My Annual Year-End attack on the Republican Party:
Thirty years ago, I remember a man running for President that came up with a new term I had never heard before. “Supply-Side Economics”. Seemed innocent enough at the time. His challenger (who would become his Vice-President and later President) called it "VOO-DOO' economics. If Bush ever hit anything on the head, it was the right name for that economic plan.
We were promised a "trickle down" effect. Well, we were trickled on all right.
Fast-forward thirty years and look at any economic chart, whom does this policy benefit? Yes, the top 1 or 2% have done GREAT! Now the middle class is barely hanging on. Why?
If this policy was so great, why didn’t the majority of Americans reap the same benefits as the top 1 and 2%? The top 1% now controls 50% of all the wealth in this country.
They say the Bush tax cuts are needed by the job creators.
They Got the tax breaks, now where are the jobs? Let’s clarify that the jobs that have been created are now located everywhere else but in America.
You have a private citizen who threatens anyone who doesn't sign his pledge with a challenger in a primary. Gee, all along I thought they only had to be faithful to the Constitution. What backbone this party has.
To be honest, watching the debates I thought only Democrats could look so foolish. Someone mentioned it was like the television show "The Apprentice". Low and behold, the Donald wants to host a debate. Yes... after most candidates went on a pilgrimage to Trump Towers to kiss the ring, I mean comb of the "Donald". Whom do you think those candidates will be looking out for? That self-made man who used his father’s wealth to build an empire or you and me?
Well, one thing that party did right was replace a chairman who spent party money at strip joints with one who mentioned that President Obama's policies had cost 26 million jobs. He later corrected himself. With that said how many of you know anyone named Reince? Talk about elitists.
We were promised jobs a year ago. Where are they?
Our Governor, to his credit, managed to get Chiquita Bananas to move their corporate headquarters to South Carolina. Well Gov, if you want credit for what you bring to Ohio, I guess you also have to take credit for what you lose.
I guess my question is ‘How long will we buy into this myth?’
A final thought to you FOXNEWS aficionados. After last week they have picked your candidate and its NEWT! Softball questions from Hannity as opposed to hardball question from Bret Baer to Romney. Check it out.
Hey, Isn't Trump Towers right next to Tiffanys? How Convenient.
I only do this post to for the people that say they don't come here but do,so enjoy.
Argue all you want but try to remember one thing.
Would Eisenhower,Nixon, Goldwater,Ford and Reagan ever had made a pilgrimage to Trump Tower?
What I find amazing, is how the wealthy get the less fortunate folks to vote against their best interests. And remember, “Those in the media deciding what information to give us are in the top 5% of our income structure.”
Somehow I don't see any of your above mention candidates quoting Pokemon either? Thats one good-by from a candidate I will never forget thank-you Mr. Cain.
What happened to all the grown-ups in the Republican Party?
Tea Party will usher in a new GOP? Then please explain a retread and shamed person like Newt. Challenge a guy who is as established as Mitt and changes position faster then socks?
Whats with Mr. Gindrich telling us child labor laws are stupid?
He now wants to fire janitors and replace them with low income students? This is so wrong. But then again lets take it a step further Harvey must have 30 or 40 juniors with drivers license's fire all the bus drivers and they can transport the kids!
Newt's a genuine genius.
You people better remember what happened when you voted the governor?
I think we should start our own Occupy movement here in Painesville. Term, you and the POC should organize one to fight the GOP office in Painesville. Just look what they did with signs for some non partisan elections last month. Since the square is public property we could protest right in front of their office and Latourete's office at the same time. Chase bank is also one of the biggest banks in the country. It's time we stand up to these republicans. That will show those tea party crazies.
3:19: Are you insane? When Obama took office, our entire country was COLLAPSING. Did you fail to notice that your Republicans almost lost the whole darn country? Obama has saved our country. It is still sputtering some, but I believe it will go down in history as one of the greatest feats of a President. And why wouldn't it still be sputtering some? The Republicans have blocked most of what he wanted to do, but still he has managed to save our country.
What did YOU do...develop amnesia?
And now the Republican candidates are courting Donald Ridiculous Trump. I think the Republican candidates are scary. I can't imagine any one of them running this country and not taking us right back down again, and we cannot survive that as a country or as a people.
3:19 PM...Take your pick of the stupid things Georgie Bush did...
Tax cuts for the wealthy with no way to pay for it
Deregulation and non-enforcement of regulation
Privatized Medicare (Plan D) with no way to pay for it
An invasion of Afghanistan that he didn't budget or pay for and then neglected almost immediately
A disgraceful and dishonest invasion and occupation of Iraq under false pretenses that he didn't pay for
Coddling of Enron and other corporate wrongdoers
Encouragement of the housing bubble and non-regulation of mortgage derivatives
The inability to pay in any way for his idiotic actions
Attacks on workers' rights
That's just the tip of the iceberg, 3:19 PM !
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