It's all about sewers. Cedarbrook residents upset with crap in their basements on Memorial Day, I'm surprised there hasnt been a homicide in that neighborhood by now. Joe and Rita explained about sending a camera down the pipe to find out what the problem is. Sorta like CSI just its SSI. I noted that even before the last rate increase the City had over 2 million dollars in sewer fund carry-over. {No one denied this fact.} So just fix it. Wath the meeting and explain to me how someone can flush a motorcycle battery down a toliet? The person sitting behind me stated why with all these comments Mr. Fountain has not said a word, does he think Cedarbrook Dr. is in Ashtabula? I can tell this councilman is not well, and why he subjects himself to this post is beyond me. Where are his friends?
$120,000 City Manager stated $85,000 Asst. Manager was interviewing someone to run Community Development? They should be interviewing someone to dig that sewer up.
City Manager also stated the State was ready to move ahead with the relocation of Jackson St. and the building of a overpass over Jackson St. I looked around the room and watched peoples bewilderment.
Hal's Resolution still hasn't seen the light of day. I only hope he doesn't give in.
Arlene was speachless?
Andy asked about Mr. Hachs mountain of dirt, and why hasn't council acted on Mr. Murphy? {This ones not going away.} Andys not getting invited to anyones picnic this summer I guess. That property was deemed a wetland how he was allowed to do what he did begs to be answered. Paul type in an answer, I'm thinking about dropping a couple 100 square yards of dirt in my backyard?
Need a bike? go to the service garage Saturday Morning and bid on one. $5 or $10 should do it. Bidding starts at 9;30A.M. Storr St. is at the intersectionof Chester and State ST. Falcones Store is on the corner. More to come....
What was ward 3 councilman doing when everyone was talking about the problem with sewers in his ward?
Can this person be recalled?
Tell me I'm not the only one who can't make heads or tails what Mr. Hada was trying to explain? Do they have the money or not? yes or no. Camera's in the sewer. I swear I've heard that before. What about the plant upgrades? Help!
Yes a council member can be recalled. The parameters are on P'villes website - they will shock you. It is a lengthy/costly process. Trick is, finding the people and the finances to retain an attorney that will do this.
A budget is a budget, nothing else. It is figures, on paper, of what monies you might bring in and the areas that you might spend them on. A budget can be revisited and shifted. The city manager has, what I call them, lock boxes in each department. These consist of monies set aside for capital improvement projects (her pet ones that only pay debt, which are loans) that once entered there, they cannot be utilized for anything else. They may say they have the money, but how much is locked-up (behing bars) and can only go the direction that she chose and council blindly approved. I have never, in viewing the accounting of this city, come across any provisional funds that are marked "emergencies".
As for the sewer rate increase, it has been publicly stated and printed in several newspapers that this was initiated to upgrade/update the sewer plant. Remember, first increase in 16 years. Yea, 16 years of improper management and Bandaid fixes. This increase was voted "yes" on because the city manager will receive another (moan) Loan and the city had to show that they had the means to pay this Loan back. There was never one word in the approved resolution that talked about repairing areas of sewer problems! Another of the never-ending city acquired loans that we the people must shell-out $$$ for more interest. Oh, she states the interest is a low rate: well, add up all of the loans and the total interest paid is unreal!
Other than outrageous city vehicle lease/purchases, and bandaid street resurfacing, there are way way too many loans being initiated to cover everything new around (not in) this city.
Rita knows that after the 2005 defeat of her $1 million charter amendment, she cannot suggest to come back to the people for a vote on anything. Her way now is to convince council of any increase possible that only council votes on. Equate this to the gas tax, cigarette tax, alcohol taxes.
Taxation without representation nor voice.
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