Friday, January 2, 2015

"TEACHER TEACHER" 38 special

 Sorry late night last night.

Let's say grandchildren happy I chose OSU gear instead of Browns stuff for Christmas.

As most of you I have been an advocate for our Painesville teachers.

Tuesday December 30, 2014 they threw me a curve as this packet came in the mail.
with this attached note.

Dear Parents,

The third grade students will be traveling down a new path when we get back from winter break. Both classes will begin multiplication in January!

The children are very excited. However, to ensure that we start with prepared children, we are asking that you practice at home over break.

Begin on the first page of the packet and continue through till the end. It gets progressively harder, but any progress you make will make fluency in multiplication that much easier for your child.

Again we are asking that you practice multiplication facts with your child nightly --20 minutes or so-- for the duration of break. Any help that you can give us, AND your child, will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again,

Third Grade Teachers

No problem but why didn't you send this packet home on the last day before Christmas, sorry I meant Winter Break? I don't believe your intention was this packet to arrive at the students home on December 30th?

I will do my best to help my granddaughter with this assignment. But I do wonder if you want me to teach her the way I was taught?

A memorized graph and flash card up to 12x12?  Carry numbers over? since you give me little explanation on the present "new math" could I be doing more harm than good? 

I'm all in for packets but could I or someone else do more to confuse than help?

Found flashcards at Target in their dollar bins, if interested.


At January 2, 2015 at 11:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We sat in on an adding & subtracting math lesson (not in Painesville)The lesson was on a smartboard and did I feel dumb. There were a bunch of blocks in rows and columns to represent 1's 10' and 100's I can honestly say I had no clue what was being done when teaching that way. It was very confusing so what is wrong with memorizing facts? Weren't the state education reports better then than they are now? Go back to the basics.

At January 2, 2015 at 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is...according to the just don't have to know the have to know WHY...if you can't tell why, I points are taken away....I am a teacher, and it is what the politicians want, not the students or kids...what was done when we were in school is not good enough anymore (their words, not mine)...personally, nothing is more frustrating than seeing students get a problem right, and know how they got it, but since they can't explain it well enough, they lose points....seems counterintuitive to the education process. That's what happens when politicians make rules about education with no experience...just my opinion...

At January 2, 2015 at 3:57 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:45 so memory isn't enough?

How? If I have four baskets of apples with four apples in each basket I can't just memorize 4X4=16 what's then is the how?

At January 2, 2015 at 4:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The how is you took the 4 baskets of apples and maybe you added them 4 times...maybe you also have to make a picture showing the groupings going on. It seems easy, but we are adding another layer to make the tests unnecessarily difficult in my opinion. Again, made by a politician...

At January 2, 2015 at 8:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you can see just one of the ramifications of common core. And thank the superintendent who is all for common core and says he has no choice as it is mandated. What he doesn't tell you is that each school district can make their own choice to use it and our superintendent chooses to!

At January 3, 2015 at 8:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At January 3, 2015 at 10:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that is why so many are homeschooling or going these days.

At January 3, 2015 at 2:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At January 4, 2015 at 11:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If schools took money from the feds for race to the top, they are pretty much locked in to common core. That was done long before the current administration as pcls was one of the top recipients in the area.

I'm no expert, but I would guess abandoning it now would serve no purpose since the state tests all revolve around common core. Teaching something other than common core wouldn't be a prudent endeavor at this stage.

Common Core seems like something that many attack but know little about. I was one confused so I did my own research. I am not sold on all aspects of it, but it certainly isn't the demise of public education as many would lead you to believe.

At January 4, 2015 at 12:25 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:03 Yes the past seems to get lost in the past. I believe it is the Board of Education that has the final say?

During the last election one candidate was against "common core" they lost.

Look education is near and dear to all of us and since most have at least 12 years of it that makes all of us "experts"?

I'm glad you did your research I've also have. I think the main problem people have is that it reflects federal intrusion.

At the same times I have to listen to people who claim the earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaur's just ignored Noah's request to get on the Ark? That demand a seat at the table. I for one can't understand why evolution and creation can't live together?
On the first day God... O.k. who knows how long God's days are?

At January 4, 2015 at 1:06 PM , Blogger terminator1 said...

