Friday, September 26, 2014

"ONLY GOD KNOWS" beach boys

And I believe he's also confused.

The continuing saga that is Prairie State.

 First to councilman DeLeone the plant for the first eight months of 2014 ran at an efficiency rating of 64% I see know way that with that number the "levelization" numbers will come down, I expect it to increase exponentially . Can't wait to hear the final 2014 number.
Councilman Fodor "it not a good deal now, but maybe in 10 years?" I don't know what crystal ball your looking into but by the same logic I could say "This deal will be even worse in 10 years?" I just have a different crystal ball.
Councilwoman DiNallo check around other AMP-OHIO as well as many Prairie State communities have moved forward on this item, did any of them choose to check-in with Painesville's council?
Councilwoman Jenkins maybe you could put some of the environmental education to work and inform other members what the end result will be.
Councilman Fitzgerald maybe you could arrange a tour of the Prairie State Energy Campus to enlighten yourself as well as the rest of council?
Council-President Hach could you show some leadership and direction on this matter to your council?
Councilman Flock please stay the course, your on to something. Presently you seem to be the only one on council with any concerns to Painesville's pocketbook.

Now back to what's going on a Prairie State this month; Marc Gerkens  AMP-OHIO CEO has taken the position as interim Chief Executive Officer of Prairie State this month? Seems since May no one has wanted the job. Now Gerkens and staff went to  Paducah, Kentucky and were met by some very disappointed citizens. They were lucky they weren't run out of town on a rail. Guess like Painesville Marc will mark Paducah off  as a destination.

Fulton, Missouri "Due to one of Fulton's power sources under performing, the city has a just-under $500,000 deficit year to date." Wonder if Mike's has a  cousin who is a councilman in Fulton? Hope spring eternal. Can't wait to see Painesville deficit at the end of the year.

Batavia aldermen have agreed the city should ask Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan to investigate a coal-fired power plant in downstate Illinois that is a supplier of energy to the city. Guess who? Mrs. DiNallo did anyone from Batavia call and check with Painesville before sending the request?

I guess it comes down to a few simple questions

Peabody Coal is one of the largest power producers in the United States. I hope we can agree that they practice capitalism to the ninth degree. That said if this was such a win win for these participating communities and deals like this don't come around all the time, electric power will skyrocket why did Peabody sell all but 5% of Prairie State? The stockholders should have been furious.

If the reason that the plant can't operate at higher then 65% is due to the poor coal onsite then why would it ever run at a higher efficiency? ( maybe bringing in coal from Kentucky, West Virginia)

Does anyone on council or in the administration have a clue what this contract has cost Painesville above what we could have bought on the open market.

Does anyone believe the process of this contract was fully vetted with the people of Painesville why not?


At September 26, 2014 at 3:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This bunch can't even do a garbage contract and we let them do million dollar electric council. Maybe if a little more money is drained from the coffers someone might see the need to lay some people off.

At September 26, 2014 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have anything nice to say to any of the council people, but Mr. Fodor thinks maybe in ten years a COAL PLANT will be a good deal? In ten years, we'll probably all be producing our own power with little units that sit in our basement...let alone in fifty years when our contract ends with this crooks. And as far as Councilman Flock goes, he sat on council, and let this all happen. He should have been having strong conversations with the citizens during his comment time, if nothing else, and also holding meetings on how bad these deals were. But he let them do this, so even though he is your little angel, he is just as responsible as the rest of them. As far as city council not vetting this with the citizens - they told the citizens so many lies and half truths, that it was shocking. The citizens all knew all this was a ridiculously bad and stupid idea, and said so repeatedly, but McMahon, Hada and the rest of council didn't listen. As you will all recall, when Hada voted yes on these deals, he took the time to stare out at the public, who were against the deal, and then said he "proudly" voted yes. We should dig out that tape and play it for people. We need investigations.

At September 27, 2014 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:03 That was a done deal even before the vote was taken. Yes Andy was on council and if you had attended his meeting he at the time was opposed to AMPGS and that was at the same time as Prairie State. Ms. McMahon stated power from PS by there figures AMP-OHIO would be $48.06 MWh, it was a "turn key" operation and Hell, with what was promised I might have voted for it. Painesville needed the power.
Joe's "proudly" yes vote is what he might be best remembered by.
Investigation call the council people.

