Friday, May 7, 2010


Well someone who got tired of us ranting about illegals in Painesville and decided to contact our Congressman to hear his position.
Here is the letter that was sent back to them:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the issue of immigration. I appreciate hearing your perspective on this important issue.

As you may recall, during the 109th session of Congress, the House and the Senate approved different versions of legislation to address the problem of illegal immigration. I supported the House bill which forces employers to verify that their workers have come to the U.S. legally, calls for the erection of security fencing with lights and cameras along the southern border, and mandates stricter punishment for individuals who violate immigration laws.

I do not support illegal immigration. Nor do I support rewarding those who have entered this country unlawfully. I will not lend my support to any bill that offers amnesty to illegal immigrants. I believe that Congress must continue its task of developing legislation that will address the enforcement problems inherent to our current immigration policies. I believe that securing our borders is foremost in this task.

As my colleagues and I continue our work in the 111th Congress, many of the issues you raise will undoubtedly be on the forefront of our agenda here in the House of Representatives. It is important for me to have your views, so should legislation come to vote on the House floor I can keep your position in mind.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me again. I remain

Very truly yours,

Steven C. LaTourette

Member of Congress


Anyone with an e-mail account can contact our elected officials:
Here is Latourette's web address.


At May 8, 2010 at 6:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congressman LaTourette letter is very interesting.
My question is he and his staff with an office located in Painesville blind?
What would it take to make a phone call to ICE?
Maybe he believes the smart move is to keep his head stuck in the ground and this problem will also go away on its own.
Sorry Steve, we need more than words.

At May 9, 2010 at 8:37 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

I do believe that his job is to pass the laws and not enforce the laws. If he works in DC, how can he clean up the streets of Painesville.

We have laws now and the local law enforcement and administration choose to overlook them and look the other way.

We need a national law that puts an end to human traffickers, drug smugglers, businesses that take advantage of cheap labor and identity theft that comes with all this illegal immigration. Now let's face facts here. If any American broke these laws, they would be arrested and forced to show their papers. Guess what, no one would cry racist. VD and her children wouldn't hold a vigil.

Now the paper posted above by someone from up on the hill didn't address the strain on our local social services. With more and more poverty, how long can we keep paying for all of this. Less services will bring in more crime and more racial tensions. Summer has yet to begin and we have had numerous fights break out. Wait till things really heat up.

Tell Steve to write and pass a law then let's keep after the local officials to enforce the law.

At May 9, 2010 at 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I got the exact same letter!

thanks Steve!

At May 9, 2010 at 3:50 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, Its a Federal Law. Painesville City nor Lake County have an immigration department, why inact laws that Homeland Security refuses to enforce? Its their law and their department insist Congress do their job.
I agree with a poster above talk is cheap.

At May 9, 2010 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he wasn't faithful to his wife, why would Badger think he will be faithful to the people in his district? He's another Billy Clinton. Just riding an elephant instead of a jackass.

At May 9, 2010 at 5:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to know where you stand? A rally held by RAZA.
Go to YOU TUBE and type in
L.A. teacher calls for Mexican revolt in the U.S.

This might enlighten afew of you
Remember the 40 million north of thne Rio Grande.

At May 9, 2010 at 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger his job is to pass the laws and to make sure they are being followed. Weak, that man is all talk with zero walk. Tea Party get rid of this wanabe.

At May 9, 2010 at 9:01 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, you and everyone else can cry all you want about our elected officials. The law is the law. Say you or I abuse our child, it is the responsibility of a doctor or teacher to report that to the proper authorities. Get caught with counterfeit money, get reported, fake ID- ditto. The police only can help deter crime with visibility. After that all the can do is make a report and investigate. If they gather enough evidence then they might be able to arrest someone. They can't be everywhere all the time. So it is OUR job to report these crimes.

Now go ahead and jump all over me, but here goes. Seems that most here in this blog don't like LaTourettee. He stated plainly in his letter (yes it was a form letter) his views on immigration. He gets one vote in Congress just like we each get only one vote in an election. So, what is it that you hate so much? His position in the letter explaining his views on immigration or just the fact that he is a Republican.

You put down the Rally team which is made up of both R's and D's for their work against illegal immigration too.

