"TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN" steve miller band
To Chardon?
Last night Board of Education was pretty much run of the mill, up until former educator Ross Grippi read this statement.
I have been doing some research during the past few months and am very upset at what I have uncovered. According to public documents, Dr. Hanlon has received a modified contract that will allow him to retire from PCLS at the end of December. This modified contract will cost our community $111,228. This contract requires Dr. Hanlon to work 20 days per month for five months for Painesville City Schools as well as work as the superintendent of Chardon schools at a salary of $120,000 per year. How is that possible to work 20 days amonth for five months for PCLS & be the Superintendent of Chardon? Why are WE paying for two Superintendents for five months? Why did the board decide to allow Hanlon to retire from PCLS? How many times has Dr. Hanlon applied for positions outside of our district in the last 8 years? If he had actively pursued employment from other districts, why not let him retire from his new position at Chardon? He is not deserving of retiring from PCLS. Check out the data you have in front of you... from 2000-2011 PCLS has averaged 28% indicators met on the state report card. 28% out of 100%. According to the Ohio Department of Education we are the lowest ranking school in Lake County and one of the lowest in the state...And have been for some time. People may say he was a factor in PCLS passing levies... not true...Painesville has a rich tradition of supporting schools & passing levies... it's not because of Dr. Hanlon. Why does Chardon school board have a copy of Hanlon's modified cotract? Did the two school boards conspire together so that Hanlon would NOT retire/rehire from Chardon? Did Hanlon tell Chardon he could retire from PCLS?
Giving Hanlon this modified contract & his severance pay, He is going to walk away with $111,228. Why? That $111,228 could have been better spent on our students. Do you know that $111,228 could have paid for 889 students to play sports at PCLS. That $111,228 could have provided for 5,561 hours of tutoring ( that we desperately need). I think modifying Dr. Hanlon's contract is outrageous and should be rescinded. I would not be here if I thought Hanlon did an exceptional job here at PCLS, but based on my knowledge within the community and district and again... look at the data... 28% over 11 years... he can retire from Chardon and save our community, $111,228.
This is the statement he read to the board. A good reason to bring this up now is the teachers will soon be negociating new contracts with the board. Wonder how they will feel about funds being used this way?
I will soon do another post on the going ons at the July meeting. As close as I can figure Dr. Hanlon received over 2 million dollars in wages in his tenure as super? It would have also been nice if the new board member would have been properly introduced to the audience?
News-Herald reporter also was in the audience. Wonder when and how the residents that don't read this Blog. will find out about the meeting? You have to think residents of Chardon should be concerned as well?
Bravo Ross Grippi!!
And was there any response from this lame school board?
Steve, what say you?
First let me say I applaud Mr. Grippi. Second, let me say I always liked Mr. Grippi as a teacher. Third, I do remember him as being hot-headed. That said, I hope all of his information is 100%
accurate. And, is it? Now, what can be done to fix this debacle? Will he propose what we as taxpaying residents can do to reverse what the board has done?
One thing I don't need to hear is "don't vote the same people back in" because I don't. Anyone that's made such a mess like this will not get a second chance from me.
When admins. stop using PCLS as a stepping stone to move on to better jobs. See past two years. Hanlon has tried to move on but no one has taken him till now. I grew up in Painesville and went through the school system in the 70's/ 80's and most of the admins. lived in Painesville, now not one lives here and you have to ask yourself why? I think they could care less, they have no ties here. Everyone say's when asked "I care", sure you care about your job who doesn't now a days. I feel until we bring back home grown educators/admins. we will continue being a joke.
I recall at a previous board meeting Dr. Hanlon announcing that he would "retire" from PCLS in JULY. The reason he gave for leaving PCLS was to spend more time with his family. Hmmmm. I'm not sure how he will spend more time with his family if he is working full time for Chardon and 20 days a month for Painesville. Many believe that his announcement to retire came suspiciously close to an election day. All of this sounds very manipulative and deceitful.
12:10 manipulative? One board member should be responsible to make sure he works his 8 hour shift for the system. Remember they made this deal possible and they should be held responsible. Really there appears more than ONE person being deceitful.
12:04 I know why. One answer I hear all the time. 'If I could afford to take a beating on my house I would be out of here.'
Those you mention some only care to get a check from here, not all but some.
11:45 He claimed everything presented was factual. I believe he did his homework more tomorrow.