At September 27, 2014 at 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been to Andy's meetings where he would wring his hands and complain about, oh, there's just nothing he could do by himself. Being opposed to something, and actually doing something about it are two different things. He knew it was a 50 year coal deal...take or pay, no less...and that we would be part owners of the plant, and he still let it happen. You want someone to call council and ask for an investigation?...tell your buddy Flock to do it. And if Arlene Becks raises her hand again to run for council, let's all remember that she was one of the ones who voted for this mess.

At September 27, 2014 at 3:55 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:21 Well there's nothing he can do by himself. He did send a letter to the attorney general of Ohio. How do you propose he had stopped it, with a gun? A point it's a 30 year contract still 30 years to long. The fact remain council was mislead about Prairie State why?

At September 27, 2014 at 6:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flock could have spoken out loud enough to stop it. He could have published something in The News-Herald, of necessary, in the form of a Letter-to-the-Editor, or one of the longer articles that people can write. He could have called the newspapers so he could give interviews against it. If it's your job to watch for icebergs, then when you see one, you yell out, and avoid the sinking of the ship. What letter to the attorney general? When? Did he get a reply? If so, what did the reply say? Did anyone else know he was sending the letter? Did he ask others to go along? Did they refuse?

At September 28, 2014 at 5:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:03 Lies and half truths seem to be the staple of the Painesville administration.

At September 28, 2014 at 8:23 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:35 I'm a little confused, the only person on this council that get's up at every meeting and sounds the alarm against Prairie State is Flock? Yet all your criticism is directed at him? Have you contacted any of the other 6? And sorry one councilman can't speak for the other six. Yes he asked others to go along and with the exception of councilman DeLeone the other five refused, no letter or request was sent by Painesville.
He constantly informed the News-Herald even posted a video on youtube. Please don't take this the wrong way but what were you doing to stop this? Even to this day many Painesville residents are unaware of this situation because they choose to be.

At September 28, 2014 at 1:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, what letter did Flock write to the Attorney General? When? Did he get a reply? If so, what did the reply say? Did anyone else know he was sending that letter? Did anyone sign it with him?

At September 28, 2014 at 3:14 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Wow! Where were you guys when we needed you? It was a handful of residents who continually went to council to support one lone councilman, Flock who stood up to a city manager cramming this down the sheep sitting on council this town elected. One of those sheep is now President I'd Council......really! The guy who sat there and voted for this mess is now yur council president. Arlene Becks was defeated in the last election but Hach was re-elected....... Really?! Now you blame Flock for not yelling loud enough?
I am so sick of this city and it's residents who sit around and watch this place fall apart.
Try standing up for a change. Go to a council meeting, please call your council people and tell them how you feel about this deal, your trash contract and how bad the cemeteries look this year. What about Main St?

Hey, 25 votes to put your name on the ballot, remember voting for that one residents? I say go for it!

At September 28, 2014 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:49 Well a councilman from Cleveland and another one from Galion the three sent a letter to the Ohio Attorney General. That office does not comment on investigations so they might be investigating it or it might have ended up in a waste basket? Flock also called Ron Regan from Channel 5 to investigate to the ire of many on council. Again email the other six as to what their plans are?
Sandy yeah where were they? They won't get it until their electric bills climb out of sight then they will be asking what did you do about this. We will be there to remind others they did nothing!

At September 28, 2014 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, this is 1:49, to Sandy and 3:46. You have no idea what I did and didn't do. I was at many of the council meetings. I spoke to every council person personally on the phone. I watched Flock do nothing as usual, except for wringing his hands and complaining about McMahon. Did all his supposed actions come AFTER the deals went through? It seems to me, yes. Again, when you see the iceberg, you need to yell as loud as necessary so the boat doesn't sink. As far as who is, and who is not, still on council, Sandy, let's just mention that this happened on Flock's watch, too, and he still had the nerve to run again. Don't tell me what I did and didn't do, as you do not know. And don't cover up the facts of what Flock did and didn't do by calling out people to run. I didn't take the job; he did.

At September 28, 2014 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was the letter sent to the Ohio Attorney General?

At September 29, 2014 at 7:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was an electricity salesman involved, somewhere, I'm sure. Someone got "sold" on the idea initially.