Now the Tea Parties. What do they have to do with immigration or LaTourette? They are against higher taxes just like the funny dressed patriots who wore Indian clothes did when the threw the tea in Boston Harbor to protest the taxes back then. They were considered patriots and helped lead to the split from England and the founding of our country.

What I am saying is that once a crime is committed, let's charge them with all the crimes and not overlook the illegal immigration part. Make the call. Our police chief and sheriff are our first line of defense once they get here. Time they did the whole job. Once you commit a crime and are caught then you can't claim racial profiling. Make the call and follow through with ICE, NIS and Homeland Security.

Seems to me that the Democrats in this blog (Term) want this to be more of a Republican bashing than a true fight against illegal immigration. The only side I am taking here is the one against illegal immigration. Now I am more of a conservative and also a patriot and will vote for anyone who will work to help solve this problem whether it be and R or a D. It's easy to talk or complain here but how many of you take that next step and do something and I don't mean badmouthing someone who is trying to do something. Save the fight for the issue and not the person, group or party.

No one person can solve this. We all need to get involved. But until we stop fighting ourselves, we will never find a solution.

Oh, by the way, about enforcing the law. Read below.

It is the Legislative Branch of government that makes the laws. The U.S. Congress, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, handles that chore in America.
This branch of government is different from the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. Those two branches enforce and execute the law, and interpret the law, respectively.

So it is up to the Executive branch to enforce the law. So Term, don't expect Congress to enforce the Law. The Executive Branch means Obama and on down.

At May 10, 2010 at 1:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, You have very thin skin. I did not bash anyone.
4:30 sounds like an upset Republican, Billy Clinton?
6:39 was stating his observation.
I have always voted for Congressman LaTourette except for one time. I believe he does a decent job. All I said was talk is cheap, we need more than a form letter from our Representative.
Bashing, your the basher.I at least see try to understand both sides of an issue. Speaking of the Rally Team where were you that Saturday? More cheap talk?
You have away of reading this site and if there is one thing you don't agree with, you think its slanted. Funny when I mentioned Obama's Homeland Security Head should be fired. Not one complaint from anyone, Why, True fact?

Just so you know the Congress controls the purse strings, even if the executive branch wants to enforce a law, if Congess doesn't appropriate the money forget about anything getting done.

At May 10, 2010 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, You said "I have always voted for Congressman LaTourette except for one time. I believe he does a decent job."

So, voting no on everything is doing a decent job? I don't think so!

At May 10, 2010 at 2:51 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I know people will attack me for my views, but they are my views. Just as you are entitled to yours, I am entitled to mine.

As I said, I am a conservative. Notice I didn’t add any party to that. That is because I am just an American voter. Just an average worker still married to my first and only wife. It also means that I support the Constitution, and I am Pro-Life, Patriotic, Support the troops, Respect our flag, believe in freedom OF religion and not the prevention of religion, cast MY one vote in all elections, and volunteer for many worthy causes. I am willing to work right next to someone working for a better life but resent handing them a free ride while they sit back and do nothing.

It also means that I am opposed to abortion, high taxes, huge deficit spending, big government, ILLEGAL immigration, people who have little respect for our country or flag. I am not in favor of the 50% grading policy at the schools but do support a STRICT, ENFORCABLE dress code and not what we have now.

Since I do vote in every election, I look for a candidate who will best support my views. I could care less if they are a D or an R. I do my best to research my choices and put very little stock in the so called campaign speech. In other words, I look at the history books and not the fairy tales.
I also believe that politics in this country have become a matter of choosing the lesser of to evils rather than the better of two candidates regardless of what party they belong. They are more interested in tooting their own horn than actually governing. We are trying to elect people to represent us and instead we get movie or rock stars more concerned with getting on TV and big fancy diner parties than trying to make this country better.

So if you disagree with my opinions, so be it. Fight for what you believe in and not just against me. I’m not the enemy, the issues and problems need to be solved. Want to debate an issue, lets have a real debate and dispense with the name calling and deal with the issues that are the real problem. I think it is time we stop the political name calling and get to work on the real problems facing our country. Forget the R and D nonsense. We can go much further with constructive campaigning for the best candidate than we will with negative campaigning against the other guy.
We need to spread the good word about a candidate and not spread rumors or innuendos. With the election in November coming up, we need to pick the best person for the job and not just by the party he or she belongs. Now is the time to start looking for your choice. My vote gets me closer to the values our country was founded on. What do the rest of you do with your vote?

