Saturday, May 1, 2010


Lets continue to debate the "positives" about basements in Heisley Park phase 12. Maybe will get another geology lesson about glaciers and soil. Paid in full by Ryan Homes.
Along with street repaving projects.
The battery grant for the electric plant.
The city manager will turn the "old" hotel over to the Port Authority who will then try to get funds from the state to demolish this building ala LakeEast, You got to wonder what they think we're doing in Painesville down in Columbus?
Wonder if the city manager had enough time to answer councilmans Flock's questions?
Fire Chief will give a presentation.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^COUNCIL MEETING THOUGHTS;
I never understand the questions that are never asked? Along with some that just bring a shrug of the shoulders?
Mrs. DiNallo asked about sump pumps, what is excessive use, estimated replacement cost? Not a good answer was given. At the last council meeting the city manager claimed the external sump pumps would cost the homeowner $10.00 a month. Really? If it ran 5 minutes a day? or 55 minutes an hour it averages $10.00 a month. Where does she pick these numbers from?
My thought Mother Nature always wins ask the residents that lost everything at Millstone.
Speaking of electricity that battery experiment at our power plant will cost the citizens of Painesville $500,000 over the next three or four years. Not one council person even asked the life expectance of the battery. Why? not important enough, its only $500,000, or its something that is experimental?
The "old" hotel the city manager told council the hotel was donated to the city? Funny thats not how I remember it, but no big deal. She reminded council how the money was received to demolish the hospital and yes there are grants available to demolish the hotel if the city wasn't the owner. Enter the Port Authority now council voted to sign it over to them. No questions asked who will own the property what is planned for it, ect. Now the hook, Where will the Port Authority come up with matching funds? Not a soul asked. Along with the thought that somewhere in our future we will be asked. Detail, details, details.
The fire chief reported the grass fire behind Cobblestone was called in to Mentor Fire Department first, which sent firefighter from three stations even before Painesville was notified, Painesville on receiving the call called out mutual aid from Concord, Painesville Township, Fairport Harbor. Thats why the large number of firemen on site. The chief also stated the fire was as close to eighty feet from the buildings.
Somewhere everyone has to get on the same page Heisley area is south of the railroad tracks and Diamond Center is north of the railroad tracks. It could have been alot worse what if everyone thought it was the other guys turf?
Why didn't anyone one ask about a 36 second response time to Cobblestone? It sure skewered the numbers?

Don't forget this Tuesday is election Day.


At May 2, 2010 at 11:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who will end up with the deed to the hotel site? That will be the interesting fact, someone has a plan.

At May 3, 2010 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous Kathy Sak said...

IT'S A MARSH!! IT'S A MARSH!! What is there to talk about - IT'S A MARSH!! Geez. Okay I'm done now.

At May 3, 2010 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about an ordinance having any new homes built at Heisley Park phase 12, to be on stilts. That will solve that pesky water problem!

At May 3, 2010 at 6:33 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Kathy,!Kathy,! Kathy,! It passed, passed, passed.
Ryan can build basement if the owner wants it.
Along with all the rest of the Legislation on the agenda.
I will be posting soon about the council meeting.

At May 4, 2010 at 5:19 AM , Anonymous Adam said...

Speaking of council meetings...does anyone else get the impression that the Clerk Of Council thinks she is exempt from posting the council minutes online, now that the videos are being posted?

I, for one, prefer to READ the minutes since I am at work and cannot watch streaming video on this computer.

Since I know someone from council, the city, or Jennifer Bell herself are reading..........GET CAUGHT UP!

At May 4, 2010 at 11:52 AM , Anonymous Kathy Sak said...

See, there you go! It passed! The builder can dig a basement if the owner wants one. Sure, why not? YOU CAN SEE IT'S A MARSH WHEN YOU DRIVE DOWN THE STREET! YOU CAN SEE IT'S A MARSH FROM ROUTE 44! Geez. Let's give people a chance to take responsibility for their own actions. It's not the city's probem if their sump-pumps run 24-7. THEY BOUGHT A HOUSE IN A DAMN MARSH! Next thing you know, residents will show up at the council meeting complaining about bugs and snakes. Hey, if the houses didn't sell, the builder wouldn't build them. If someone wants a house in the marsh, so be it. I think it's a terrible waste of a once beautiful marsh but hey, that's just me. Anyone talking about stange things oozing up from underground yet?