11:38 First claim was I/we presently don't have that paperwork in front of us, and then 'lets just end the discussion'.
and how many showed up to vote for the school levy? This town better get together and get the schools straightened out. Whatever happened to PTA? There was a group of parents to be reckon'd with. Why is it so hard to get people together to slay the beast? He was here way to long and riding off with his saddle bags full of gold.
Term, time for a fairy tale......... because this is pretty unbelievable with no happy ending.
Sorry 3:18 No fairy tale was thinking about something Sci-Fi?
What we can and should do as a community is hold the BOE feet to the fire and make Dr. Hanlon honor this modified contract.
We need two 'supers' like you need two a@@^*%#'s
If nothing else it will be good theater to watch.
If the board let's him slide well...
Rember to pass the school levy ... it's fo the KIDS you know ...
As a home grown teacher...we have a culture problem..I've said it before...it's cool with a certain segment not to do well in school. The adm lets parents who complain the most get their way....no matter if its right or not....
Gotta love Mr. Grippi. Those BOE clowns have egg on their faces once again. They cleverly kept this hush hush until after the election. Shame on them. How can Hanlon work 20 days a month (4 weeks X 5 days a week)in Painesville City Schools? That's full time. How does Chardon feel about that? Grippi wants to know Hanlon's schedule and the projects he'll be completing. That's OUR taxpayer dollars.
Its a HORROR story and should be made into a movie for the country to see. Look what our poor town, poor inner-city community has gone through. Beware to others. This town is too poor to let this happen. Must stop this.
5:58 Sorry, we have no one to blame but OURSELVES!
wait until those teachers get at those 2 levies we pasted along with the state funds. hey will lick to the bone the carcases of those funds. We will soon watch real GREED! Truthfully those teachers envy Hanlon.
For who's kids?
Blame ourselves? How so? We were duped. Get rid of everyone on that board that allowed this to happen.
Can it be reversed? For the kids my eye, its nothing but pure GREED.
2:00.... Not all of us are like he Strongsville teachers...we do have a contract negotiation coming up...and not many of us envy Hanlon...why? Because he got paid a boat load of money? Because he could leave? He wasnt that popular with the staff either...perhaps you should talk to some of them...they might surprise you! I for one like working in PCLS and the challenges it faces...most students NEED our help...there are problems we need to overcome, and I hope that our new Super can lead more forcefully from the top down...
Dear 2:00, first I would like to say, thank you!
Here is my question to you; I am mystified as to why the teachers union did not voice an opinion to the board concerning the hiring of the new superintendent. Many of you were very vocal at meetings yet the union stood by in silence. Seems to me, other than parents, you had a pretty big dog in that fight.
We see one person here and there stand and voice an opinion to the school board, until there is a concerted effort on the part of this city, residents and students, there will be no change at board. Until a solidified group, like PTA gets together to move this board to enlightenment I doubt much will change.
And now can we have an article on Dr. Hanlon's compensation package from the Painesville School Board? He has robbed this system blind and the school board endorsed the theft. If in fact they were concerned with students and education they would have never allowed his compensation package to fly. Please report all the information. We in this community will find it very difficult to vote for another school levy until transparency is achieved within the system. How Dr. Hanlon will work full time for Painesville and work full time as the Super. for Chardon is a mystery to me, especially after claiming he needed more time with his family. All this announced before the election. Shame on you Mr. Hanlon and the Painesville City School Board. It was never "about the kids" was it? It was about greed and ego. What a great lesson to teach "the kids". Disgusted in Painesville city.
6:36 I guess you could say we let the wolves run the chicken coup? Along with electing them we must keep a watchful I on them. And they will act accordingly. Same 3/4 people at city council, BOE meetings ain't cutting it!
3:57 Time will tell if you or 2:00 are correct.
6:16 It seems this is another group that never comes out of the shadows?
Wonder how many applied for the assistant's job? Wonder how they chose? No citizens input this time? I think they learned their lesson. That as a whole we don't think like them.
Mrs. Miller...
As a teacher who had both of your daughters in class, I can tell you that we were never asked as a union....I thought they might ask for our input, and formulate a FORMAL endorsement, even though the staff all wanted The HS principal. I hope the public does not think we all are greedy....some of us actually love our job and the people we serve....
8:06 Many are not Greedy but there are some in all professions. It comes down to how big a stampede they bring.
One time handling union negotiations a teamster member while we were discussing the company paid three day bereavement clause a union member questioned if he chose to work those three days would he be entitled to double time pay? Never looked at him in the same light after that.
Greed is everywhere. But not in everyone.