As far as thin skinned goes, I try to point out the other side of a post that is made here. You mentioned Congress appropriates the money. So what about the gang grant we received? Are they using the money???? The slant I am against is the blame game. There is enough blame to go around. Let’s get involved and vote the ones not doing their job out of office. By the way, unless you walk in my shoes and do everything I do, don’t accuse me of “talk is cheap”. You might just be surprised.

At May 10, 2010 at 3:01 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Just to add to my last post. You and I can't enforce the law. Either can Congress or LaTourette. So, as Term said, if our elected officials can't or won't do their jobs for lack of money or whatever, then it is time to vote them out. That goes from Congress (Federal and State), President, Governor, City Council, Twp Trustee, and the officials in Lake County.

At May 10, 2010 at 3:14 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:30 Let me ask you how many times since Congressman LaTourette has run has the Democrats ever put up a person that is qualified and can beat him? I don't just vote a party line if someone runs that better suited, I'll vote for them. Presently he seems to share a lot of my views.
Check O'Neils views on illegals?

At May 10, 2010 at 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term>> Congressman LaTourette has been in office for years now. Can you tell us one thing he has done about illegal immigration? Remember his party had complete control of congress & the presidency for 6 years!

At May 11, 2010 at 2:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concerning 5:12: 5:12 thinks we will all be enlightened by going on YOU TUBE to see about the L.A teacher calling for a Mexican revolution IN THE U.S. I suggest anyone who has not done that should do so. You can also just type into Google "L.A. Teacher calls for Mexican" and you will get it. Watch the video. He talks about the 40 million hispanics here.

If you ever did not think that we need to get these people the hell out of our country, this may change your mind. And their numbers are growing by the minute. It had better be now.

At May 11, 2010 at 4:27 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I have lived in this area all my life and my family has lived in Ohio since before the Civil War.

Many members of my family have served their country and I believe we are at least a small asset to the community.

I also have an official state ID in the form of a drivers license and a federal ID in the form of a Social Security number. I also have a county issued birth certificate. I am required to produce one or more of these for any loan, insurance, school admission, police stop and everything else where an ID is required.

With all the protests over immigration, why should any immigrant expect to be exempt from showing a proper ID. If you are here legally, fine no problem. You have the proper ID. If you are illegal, then you can't have proper ID and are committing a crime. If you commit a crime, why should you be able to hide your true ID or immigration status. There are immigration laws on the books just as there are every other kind of laws. Commit the crime , suffer the consequences.

One more question, if you feel you have the right of every other citizen here then are you willing to go through the necessary steps to become a citizen and thus have no need for any form of amnesty?

Willing to take the following oath?

I hereby declare, on oath,

• that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;
• that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
• that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
• that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by law;
• that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law;
• that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law;
• and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.

If not, then don't expect amnesty or any special treatment here because you are only stealing the benefits the rest of us have to work for.
You are only here for the entitlements and not a true member of the community.

At May 11, 2010 at 5:10 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

One other tidbit that might be interesting. The Federal Government gave the department of Homeland Security the power or authority to stop ANYONE within 100 miles of the border if they suspect illegal immigration or smuggling drugs. That extends the searches stated in the 4th Amendment from the actual border. Similar to drunk driver roadblocks.

100 miles from the border includes 197 million Americans and most of Ohio and even most of Arizona. I'm no lawyer but that sounds like most of us (that mean you and me also) are able to be stopped and searched the same as those the law Arizona just passed.

I for one, have nothing to hide and in this case support the law if it will curtail drugs and illegal immigration. Let's face it, it is a different world. Airport searches are a pain but far better than the alternative.

Would I rather live in a world or town where I grew up when no one had to lock their doors and the worse thing you could get was cooties, Yes I would. Sad to say that day is long gone.

At May 11, 2010 at 5:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger wht do you aways look for an altercation when someone doesn't agree with your views? Now you want all us good Democrats to help you solve an immigration problem your hero President Reagan put in motion over 25 years ago? The Orginal Amnester. After you and your friend get us to help you with this, you will again go back and tell us how stupid we are along with doing everything you can to provide a harder time for the working class. . Sorry Bubby not this time. Your on your own we all will just sit around and say "NO" We had good teachers.
While I'm at it Term seems to have been at the rally Saturday and couldn't find you. Where were you? Maybe that idiot will carry water for you but not us know better Democrats. Did you write the article about evolution and creation in the paper the other day? Funny it sounds like you.
You can't come to us only when you need us.

