Saturday, May 31, 2008

Quality of life in Painesville

I would like to hear everyones thoughts on the quality of life in Painesville. Why are you here? What do you like or dislike. Do you feel you get your moneys worth here? Lets have an open forum.The good, the bad, the ugly.


At May 31, 2008 at 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was here originally because I grew up here and this was home. Homes were relatively inexpensive and utilities were reasonable. Now after so many years I feel stuck. I can't afford to move, and houses aren't selling for anything so here I stay. Utilities are going up. My quality of life is going down. I am surrounded by homes filled to overcapacity and the city does nothing. The neighbors urinate in the yard and holler what sounds like vulgar comments. I don't feel safe any more. Where are my rights? City administration has made this a sanctuary city for illegals. Where is my sanctuary?

At May 31, 2008 at 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can honestly tell you that there are certain council people in this town that want to give it back to the "legal citizens". The problem seems to be certain leadership in this town that wants to turn a blind eye and collect a check. I promise you this will change. As more people are aware of whats going on. TERM>>

At June 1, 2008 at 3:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The quality of life, in the city of "Paine" is nestled in all of the new developments; certainly not in ALL of the residential areas that were here first. Pre-911there was a tremendous amount of kindness and consideration shown by the residents of this city: that has now changed to an attitude of being self-centered, my neighbors are #2 (or last), I will say what I please (no regard) and I will definitely do whatever I want on your property because I previously lived that way - no upbringing in the area of property lines/limits. What's yours is now mine. I read about all of the notes (meaning loans) that the present administration votes yes on, but I do not see progress. Progress in the area of solid new business entities (providing jobs here), places that allow us to shop locally (basic needs) and to attract others to shop here; not in P'ville Twp, Mentor, Willoughby, Perry - as we are forced to do now. It is sad that the present administration can't even investigate/pursue grant monies to help the Sr. Center build a new facility as other communities have done. I have had it with the slum lords: but, I do give credit to the select few that run their rental investments as a bonified honest and reputable business. Coming soon sign on the square (it's a circle not a square) has been there for too many years! Big PR, "we want people to come to the downtown are" to shop - FOR WHAT??
We live at the far North End (formally the P'ville Twp area) we have no curbs - so the street sweeper is not allowed to clean our berms. We pay the tax,we do not receive the service.
We have to listen to all of the fighting/shots/invasion of our properties by those at Agony Arms and Shamrock. Speed is the biggest thing on our street by Laketran (which is 6 days/wk. from 6AM to 11PM),semi trucks, beer truck tandems, young punks driving cars and ninja bikes. Drug deals up the street and now right across from our house.
No one ever promised anyone a rose garden. In this case, when you pay your taxes it is expected that you shall receive the same as others, not way way less than the hype of how new residential developments will transform this city. What was here first,out-ranks the new. Let all of our areas fall apart - there will be absolutely nothing! We are the grassroots, we are the heart of Painesville! The new developments on Liberty Str and Jackson Str (Riverside Schools) don't see themselves as P'ville city residents. The condo's before the bridge to Fairport - they see themselves as Fairport folks. The condos over by Diamond Dr. (mentor) think they are Mentorites. All of the new has attracted those that hold no allegiance to this old city that unfortunately is blasted with the county office entities.
In late 2002 we had decided that it was time to move-on and place our home for sale in 2003. Unfortunately, the other-half was involved in a most serious MVA. Many medical problems transpired and in 2/2004 (due to major surgery) he was off for 6 months. Debt began to climb. We are still trying now to negate this. Then the great FLOOD, that did over 16,000.00 dollars damage to our finished basement (3 1/2 feet of RAW sewage) catching up has not happened. We still receive the infamous sewage smell, but no city official can understand why??
Yes we are really stuck here! "Sell the house as is" states certain realtors. Take a loss and have what? We have put so much into this home, that the "turnip has totally dried out."
Yes their is a minority on council that really really cares about their people: unfortunately, the remainder only care about their "city status" and their paychecks! It is quite sad when the President of Coucil assists one coucil member to meetings (due to strokes) just to gain his rubber stamp yes vote.
Final note, we are totally disappointed with the folks in this city that continue to elect the same people! The same people that rubber-stamp the out-of-control city manager!
Her charter amendment fiasco in 2005 should have awakened all of your spirits as to what was coming in the future! I guess the majority of you were too complacent, as now we see many many increases in service rates,and a much lower rate of actual service. As stated on the previous blog, this city has failed when it comes to the waterlines as the hydrants have next to no pressure, the poopy plant has had "bandaid" repairs for 16 years; watcha been doing with all that money? Build a new development (p'ville school too) over by Cedarbrook - attach to all of the old sewer lines, oops sewage in basements - try the concept of overload. What is next, the Power Plant problems - Will bet on that one.
Try and spread the word!! Sitting home and watching Am. Idol. Nascar, Indians, Browns, or whatever is a great relaxer: but, while you are doing this the City of Paine is going to - - - -!!! You maynot be affected now, but tne to the future channel as it will be coming your way!!

At June 6, 2008 at 10:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no quality of life in Painesville. There is inequality of life. The city has bent over so far backwards to cater to illegals that they have lost site of what this city really stands for. It used to be a true melting pot with several nationalities. Now only one nationality has any rights and it sure isn't me.

At June 8, 2008 at 8:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

then how do we change it????????
how does this group come together and fight this?
We too have sunk a boat load of cash into our house and now feel stuck.

Where do we start?

Meetings at Morley, a coffee shop, a backyard?

At June 8, 2008 at 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You name it and I'm there! The local rally group has tried to fight this and they just get labeled racist. They just try to get people who are against illegal immigration to step up to the plate and show their support. Look how many illegals demonstrate for their rights, and they shouldn't even have any rights. They are illegal. So you name a place and I will be there!

At June 8, 2008 at 7:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good place to start is at Andy Flocks Town Hall meeting. Its very informal and you are encouraged to let people hear your views. Junes meeting is at Rec Park Andys having a picnic. The last Thursday of the month. This Blog. is to inform people of your ideas also.

At June 8, 2008 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Future story on the Rally Group coming in the next week. We could learn alot from this "grassroot" organization. TERM>>

At May 18, 2010 at 12:07 PM , Anonymous Rich Cramium said...

Where is the retail? (we need it)Where is a grocery store? (contacted Meijers, I think the city should be courting them or someone of the like, even Super Target)Where is the fire/rescue on the South end (been promised that for over 30 years) Where is the GOOD education? (new outside, same old problems inside) Where is ICE (need them come in and sweep up this place) My property value has gone down but where does my tax money go???


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