At September 29, 2014 at 11:10 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:44 I sure wish you would identify yourself I thought I knew everyone opposed to the contract.
Seems again your problem is not the contract but the councilman?
6:33 The letter was sent March 13,2013 you do know how to Google right?
7:39 Yes they did, I wonder how?

At September 29, 2014 at 1:56 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Good job, now we're gonna fight with each other? Hmmmm.... Now I remember why I moved my business to Cleveland last month.....

Rock on residents..... The energy paradigm has shifted.

At September 29, 2014 at 2:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sandy, just don't move to Paducah.

At September 29, 2014 at 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 5:44 to 11:10. Not everyone in the city is stupid except for you, and not everyone checks in with you before they engage with an issue in the city. My problem is with the contract, the administration at that time, the council at that time, and every council person who was on council at the time and who is still on council. I find no excuses for them, as the citizens were telling them it was a crazy-bad, stupid deal, and Flock was backed up by the citizens. And what??? You tell 6:30 that he sent the letter in March 13, 2013?? Has he not followed up with the letter since then, nor done anything else against this since that time? And again, all his actions came AFTER the deal had already gone through, which gives him more excuses for hand-wringing instead of actual action. And do I have a problem with Flock? I think that's obvious, as many people do. Sorry, he gets no pass from me. He's one of the people who let this go through, and then he had the nerve to run again. But we should be very grateful to him, because he sent a letter close to two years ago. As for the McMahon/Hada group of voting citizens, who keep voting that clique into office, you can pay my portion of this nightmare. Really, how dumb do you have to be, and for how long can you watch this city deteriorate before you realize these people are bad for the city? And you voted in Hach again? Here's a clue...if that group is FOR someone - vote AGAINST them. And while we still have a city left, please.

At September 29, 2014 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:21 So I'm stupid,,, yet you come here for information? Do you ask many stupid people for information?
Your main concern presently should be what can be done.
I wonder what agenda you have? Outside of replacing Flock I don't have a clue. Again don't check in with anyone put what exactly have YOU done?

At September 29, 2014 at 3:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:30, this is 2:21. Read my post again, stupid. I did not call you stupid. And again, you are trying to deflect any criticism of Flock away from him by attacking anyone who is unhappy with him. Did he follow up on the letter?????

At September 29, 2014 at 8:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 30, 2014 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:21 I quote, Not everyone in the city is stupid except for you.?

Now why don't you get a little cleaned up drop a few pounds smile a bit find some stupid guy who will put up with you and leave me alone. I'm stupid so I know no better solution for you.

At September 30, 2014 at 6:53 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:21 I do question my sanity for even arguing with you, keep posting no further replies are expected.

At September 30, 2014 at 9:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only question that was asked was did Flock follow up on the letter? The answer is no, so instead of admitting that, you get sickeningly rude and disgusting (which I think is good, because it lets people see what your character really is, and who you really are) as you try to cover for him. So listen up everybody...the big, great Flock, (better known as Oz, because he never does actually do anything), that Term is always touting, and is now protecting, let these deals go through. Then he finally sent a letter close to two years ago, and then never followed up. AND, he had the nerve to run for office again. He won because nobody challenged him. Maybe if somebody asks him very nicely, he'll tell us why he never followed up on the letter. He must have a very good reason, since his friend, Term, has taken all this offense by the simple and honest question of did he hear back concerning the letter, and if not, did he follow up on the letter?

At September 30, 2014 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term will never say anything about Flock! and will try like he77 to just keep talking around you! Like libs do they try to get you to give UP but that will never happen!stay strong the party is at a all time LOW worst pres ever!

At September 30, 2014 at 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think for sanity of all of us you should also stop posting 2:21 comments, she now claims she knew the answer so why then ask the question. As far as Flock he is by far the only one on council pro-active about this electric dilemma we find ourselves in. Has he made mistakes sure he has who on council hasn't? He at least cares enough to do something. 2:21 doesn't have an electric agenda she has a Flock one. She picked the wrong subject to attack him on.

At September 30, 2014 at 12:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:21, simmer down and get therapy. You can't see past your issues with a councilman who actually stood up to the machine called McMahon. Seriously, not defending Flock but step away from your keyboard….. Dr Phil is on at 5 pm.

At September 30, 2014 at 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:21 Should run for Andy's seat. If she won she would already add to a council that thinks the world revolves around them.