Now you have a problem with Brown's gear???

At January 4, 2015 at 1:45 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

No just with the Browns. Recently out shopping a mother had her infant dressed in a Browns jacket and cap. I kiddingly mentioned I thought that was a form of child abuse.

I 'm old enough to have witnessed Jim Brown, Bobby Mitchell, Dr. Frank Ryan and Lou Groza play at old Muni Stadium. Then the drought, until Sipe beat the Cowboys in a Monday night game. Froze watching Red Right 88, The Drive and viewing the Fumble. Which to this day I blame Webster Slaughter instead of Ernest Byner. Then Art who was sitting on a gold mine and still couldn't make money, moved to Baltimore. Thank goodness. No... we want the color's and the name. Great since 1999 I've watched a great team legacy dragged through the mud.
This year's draft, This team can't draft period! A monkey could do a better job. Mingo, Richardson, Manzel, Gilbert anybody remember Cortney Brown?

I turned my attention elsewhere to the college ranks. I still have compassion for Brown fans and must admit to a bit of satisfaction to Saturday Steeler loss, that said I will be routing for New England and the coach that Browns fans claimed couldn't coach. To beat a Baltimore team masquerading as Ravens, yet deep down inside we know who broke Cleveland's heart. No I love watching football I can do without the self-gratification present shown. Tired of "Wait til next year"

At January 4, 2015 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a great article in the Plain Dealer about "the guardian angel of Ohio's immigrant community"

At January 4, 2015 at 4:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:03, I agree with you that you are no expert. Do more research. We definitely can opt out and we absolutely should.

At January 5, 2015 at 2:46 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:50 I guess we can attend the BOE meeting next Monday with our concerns? Let me know or just keep complaining here.
I am an "expert" when it comes to people with no desire to make a statement in public.

At January 5, 2015 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4;46 Some guardian Angel, more like a self-serving troll who's only concern for the Hispanic community is what good can come out of this for her.

That angel has burned so many bridges and they still give her a torch! I'll never forget the time she got into a Cleveland Police Officer's face. Priceless.....

At January 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

...And the look on HER face when she realized the cop wasn't going to put up with her mouth and her demands! (As I recall, she was demanding that the cop leave the car-driving illegal alone, and let him go. Wasn't that it?) The look on the cop's face that let her know that she was two seconds away from big trouble herself was priceless enough, and then her face when she realized he meant it and she shut up. Loved it. That woman, Dahlberg, needs to go to another country, as her loyalties certainly do not rest with America.

At January 7, 2015 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:30 Her loyaltiys rest with Veronica Dahlberg, funny we remember her but not the person being arrested?
She will never spend a day in jail for her flock .. unless there's some camera's. She in her silly self-promoting way does more harm than good. Plus she will use anyone or organization she can and than trow them under the bus. ie. GOP party.

At January 7, 2015 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Please let me vent for a few minutes here. I am neither a Lion's or Cowboy's fan. But what transpired Sunday was well pure Pro sports. First that was pass interference, you call it and then picked up the flag? There was defensive holding on the receiver at the beginning of that play. (not called) You then had a helmetless Cowboy run out onto the field to argue with a Ref. (another no-call) Anybody remember the end of a Browns Chief game a few years ago? When a Browns player removed his helmet early ending in a penalty of 15 yards and a repeat of a Chief field goal? Nevermind watching Suh tackled by a Cowboy lineman later. Lot of missed called along with some questionable ones. My point the NFL is not football it's entertainment. What better for ratings than a repeat of the Ice Bowl 50 years later. No the Cowboys were destined to go to Green Bay this week.
Thinking back the Brady tuck call who better but a team called Patriots to represent in the Super Bowl.after 9/11. Don't even get me started on the NBA, or NASCAR we are being lead like sheep. Cowboy fans get ready to get ROMOED this week the gigs up. DONE

At January 8, 2015 at 12:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cowboy Fan term your a looser! just like not to sharp Sharpton
your leader.

At January 8, 2015 at 2:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

12:52 How and why did Sharpton become my leader? It's like claiming David Duke is yours, you just are an unreasonable person.
Cowboy Fan, are you nuts?
Seems more turmoil within the Browns?
Get those season tickets early!


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