At May 11, 2010 at 6:54 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Funny thing, everybody seems to know who I vote for and where I go and accuse me of "talk is cheap". I state my views and actively support the ones I believe in.

I have one vote just the same as everyone else. 5:41 seems to be my own little stalker and stands behind me at the polls. He can vote for whomever he wants just the same as I can. I also have never asked for anyone's help, especially 5:41's.

Now as for the rally. Stopping by for just a few minutes and talking to John Murphy or Tony Torre isn't exactly participating in the rally. Either is just driving around the square for a look see. If all anyone does is stand in the background and watch what goes on, then they aren't really protesting or participating are they? Same thing goes for those who just come to one rally. Just being a gawker isn't doing anything to help in the fight against illegal immigration.

Other that the few core members, I see very few people come forward to help or attend very many of the rallies of this group. They do much, much more than the few rallies in the square. Until you walk in my footsteps don't assume I don't do anything.

At May 11, 2010 at 7:02 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

As I said earlier, I vote MY convictions and not blindly by party. The problem is, it is usually the lesser of two evils.

Feel free to vote anyway you want, just vote. Just over 17% turnout in the last election is shameful. No wonder we get what we get.

At May 11, 2010 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, Why instead of critizing me, where were YOU? The last I checked your little group had no use for me. I at least showed my support along with listening to what was going on at the Gazebo. Sorry if my time isn't valuable to you.

At May 11, 2010 at 8:45 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, just trying to understand.

I only meant to criticize the lack of support this group gets. Everyone seems to be against illegal immigration but very few step up to the plate.

You don't like the fact that they picketed the church. So be it. Did you say anything to them before they did or just complain later? Yes you do come to the events in the square. Have you or anyone else here attended anything else they have done? Please state for the record why this group doesn't want you as a member or come to one of their meetings and ask questions. There must be a reason. At every event they have sign up sheets and try to enlist new members so why don't you come to the next meeting? The only ones not welcome are those who choose to make it a racial issue instead of an illegal immigrant issue.

I happened to be on vacation and chose not to give up my last two days off and rush home for this. Sorry, I didn't realize I had to account for everything I do and am not allowed to take a vacation. Am I wrong for taking a little time off? Let me know if I need permission next time. I can have a PRIVATE personal life too, right? I have attended all but two events this group has put on and in several different counties.

The above paragraph is for Term since he is the one who needs to know why I wasn't there (Asked Twice). Not exactly sure why I need to answer to him but I did.

The rest is for all those who claim to be against illegal immigration. Please come help at these events and help plan future ones. So far the only one getting press is VD. With more people involved and more ideas, the more we can get done and we can bring far more attention to this important issue.

Again, I'm not attacking any one person. I have respected everyone's right to vote the way you want and feel I have a right to vote the way I want. I keep saying vote for who you believe in, just be an informed voter. Also we need to stop the R and D fighting and go after the real problems. We also need to get more people to vote in November. Tell our elected officials how we feel about these issues.

If anyone takes this as a personal attack, that is not my intention. I am only making personal observations and trying to get more people involved. We all need to get together to solve these problems.

Also, the Rally Group isn't my "little group" but just a group of private citizens trying to fight against illegal immigration by doing something. Come join if you want. New members and new ideas are always welcome.

At May 11, 2010 at 11:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just my opinion, but when you vote for "the person" you get their party anyway and all the way, so you'd better like the politics of their party before you vote for the person.

At May 12, 2010 at 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"when you vote for "the person" you get their party anyway"

I agree but that's the evils of the 2 major party system. All we can do is try to vote for who is best. To bad most don't fulfill their campaign promises.

At May 12, 2010 at 2:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, Let me understand this you were on vacation, yet I left work early to at least make an appearance and to show my support but thats not enough? Plus listening to the B.S. coming from the speakers in the park. Here's what I don't understand. In your post you made it a point to name two of my friends who were there in support of the rally team. Why? If the group wants everybody under the radar why point out my friends?
I wish you all the support you will acccept but please anonymous Badger, don't use my friends to make a point.