At May 4, 2010 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Adam, Aprils two meeting haven't been posted yet the last minutes were not voted on because councilman Flock question some language? [ sorry I don't know] Along with him being out of town for the first May meeting Council-President decided to wait until the next meeting to address councilman Flocks question. No reason for the first meeting in April not being posted yet. I wonder if minutes are to be exactly what was said or is there some latitude. If you leave out a comment you could easily misinterpid what was said. Someone suggested to me the clerk of council works more for the city administration then the council memembers and maybe thats why certain words are left out?
I also have had city residents tell me that the clerk of council won't read comments in the visitor section word for word. If there is no profanity why not just read what the person wrote?
Kathy, yes they can build basements, I'm willing to bet that within a short time more people will be coming to council looking for relief because of flooding basement. Council did approve it, right?

At May 5, 2010 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the streets in this town in such bad shape why would the small street used by just afew including a former council-president Wild Bill be repaved? Hada retuning a favor for screwing up Murphy? That is a waste!

At May 5, 2010 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever seen anything on the agenda not pass? It is so obvious that the fix is in because they agree all the time. I think your wrong about Fodor and DiNallo they don't seem to have the backbone you thought they had. JHada Hada stares at them and they both wilt. To bad.

At May 5, 2010 at 6:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with 5:52. DiNallo and Fodor are just two more automatic yes votes.

At May 6, 2010 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I think we should hold judgement on the two new members, they are just getting their feet wet.
Hada stares at everyone the same way, big deal.
The question I keep wondering about was Paul Hach? He was one of the people that pushed for no basement. Not much of a conviction?

At May 6, 2010 at 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jahada HADA, Nice touch, Sad but everyone keeps telling me that this councilman has a degree in urban planning? Someone should tell that old man we have moved on from hitching posts along with streetcars. Remind him we're not blind either. I see the music and sweat shop has closed, next to the already closed Painesville Flooring Store. This man along wih others in the administration are the funeral directors of Painesville. Urban planner? urban destryer bent on the death Painesville is more like it. Mrs.JaHaha has done a great job on the schools to, where are we now dead last?

At May 8, 2010 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous Alice said...

I've studied Urban Affairs (recently) and a lot of what the city does just doesn't make sense. We keep repeating things that have been proven to not work and every textbook I've read, lecture I've listened to etc., says that an area CANNOT be realistic in trying to revitalize itself without superior schools. It raises the bar (and home values) for current residents and is one of the most important attractions for new homeowners. Good schools have a way of unifying an area; when people choose to move into a city because schools are good, they have made a long-term financial and emotional commitment. Our esteemed city planners have given NO ONE many good reasons to want to stay here, come here or invest here. Sure we have our own electric plant, but if that is our biggest claim to fame then we have more than just an image problem. There are lots of communities that are successful that don't own a power plant...just look around the rest of Lake County. We foster a world-class private university (Lake Erie College) and yet our public schools are little better than East Cleveland's. You'd think we'd tap into such a resource in order to learn how to turn things around.

At May 8, 2010 at 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only wonder what went on at the last council meeting considering nothing in the paper, along without a new meeting on channel 12. Maybe their embarrassed about what they did or didn't do?

At May 10, 2010 at 6:47 AM , Anonymous Kathy Sak said...

Alice - the rental homes rate for East Cleveland is about 53 percent. Sound familiar?

At May 19, 2010 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous Alice said...

Kathy...yes it does, unfortunately. There are many good landlords in P'ville; (I happen to have one)but when you have tenants that are un- or under-employed and just trying to exist from one day to the next it's pretty hard to get them to care about anything, let alone someone else's property. I certainly don't mean to tar every renter with the same brush, but there is a disproportunate number of really poor people here that cannot see their way out. It's almost impossible to change the mind-set of these people, many just don't see any advantage in trying...our system isn't set up to be pro-active, it just treats the symptoms and has become self-perpetuating. We've thrown out the baby with the bath water...because of our strong belief in individual rights we've abandoned personal responsibility. And I know this from personal experience, I've been destitute and it was a long hard haul back up.


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