At September 30, 2014 at 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, no one is buying these posts. You are now posting, and acting like it's someone else. You said you would no longer respond, so you are making up posts like they are someone else. Funny. The question started out did any of the other entities ask for investigations, etc. You said Flock wrote a letter. Then the question was did he get a reply, and if not, did he follow up? And you went into all of this. So the bottom line is that Flock finally wrote a letter; he did not hear back; he did not follow up. Attacking other people isn't going to cover up that fact, and why do you find it necessary to do so to protect him? You're the one that brought up Flock and said that he wrote a letter. But then went into all of this to evade the fact that he never heard back and he never followed up. You can say whatever you want to about me or anyone else; it doesn't hide the fact that if he DID write a letter, he never heard back and he didn't follow up, and you don't want to talk about it. But you don't mind deriding the rest of the city for hiding facts. Now I'm wondering if he even wrote a letter, based on how you are acting over it.

If he wrote a letter, he never heard back, and he didn't follow up. There. Now was that so hard? I'm sorry you proved he was useless again; I know you didn't mean to.

So maybe Flock could follow up on the letter? Honestly, if it wasn't such a serious issue, it would be laughable that he did not, and that instead of answering an honest question about it, you are behaving the way you are behaving. But it's good we know now that he again didn't do his job. I wondered why you were trying so hard not to answer the question; I had no idea it was a loaded question when I asked it. Maybe he could follow up on the letter NOW. I know it's a lot to ask, but...

At September 30, 2014 at 3:03 PM , Anonymous not buying it said...

Sorry, nice try I think Term is 2:21 2:40 writing these stupid comments in defense of councilman Flock and it increase views. No one rambles better than Term.

At September 30, 2014 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, why don't you post the letter that Flock and the other two entities wrote to the attorney general? With all your talk about we need to do something, which is true, that would be a good place to start, wouldn't it? It has been years, after all, that this has been going on.

At September 30, 2014 at 5:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had to contact Dan Troy two different times. Both times he was very rude to me. Very high and mighty attitude and ego. I always vote for his opponent and if he is unopposed I don't vote for that ticket. He does need to go and get some fresh blood in there.

At October 1, 2014 at 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term what a looser Painesville rep?

At October 1, 2014 at 11:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:45 I have received the letter from councilman Flock will post it .

At October 1, 2014 at 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, did I miss something? How do we know that 2:21 is a woman?

At October 1, 2014 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets hope it has a time stamp, else it wont be worth the paper to do you know what.

At October 1, 2014 at 1:52 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:17 Well, Dude writes like a Lady. Plus I got a 99% chances of knowing who it is.
12:19 I know come over I'll show you a stamp.

At October 1, 2014 at 2:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. Forgot about your nasty time stamp comment. ANYONE can print and post a letter. It has to be authentic. Whos to say he didn't just write it with out a time stamp?

At October 1, 2014 at 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, this is 2:40 (and 4:45). I see you posted the letter on your next post. So maybe now that we're past the cover-up of him apparently not following through and hopefully you are done posting vile stuff about me to cover it up, the next question I'd like to ask, and I will ask it again on the post with the letter, is if the feds are still involved, and if anyone of the four people that signed and sent the letter heard anything or did any kind of follow-up? Does anyone know?

At October 3, 2014 at 8:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:54, why should there even be an answer to your question? You seem intelligent enough to find out the information on your own. Why don't you report back? That would be a breath of fresh air.

At October 3, 2014 at 2:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or why doesn't Flock just do his OWN job? People have had to work around him and for him for decades. Now that would be a real about a breath of fresh air...

At October 3, 2014 at 6:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:04, if you think someone should do Flock's job besides Flock, then let it be you.

At October 5, 2014 at 1:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term is putting down someone else?? Has he looked in the mirror lately?!! LOL

At October 6, 2014 at 11:49 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:56 I'd really like to do it to their face, if I only knew who they were. Problem is who did I put down? A make-believe Anonymous person?

Anonymous TERM>>

At October 10, 2014 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term Never. He hides at home behind the computer. He'd never run infact he said many times he's doing a better job making this blog than being on council. Anyone buying what he's shoveling?

At October 11, 2014 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry, Your the one hiding behind a computer. I didn't make that claim other's did, OI do love what this blog. brings to the table.
Run for council? no desire no signs, pencils, nail files ect. On second thought run like a stealth candidate get excused and pick-up another 6 grand a year? That appears what your looking for?


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