At May 13, 2010 at 6:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger, I once questioned Term, why the rally team didn't want him as a member? His answer to me was he emailed the group and wanted to know who founded it along with who the members were? He was told it was not important to know who the people behind the movement were. He explained he didn't want to play Batman & Robin so they excluded him from their email account.

At May 14, 2010 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:31pm, that story isn't entirely accurate. That is the story TERM likes to give.

At May 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can back up 1:07. I've got a copy of all TERM and his friends "innocent" little emails. They would shock the s--- out of you. Don't believe TERM or 6:31 on this one.

At May 14, 2010 at 7:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing that makes this absurd is that Term will mention just about anyone he wants to here but his friends are off limits. Just what is the difference between his friends and the members of the Rally group who were in the Square on Saturday? Weren't they there for the same thing? What is the accurate story 6:31?

At May 15, 2010 at 5:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's absurd is that I have never read where Term has mentioned a rally member by name. Maybe he should? Your group seems more focused on him then illegals.
The Mexican Consulate will be at St. Marys May 22, maybe you should meet with them.
I'm starting to think this rally group is a joke. Lets post names?

At May 15, 2010 at 5:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When he first started complaining about the Rally team at the church he mentioned two women with different political parties and he also mentioned Dale F. and I think someone else in the same post or topic.

If you or Term thinks this team is a joke then why does he keep mentioning it and why did he support it at one time. He seems to want to know everyones name and wants to tell them what to do and what not to do. The Rally team isn't the only topic he posts names about.

At May 15, 2010 at 11:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

First off you have my permission to reprint my emails to the rally team, along with there response back to me. I can't speak for my "friends." Dem Sue and GOP Sue doesn't name names? Dale Fellows is a public figure that's why he got mentioned. Now if you want me to print names like Badger did with Tony and John fine I will.
Heck let's name everyone even throw in addresses, I'm sure there are some in the area that would appreciate that information.
They know me around town, they call me "Minuteman Ang."
I have tried to be as fair as I can to the rally group shown my support to them, its an honest cause, but in all honesty they have afew clowns in the group' They come across as American Patriots... As long as it with there views. Constitution? Try freedom of speech.
Chasing Mexicans around may be fun to some of you, but it just avoids the employers and businesses that hire and abuse them. The employers that hire them are closer then you think.
I am compiling a list of employers that hire them.
Please feel free to adress the blog. on known offenders.

At May 15, 2010 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are quite free, Term, to picket whatever employers and businesses that you want to. That would be much more productive than criticizing people who are actually DOING something.

At May 15, 2010 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THIS IS WHY WE NEED STRONG LEADERSHIP TERM.. we know we have a problem with ILLEGAL'S in our city. get behind the only council person who want's to inprove our city. DON'T LISTEN TO ALL THE NAME CALLING AND BLAMING. just do the job you have been CHOSEN to do. FOLLOW THE LAW'S city council PLEASE START WORKING TO CORRECT THIS CONCERN OF THE CITY. how about that..

At May 15, 2010 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Job you were was chosen to do? Most people have been elected. This council wants to be political correct along with not being accused of "profiling." That Painesville Magazine couldn't be more lilly white if they tried. 12:12
People who are actually DOING something? Pray tell what are you doing? Along with what have you accomplished? Beside chasing little kids around?

At May 15, 2010 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I don't have the time or energy to get into this with you again. It is just plain ol' jealousy with you and your friend. You two are mad because nobody came to you and personally asked for your opinions and for the two of you to head something or to personally invite you to join before the group was started. The country is close to losing her battle against the illegals and you are still attacking the Rally Team with stupid statements like they are just chasing little kids around. Give me a break.

I will say again, if you want employers and businesses picketed, go right ahead. Who's stopping you?

At May 15, 2010 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

What are you the rally teams official psychic? You should question your own motives before youy state mine. Funny still no list of accomplishments though. Who Mr./Ms. Phychic is the "two"??

I won't tire you out this. This will be my last post on the Rally Team.

At May 15, 2010 at 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 1:08: I know this because I have a copy of the emails.

The "two of you" is you and your friend who sent the emails.

There were two very long lists of accomplishments previously on this web site, and you know it.

My motives? To get the illegals out and to save America. It's that simple, and you know that, too.

Just sign me "still waiting to see you picketing an employer or business."


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