"SPINNING WHEELS" blood,sweat & tears
Talk about spinning a story? Should be called the Spin Doctors.
Here are some of the articles from different sources; first off is an AMP-OHIO press release. Then other newspaper accounts of meetings with other cities.
You have to wonder if our own local paper The Newsless-Herald has been invited to the Monday August 2,2009 meeting at 6:00pm at city hall?
Again, here are some of the stories and remember this is NOT the Meigs County travesty.
Something tells me we will hear about "special" lightbulbs and believe it or not... coupons?



3rd article about Amherst, a Gorsuch member, like us.
"Cost to the city to join this NON-NEGOTIABLE program is $100,000 per year for three years with an option to spend an additional $50,000 each year.
Corbin said paying the additional $50,000 would compel the VEIC to invest in the community, including rebate programs."
Everything has a price tag. Let's be sure to find out how much ours will be.
I hope there will be a good turn-out to this meeting. Come with a question.
To the comment by someone who seen these two ladies at a local watering hole is no reason to jump to any conclusions on anyones part. I don't want this site to head in that direction. Think about it, they both are employed by the same public body and spend a great deal of time together. Think of it as just to friends at lunch.
On top of all this a little bird told me today it seems the city did not receive the grant for the bridge to connect the "Road to Nowhere" to the other side of the swamp.
You have to wonder what Mentor will do if the city proceeds to dump all that traffic onto Heisley Rd. The person that mentioned this to me seems to believe the county commissioners were not to keen on this project moving forward. Back to square one?
The key thought I have about this deal is that it strikes me as EXTORTION by amp so that electric users are left paying a fine that they have created.
I can understand communities trying to save money on electric power but Amp Ohio has turned all financial risks to the local power companies.
All communities should tell them to take a walk, and lets see if Amp can bleed money like the rest of us.
So the Queen didn't get her bridge grant? Wonder what they will do now? No fire station no bridge. Wonder if council will get responsible now?
Maybe you could explain to us how this Amp-problem is the city manager or councils fault? Rading this there is presently only one member on council who voted for this and we had a different manager?
Happened to go by the road to nowhere tonight on my way to somewhere (Sat PM) and couldn't help noticing the lights were out. I sincerely hope that being in the dark will give pause to everyone involved with the ongoing debate and construction in that area. Here's hoping the chase for the almighty dollar is superceded by a new practical and moral outlook. Lets not compound the errors of building on swampland and unacceptable EMS response times, not to mention dumping a whole lot of extra traffic onto streets that our neighbor Mentor has to maintain with no help from the city of Painesville. Time to seriously re-examine the plan before anything else is done in that area.
To 6:35 I don't remember blaming the city manager for the Gorsuch plant? My problem is what is AMP's solution to their problem with the EPA? Painesville and other AMP partners paying for their mistakes? Were we just owner bystanders as this AMP group drove us deeper in debt with that plant? Why does the city administration have such a cozy relationship with AMP?
Where I hold the city manager and three members presently on council responsible is on the Meigs County agreement. IF that project costs Painesville what I believe it will there should be consequences for the city managers recommendation and the yes votes by three members still sitting on city council.
The famous question that should be asked to city officals about the Gorsuch plant. When were you made aware of the problems and what did you do about it?
A person comically brought this up at last Thursdays town hall meeting. We haven't cleaned up the dishes from the last dinner with AMP and now were in the middle of another dinner.
The lights are out on the road to no where it seems that the state was looking for other projects that could be more beneficial to the economy. Painesville must realize we cannot expect every project we attempt in Painesville has to be connected to a grant.
I once heard the city manager state that every project to be developed in Painesville must have at least two ways in and out?
You wonder if Painesville had a more "agreeable relationship" with surrounding communities they might be willing to offer other solutions to our problem. Can you even imagine the intersection of Heisley Rd. and Diamond Center at rush hour if we proceed with the planned 135 homes and a senior living community?
To 6:35
The reason that this is important is that every contract we enter into with AMP is just like this one – Take or Pay.
We Take the risks and Pay for whatever happens.
Do the members of council receive all the information to best understand these contracts?
Do the members of council read this information?
Do they understand what they read?
Do they know what they are voting for?
This is from the 2009 AMP combined financial audit. Page 10
(This is about Gorsuch)
At December 31, 2009, AMP had $78,870,000 of term debt
outstanding on its facility for a variety of purposes including pension and
postretirement benefits, the purchase of emission allowances, funding asset
retirement obligations, working capital requirements and operating, maintenance
and other costs and funding debt service reserve requirements and issuance
costs. The debt service will be collected monthly from Gorsuch participants
through 2012. There are 48 AMP Members that have contracted for power from
the Gorsuch Project. The debt is non-recourse to AMP, in that only the revenues
from the underlying power sales contracts with the 48 participants are pledged to
cover the debt. In December 2009, $17,720,000 of scheduled principal
payments were made on the Multi-Mode Variable Rate Gorsuch Station Taxable
Revenue Bonds.
Thanks to the above I believe every customer of Painesville power should DEMAND an itemized "Power Factor" charge. Seems they hide many things in the power factor. The above comment should scare the Hell out of all of us!
I need more paperwork from the Ohio Department of Development but it seems the top 8 finalist got the bulk of the money. I believe Painesville finnished 27 out of 41 applicants. Our score was 123 the number one ODOD score was 171. I guess will try again next year? Funny everything I've read mentioned the Painesville was looking for manufacturing? Not one word about a bridge, go figure.
I saw that same report and my take was the money was to aid in developing manufacturing rather than residential. I saw no mention of needing a bridge for 135 homes.
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