Sunday, June 8, 2008


Have heard a lot of negative feedback on the graduation ceremony. Everything from the National Anthem to all the screaming during the ceremony.
Graduation is something to be proud of, but you didn't find the cure for cancer did you? Your supposed to have a high school diploma.
What you watched was a total disrespect for the whole administration from the Superintendent to the principal teachers and fellow classmates. This proceeding should have been stopped. This will only get worse. Thank God I had Jack Britt as my Principal, and Mr. Hobart as my Superintendent this would never have happened back in the "day". Class counted.


At June 8, 2008 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Yup, graduation ceremony sucked. For all those whooping & hollering in the stands I wanted to say; Hey is the first in your family to graduate? and if it is that's great but in the vast scheme of life it's no Biggie. Show a little respect and sit down, shut up and take that screaming kid out in the hall.

I particularly loved the photo shoot of the young graduate in the hall. Picture this bloggers: Red cap and gown standing tall for pictures with your 3 or 4 month old daughter in your arms dressed in a matching cap and gown. Really shocked the administration didn't let them walk across the stage together. Not surprising as three Harvey seniors were in Lake East Maternity ward the week before graduation. Ha worried about test scores? I think not, worried how many would make it out of the maternity ward to make the ceremony and get a diploma.

I would like to thank Dr. Hanlon for not reading a country western song like he did at my first kids graduation......... "I Hope You Dance". Great when you hear LeeAnn Womack sing it but just not what I expect from the Super.

There was so much talking and baby screaming I could not hear the speakers. I am just so damn glad my last kid is out of Painesville City Schools.

Why is it like this? Who lets this stuff go on. We had to attend a meeting on a hot Sat. afternoon at the Harvey gym to be told by Ms Martin and Mr Mohner how to behave at graduation..... We had to sign a sheet of legal paper to state we were there.
For what? And the ones who were there didn't need to be told how to behave. We were told the ceremony started at 7 pm sharp! don't be late because you won't be let in........ well there was a parade at 7:10 pm. So is there any wonder that the kids don't listen or show respect at school.

Talk about cleaning house and wiping the slate clean! Toss the board, super and school administrators out!

At June 8, 2008 at 9:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to totally agree with madpotter about the ceremony. It was embarrassing. Hooting and hollering, not standing for the National Anthem. The list goes on. And yes, the ceremony started and then was stopped so the late ones could march in loudly. Babies in tow. One family even changed their toddler's diaper right on the bleachers. Absolutely no respect. I bet this isn't the type of graduation they have at Hanlon's childrens school. He would be a parent who would complain about that. But it is good enough for Painesville residents who pay through the nose in taxes and this is what we get. Hanlon and Martin don't respect us enough to even give us a decent graduation, so why should we respect them?!!!

At June 9, 2008 at 4:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have watched the graduation ceremonies on TV for a few years AND was VERY upset at what I saw! I am sure this ceremony was worse since no one has instructed the "children" on HOW to behave at an event like this. THIS IS NOT A SPORTS EVENT!!!!!!! The teachers TALK about RESPECT but who is really doing anything about it? Are there any consequences for bad behavior? It is all LIP SERVICE!

At June 9, 2008 at 5:57 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

As I looked at the speakers on stage I really did want to hear something positive come from any of one of these fine administrators but it didn't happen.

We were sitting directly behind the teachers and after many years of conferences I would have loved one of the teachers to speak. Maybe the graduating class should vote for a teacher to speak.

Teachers had more to do with shaping my child's future than any administrator that was there. I still stand firmly with saying the teachers in the schools are excellent. No problem there.

At June 9, 2008 at 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there and agree it was a very sad ceremony for what should be a special event in a youth's life. I will say, the graduates behaved better than the parents and guests. They stood during the National Anthem. They were on time. They also weren't chewing gum unlike the the principal. It was the parents and guests who were late. Also, it was SOME of the guests/parents who chose not to stand during the National Anthem. IF only they could learn from this and make it better next year. Unfortunately, it has gotten worse over the years. I have heard the same thing Terminator has said about Jack Britt from former students and teachers. Why can't we have a graduation with a little decorum from the present administration? Let's bring back discipline so our excellent teachers can start teaching and get the city's schools out of last place in the county.

At June 9, 2008 at 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one am embarrassed that so many were appalled by my senior ceremony. P.S. fellow graduates of the class of 08, it's not a big accomplishment that you graduated high school where they give you a 50%. And guess what Painesville, it doesn't get better! the few that are going on to college, a vast majority are attending ashland university, does ashland give you a 50%, to my knowledge no... but i mean hey...I'm just a kid what do i know. I would like to apologize that you couldn't understand our speakers due to the screaming children and the intrusive heat, but it's sad when people lose respect for a ceremony. It's sad when i only see one of my teachers at
commencement who are there by choice, its sad when i know that i'm happy to not see many of my classmates again. Harvey has in many ways given me opportunities, however folks, the good does not outweigh the bad. I am fed up with everything about the Painesville city school system. It's a system set up for us to fail. I know half as much as the Riverside kids and i am expected to test the same as them in college, where the hell is my equal opportunity?! I am a liberal and i will be the first to tell you this if you can't figure it out, and i enjoy the fact that the school is trying to help kids, but help them, don't baby them! cut the umbilical cord and let us go! sink or swim, survival of the fittest, why are they not teaching us that it's a dog eat dog world out there, why are they not teaching us that an employer isn't going to hand us 50% of a pay here is the lessons that i have learned in my four years of harvey high school:
1) you get 50% for doing nothing
2) I should expect people to reward me for things i should be doing
3) don't go to college
4) have kids young so you can live off the government and milk them dry
5) people never grow up

those are the valuable life lessons i have learned at the great Thomas W. Harvey High School, oh, and lets not forget that i learned a new languages sarcasm.

an embarrassed member of Harvey's 2008 graduating class,

Abby Miller

At June 10, 2008 at 7:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At June 10, 2008 at 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your wisdom excedes your years. God bless you in whatever pursuits you take on in Life. TERM>>

At June 11, 2008 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Abby


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