is he entitled to all of this? Sometimes when given the door, the boot or even the golden handshake employees are entitled to buyout or severance package but he QUIT. In answer to you question as to why a 5year contract, perhaps there wasn't another soul in the world to do the job until he left?
Can anyone tell me what the new superintendent is getting? How does his contract compare to the previous? Does he get a cell phone, personal vehicle reimbursement, tax shelter, 100% STRS? Hanlon could/should be a congressman.

At August 13, 2013 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should contact the legal world to see if there is anyway that the taxpayers can force this contract to be broken. This has been truly unfortunate for everyone including the new leaders who are not making even close to this salary and benefits. Oh by the way, the people of Chardon-taxpayers- have no idea of this situation. When I mentioned some of these facts, their mouth dropped! Very SAD!!!!!

At August 13, 2013 at 3:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:02 This contract and the way it was mentioned at the BOE meeting that explained Dr. Hanlon as a paid consultant and the modified contract mentioning 20 days per month seems to be like putting a square peg in a round hole.
The people of Chardon may not be aware of this. I assure you their BOE members are all aware of this.
Let's hope they are better card player's than the ones he played with in Painesville.

At August 13, 2013 at 8:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again- I don't know the answer to the idea of asking the BOE to repeal the new consultant contract with Dr. Hanlon. I don't know whether by law the Board members can do what ever they want or are they "our voice" when it comes to spending local tax money. Someone should ask these legal questions. I would be interested in knowing if the public can have a say in how the school tax dollars are spent. This is quite a contract. NO teacher has ever or would ever be able to secure such a contract I know this for a fact!

At August 15, 2013 at 7:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't the residents start a petition?

At August 15, 2013 at 7:55 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

They can do almost anything? Call the newspapers, call the Cleveland news channels. Write letters to the newspapers.
Presently most must not care?

The BOE must be made aware of your displeasure.
Don't know if they even care?


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