Thursday, July 30, 2015

"IT AIN'T ME BABE" bob dylan

"No No No it ain't me your looking for"

First off let's get the suspects name.

Juan Emmanuel Razo-Ramierz  Now let's look through the data base.

As I predicted the finger pointing has commenced.

First in a news conference the other day Sheriff Daniel Dunlap explained that DHS Border Patrol had told him to release the uncle.

Now DHS Border Patrol claims the Sheriff Department declined an offer by Border Patrol to personally interview the illegal alien?

So what really happened?  Did the Sheriff cut him lose as to the county not having to bear the burden expense of caring for the uncle until Border Patrol found time to do the interview?

Didn't it make anyone suspicious that the uncle was uncooperative?

Even if the uncle had not committed a crime at that time doesn't law enforcement believe that they must identify a suspect before cutting them lose. Just as Judge Cicconetti claimed at his hearing "who the Hell are you".

This is just the start, maybe VD has a good point . We should all claim mental illness?


At July 30, 2015 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This might get messy!
As was pointed out, there MUST be a paper trail somewhere.
Let's see the documents and find out who is telling the truth and who is not.

At July 30, 2015 at 1:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he had one of those Mexican Maticular cards? The county uses for I.D.

At July 31, 2015 at 3:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, just saw Dahlberg telling everyone on ABC that this has nothing to do with immigration and everything to do with mental illness. I have two things to say to Dahlberg. First of all, I don't believe the mental illness excuse. Secondly, even if he IS mentally ill, he and his mental illness should have been in MEXICO. So, oh yes, it is an immigration problem.

At July 31, 2015 at 7:47 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:40 This is called damage control, or "Spin" changing the direction of the story.
Mental illness or not, he is still an illegal alien. This incident has pretty much validated Mr. Trump Assault, rape and murder. The only thing missing is the drugs? But it's still early in the investigation.

VD realizes how far this incident has set back her cause in this area. It's a shame someone had to die for us to pay more attention. It's pretty obvious she has very little control over the actions of her community.

I wonder if HOLA ever had a meeting about not driving drunk, domestic violence, or any violence for that matter. following ordinances in the community you live in? Or is it all "We are here and it's their fault we aren't legal, their system is broken?" Well who broke it?

At July 31, 2015 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, I wonder the same thing about HOLA. That group should be worrying less about defending the illegal actions of some of their community, and more about educating them about how to be good neighbors and what's expected of them when they come here. Learn English, obey laws and ordinances, show some respect for your neighbors. Don't fill your yard with cars. Don't blast your music. Don't let your children run wild shrieking at all hours. HOLA, teach your people to be good neighbors, please!

At July 31, 2015 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on the button TERM, who broke it! When people are law abiding, they don't break things do they. I read about Ellis Island, back when we had law & order, borders, language & culture. What happened?

Have you ever watched Blue Bloods on TV?
That's not corny. That's how it should be.
Elected officials should act that way, or the way the chief thought they should act.

At August 2, 2015 at 6:37 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

8:36 Remember 'Blue Bloods' is a fictional show. The L.A. Times recently did an article on VD calling her the guardian angel of Hispanic's in Northeastern Ohio. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. She does seem successful to her cause?
I have never met a person who felt so entitled to her cause. I guess if you scream loud enough you might be able to convince people you are in the right, or you don't want to be labeled by her. I wonder if she will succeed?

At August 2, 2015 at 1:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason the illegals, mostly Hispanics, have gotten this far in taking over this country and being allowed to stay here, is because every time White people stand up to it, the illegals start screaming prejudice. It shuts White people right up, and the Hispanics know it.

They only need to keep us quiet for a little while longer, and they will have this country.

At August 2, 2015 at 4:39 PM , Anonymous Ellis Island said...

Any one here ever been to Ellis Island? One should check it out, maybe search the internet for what the posters that are hanging on the walls read. Here's a hint-all early laws as to the right of entry to the United States. You must have the ability to work, to support yourself and family, no disease, no mental incapacity. Check it out.

At August 3, 2015 at 6:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:39, I think you also had to prove that you had enough money to sustain yourself and your family until you could find employment, or maybe prove you were coming for a certain job, or have sponsors here, usually family, probably, that could house and sustain you until you could take over for yourselves. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I always thought that was the way it used to be. Certainly nobody got them off the boat and showed them to the welfare line like they do now. Obama has people given benefit information and benefits right up front now, I think.

At August 6, 2015 at 5:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have photos of all that was required of immigrants incoming through Ellis. We have become so liberal as never to offend anyone and that has set us back. We need to go back to the original requirements, start over fresh. What politician will put his job on the line to do this?


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