I am bring this question over from the other site because along with being a national issue it is also a local issue.
Jan Clair is the head of the Lake County Board of Elections. Talking with members of both the Democratic and Republican Partys this lady has an exemplary reputation.
Her job is to make sure everyone who is a legal citizen has the opportunity to vote in the up coming election. Groups such as ACORN are signing up many new voters. This Board must have the opportunity to validate all voters, Through the crosschecking of Social Security Numbers or Drivers Licences. Whoever wins in November we do not want a repeat of Florida in 2000. As a American I do not want to hear about stolen or cheated elections. Lets make sure the election process doesn't have a meltdown like the economy just did.
Acorn have been cheating on the sign up's, it was on the news.
Also Obma used to work for Acorn.
Signing people up to vote like homeless people is not against the law. I work in a very expensive nursing home, some of these people have no clue who they are but their children bring ballots to them that they fill out and have them sign. The excuse is I know how they would have voted.
Sarah Palin Hockey Mom Extraordinaire! Was appropriately at the Wachovia Center last night.Someone tell her that bank no longer exists.
Why would you say that JR ?
It goes to show how much of an ass you are.
JR, is on the list.
Maybe we shouldn't worry who was at the center, but why the bank is no longer there?
Only the republicans are scared when people exercise their right to vote. If there is voter fraud then it will be exposed. When was the last instance of voter fraud? It is a felony. It should be in the news. Sure unqualified people signup but then the BOE tosses out their ballot. Something like 20% of provisional ballots got tossed last time for that reason, not even that the people were doing it to be fraudulent but often times people who recently moved. Show me the fraud. To me the biggest scandal is everything they do to keep the lines long and people out of the booth. You cannot sneak in enough fraudulent voters to make up for all the disenfranchised voters. Give me a break. They will do a good job at the BOE in Lake county. Cuyahoga county will prove to have many democrats kept from the polls. When this is all done please post again all of the indictments for voter fraud. I bet you won't have anything to post.
Because the Democrats in control will not police their own people. Look at Brunner. She wouldn't even allow observers in for the early registration same day voting. She is so in the tanks for Obama it isn't even funny.
Ohio's Brunner? Florida's K.Harris?
Know, I havent forgot how she and Jeb stole 2000.Paybacks a B----!
ALL RIGHT! I asked a question of what the Board of Elections should do.... I don't want to rehash the last 8 years, I will even ask Ms. Clair if there is anything I could do. Please stay on subject.
The only ass is the one calling someone else one. There is cheating on both sides.
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What is she going to do with all the illegal's Dahlberg signed up at St. Marys. ACORN
Where do the Lake Erie College students vote that live on campus? At home or in Painesville?
Comment deleted
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October 13, 2008 5:29 PM
TERM>> said...
If the comment was so "nice" why did you delete it? What did it say? Why did you delete it?
• Fact: Barack was never an ACORN community organizer.
• Fact: ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee.
• Fact: ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration drive Barack ran in 1992.
In his capacity as an attorney, Barack represented ACORN in a successful lawsuit alongside the U.S. Department of Justice against the state of Illinois to force state compliance with a federal voting access law. For his work helping enforce the law, called “Motor Voter,” Barack received the IVI-IPO Legal Eagle Award in 1995. (For more about Barack’s career, check out our Obama bio.)
could we please stick to the facts before you post!
and I am not a Obama supporter or McCain supporter just trying to sift through the rumor mill.
Fact: Barack Obama is only good at speech reading.
I have researched my facts. You must be an Obama supporter Madpotter. Obama gave $800,000 to Acorn this year to register voters. He has had long and strong ties with them. And Acorn has extensive record for fraudulent registrations. Just like everything else, Obama is trying to distance himself and with the help of people like you he is succeeding in giving this illusion.
Osama, isnt even an American,where was he born? Christian ? Moslem? He will distroy us.
Wow JR what rock did you crawl out from under?
McCain place of birth was more in question than Obama's
You know I am not an Obama supporter and we have had some great debates around the dinner table over this election. Kids are going with Obama, husband who has been a dyed in the wool Republican his whole life is jumping party lines as he watches his business crumble away, and I am still listening, reading and watching. In reality I am thinking my dog would be a pretty good write in.
I am sick of the entire mess and the mess this country is in. I spend hours accessing and comparing candidates and where they stand on policy and issues. Local and National races. I liked McCain until he picked Sarah Palin. There are politicians whom I have voted for in the past that have turned out to be snake oil salesmen. I have lost faith in the system. The entire system; from the city to the federal. Many in the country feel as I do and not sure what it will take to get folks back to trusting the government again.
It is is also difficult to find all the information. Obama is not squeaky clean nor is McCain. I am over the mud slinging and just hope the debate tonight is better than the last two.
I have never missed voting in election and I guess my real hope is that everyone votes, period. Just vote.
off the net until after the election when I will check back in......
Obama used to be a member of Acorn. He served as general counsel for ACORN in Illinois, channeled millions to the organization from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (whose funds he distributed) and has lately spent $800,000 of his campaign money to subsidize the group's activities.
" I liked McCain until he picked Sarah Palin." All you liberals are threatened by a true conservative, especially a woman since she isn't your belived Hillary.
I think JR. is either bi-polar or, one of those guys that does the Geico commercial.
why not Condi Rice? or Kathyrn Bailey Hutchinson? why Sarah Palin? It's not about liberal it's about being qualified.
She is qualified! Open your eyes! You are afraid of a true conservative.
You want Obamas health plan ?
Think about it.
Thank God, Madpotter is off the net for now.
If a conservative is someone who is going to pull back regulations such as those on the banks that flushed our economy down the toliet then yes, I am afraid of a true conservative.
Shouldn't this be on the other board?
Term, you should just copy and paste the whole thing over there.
The banking crisis started with Carter and then went further with Clinton when they deregulated banking. To open up the mortgage lending to others besides the banking industry who is used to making sure the borrowers are qualified. How are insurance companies qualified to check borrowers and appraise homes. This was a policy sure to fail sometime. Their belief was that EVERY American should be able to buy a house. I agree, as long as they can afford it. When we older people here bought our first house it was 20% down or there's the door. Owning a house is the American dream not an entitlement. The sub-prime and NINJA loans
(No Income-No Job or Assets loan)
for mortgages being made to unqualified buyers by greedy and fraudulent lenders were the start. Then the selling of these loans with not enough equity to cover the outstanding loan was sure to bring about a collapse sometime. Now we have Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AGI and other financial institutions stuck with these loans. Well, I guess we all are stuck with these loans now.
You want Obamas health plan ?
Think about it.
Ihave no health plan!
I cannot afford to get sick. Think about it.
"Now is not the time to raise anyones taxes" John McCain.
Senator why then doy ou want to tax my employer paid health benefits?
don't go by the information that Obama is giving out. Do some actual research on this tax yourself and you will see the truth.
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