I guess I don't understand unions. The parts make up the whole. Someone had to speak up. if I remember my history class, Unions were formed for better work conditions and benefits for the workers. Certainly the administration comes under the heading of working conditions.
Our family supported the teachers when our kids were in school and out of school. We never found greed to be a motivating factor for any teacher we ever encounter in the city schools. This was also true with individual school administrators before Kim Martin. Then we watched the wheels the come off. We heard from many teachers how unhappy they were. What good is your union dues if you can't fight the battles for your own well being? It just seemed this wasn't only a parent and resident fight for a superintendent. One word from your union, and it did not need to be a grandstand but a hint of an endorsement would have spoke volumes.
I hope there isn't a school levy on the ballot for a very long time as I am not sure it would pass. And again this makes a teachers job so much harder.
As teachers, do you think there will be any money left in the coffers after robber baron Hanlon rides out of town?
My blood boils every time I think of our Super. Padding his bank account while we could have been tutoring students or paying the teachers on the frontline. The teachers are the ones who have a direct impact on the students, not the guy sitting at the board office. The board members want to give him a bonus, let them have a bake sale and sit by the front door of Walmart!
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
― Aristotle
You know Sandy it has very little to do with unions. Teachers as well as parents don't want to be found on the wrong side of the people in power. You want all the opportunities for their child. Teachers have invested a large sum of money for securing a degree, many that consider themselves well compensated. Why would you risk all this? For who and why.
Ahhh but isn't there saftey in numbers? It what makes and made the unions so strong.
Maybe we need a residents union :)
Sadly there is its called the right to vote, but most people just bark and bark. When it comes time to do something they sit on their hands instead of stepping up. Plus the unions didnt give him this. Stop blameing the unions for everything that goes wrong.
The Union Dues for those teachers in PCLS is over $700.00 per teacher per year. The leadership of this union and teachers in general use to have more impute into what happened in the school system. Dr. Hanlon worked overtime to shut down the teachers. He even hired administration that could harm staff and run them out of Painesville. Right now if a staff person stood up for what they believed to be right, they would face being harassed by the BOE. It is a sad time for education in PCLS with Dr. Hanlon still involved in hurting students, teachers, and administration. I can't imagine any job that he should have his fingers in that would be positive for PCLS. Dr. Hanlon has a student base of over 300 children in Chardon Local Schools that are in need of a "caring individual" running their system. These children are in counseling because of the shootings several years ago. I am shocked that they hired him knowing that he is still working in Painesville. I am also very shocked that he "retired" from PCLS but still is working for us and is also working for Chardon.
Someone should contact the Ohio State Board of Education and asked if this is legal! It would not be legal for a teacher! Any teacher retiring would have to be gone from that position for a period of time before being able to be rehired. This is CRAZY!!!!! Who is the new BOE member! Maybe a group of vocal citizens should start a petition to present to City Council and the BOE and ask for TV coverage of this presentation of the petition.
9:09 I like your ideas. I have an interesting one myself that I am going to follow up on....Attend a Chardon Board Meeting and ask how all these contracts will not only affect Painesville but Chardon students as well as staff? Right now I believe Painesville BOE is again 'Modifying' Dr. Hanlons contract to take themselves off the hook. The new BOE member should think twice before agreeing to something new. This maybe one time being a team player might not be such a good idea. Out of this reformed contract what good could come out of it? Well maybe the good Dr. won't be able to RETIRE from PCLS. What the good Dr. must have forgotten was you screw enough people around and sooner than later someone comes back to bite you is the A^*!
20 days a month for six months? What were they thinking?
It would be interesting to see 20 or more parents, teachers, plus everyone else to go to that board meeting? Look nothing causes more problems than 20 people being told "That's confidential information." If nothing else it might raise eyebrows to our southern cousins living on that hill down south? WELCOME TO CHARDON!
I believe, all public contracts are open to everyone to viewed . To refuse to release them is a violation of freedom of information act. There are no secret contracts..also The supr. Can not work for 60daysafter retirement . Unless he delays his date of retirement
As a school employee it would be career suicide to stand up at a BOE meeting and go against anyone.
BAM, you'd be jobless so fast you wouldn't know what hit you. Don't think so, ask around. As far as the union, teachers pay 700.00 and classified an average of 400.00+ a year. Teacher union is much stronger than OAPSE. We get nothing for our dollars spent on dues. So, without union support who in their right mind would show up at a board meeting and speak up?
You can trust and I will verify. Most things you mentioned I have been made aware of already,not all.
It's Hell to live or work in this community when you realize this is all going on.
Who would have ever thought all this n Painesville?
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