Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"LETS GET IT STARTED" black eyed peas


Seems that I have spent a lot of time at Harvey lately. Tuesday evening (March 27th), the Lake County Tea Party held a meeting in Harvey's auditorium concerning "Obamacare", with about 150 in attendance. Now here’s the rub. I would estimate that 80% were at least 60 years old. There were two African-Americans in attendance. I know one was only there to hear what was being proposed.

Very few young people.

The presentation was fairly given. The speaker mentioned that Obamacare is a tax. Now, if you have been following the Supreme Court, that is not the way they seem to see it. If it were, they would not have it in front of them until someone actually paid the tax.

As I stated earlier there were some petty claims I wondered about….one being that most women do not want contraceptives to be in the plan.

Most of what I heard was misinformation coming from the audience in the form of questions.

Here are a few more: The government will have access to my savings account and student loans will be rolled into Obama care. The number of people misinformed was astonishing. The speaker admitted these statements were not true. At least she was honest about it.

The speaker acknowledged that reform was needed, but for some reason, universal coverage seems to be unattainable. Why? Pre-existing conditions... well you are just going to have to deal with it.

Like I mentioned earlier, the majority of the crowd appeared to be old enough to receive Medicare….and yet they were outraged about a government run health care plan. The reason Medicare came up was that elderly Americans apparently could not receive or afford private insurance in their "Golden Years". NO ONE spoke of eliminating that government program.

In conclusion, it seems Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate for President this November. The Godfather of Obamacare will run against Obama.

Please Mitt; don't tell us your Massachusetts Plan won't work on a Federal level. That is like saying speed limits that work on State highways will not work on the Interstates. On the other hand, I was for it then and I am against it now? Good luck with that one.

Hoping to see more of these T-shirts this summer in Painesville.

Monday, March 26, 2012

"MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE' the police

The Painesville Oversight Committee has received this memo through freedom of information from the Painesville Police Department.

You can decide for yourselves if this is the procedure we want in place at Harvey.

From: Martin, Kimberly
Sent: Thursday, October 20,20111:45 PM
To: AA-Harvey All Staff
Cc: Hanlon, Michael; Ward, Denise
Subject: Communication with Administration

Dear Staff:

In a meeting with the SRO, it has come to our attention (Missy, Dave, and I) that teachers are calling, emailing, and reporting students to the SRO without first (or ever) reporting incidents to Dave, Missy or me. Please refer to the call list that has been shared in the past if you need assistance in your classroom. Remember, immediate disruptions should be directed by a phone call to Mrs. 0 (ISA), Val, Darlene, or an administrator as we all have walkie talkies and can be alerted to a classroom. Phone calls or emails directly to Officer Ponder do not properly keep us in the loop and we need to close that communication gap. Communication between teachers and SRO should not commonly occur (except on very rare occasions), and should occur only when directed first by an administrator. Remember, students are protected under FERPA, and ONLY directory information can be shared with individuals that are not PCLS employees.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Kimberly J. Martin
Principal, Thomas W. Harvey High School
200 W. Walnut St
Painesville, OH 44077

Office: (440) 392-5110
FAX: (440) 392-5149
Painesville Oty Schools –It’s aU about Learning!

In other Painesville City School news it has come to my attention Ross Grippi who was elected to the school board this past November has turned in his resignation. No reason was given.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

"HEART OF STONE" rolling stones

No I don't have a heart of stone. I don't want to eliminate workers. I just can't grasp the fact that it costs Painesville residents $299,000 per season to cut grass at two cemeteries. With overall maintenance of the two at $410,000 Sorry.
If you believe these facts as fact I would worry about that.
I agree with another comment that part time employees should not have their hospitalization payed by the city. Don't count on any council people to question this they are either afraid to or to polite too. [It's not their money anyways]
Truth be told if you listen to the city manager and finance director lay-off are inevitable. Maybe this year maybe next, but there coming.If we can save money now we may not have to make as many cuts in the future.
I guess if it came down to outsourcing the grass cutting or laying off police or fire personnel what's the choice?
Someone commented about outsourcing the trash removal. Good point. Now while we talking trash the city no longer has to pay for trash picked up at the recycling center on Latmore St. Where did that savings go? I remember the city manager quoting a price of close to $90,000 to pick-up recycling bins for seven months along with costing the city forty man hours a week to clean the area up. No one on council questions anything.
If the city can do this service cheaper why don't or didn't they?
The present budget in the form it is given in is not a budget the expenses in it must be explained better. Mr. DeLeone did you really get answers for all $24 million "others"?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Well, the budget passed… 6 to 1 with Andy Flock being the only NO vote. We can debate the merits of the budget until we're blue in the face but one thing for sure is Joe Hada will not be able to look over at Andy and claim, "you voted for the budget."

For some reason the city can't grasp the idea of outsourcing the grass cutting for the city. They have made inquiries about it, may even have been given a proposal or two… but for some reason they have never put it out for an official bid. Why? It is time to save the city some money, even if it requires giving up a little control and/or authority. Maybe we would not need that $30,000 riding lawnmower/tractor (whatever it is).

There is still no answer about a Columbarium.

This council seemed very unorganized when it came to the ordinance amending sections 352.24 and 352.99 relating to parking penalties. They seemed to take a simple matter and confuse it. Out in the audience it appeared that we were watching that proverbial monkey with a football.

I was told the zoning of Steele Mansion had nothing to do with the CUP (conditional use permit) put on the mansion. Well, when will the owners be given time to offer amendments to the rezoning?

Andy Flock brought up an interesting point in the city's 78 million dollar budget… there is over 23 million places where the word "OTHER" shows up in expenses. Seems like a whole lot of ‘others’…. almost a third. I wonder if the city receives awards on budgeting for all those ‘others’?

On a final note… near the end of the meeting during the visitors' portion… no one spoke… that's the first time I believe that has happened at a council meeting in the last five years. When we got up to leave two people mentioned to me "what's the point? They don't care to listen anyway."

Truer words were never spoken at a council meeting.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"JUST DROPPED IN" kenny rogers/first edition

" see what condition my condition was inn....".

These minutes can also be found in their entirety on the City of Painesville's web site:

The following item(s) were presented to the Planning Commission for consideration during their Regular Meeting scheduled on March 8, 2012:
Applicant: Arthur, Carol & Brian Shamakian & Elissa Petrozzi
Owner: Steele Mansion Suites, LLC
Location: 348 Mentor Avenue (Parcel Number 15-C-017-0-00-028-0)
District: B-1 Business/Residential District
Section: 1143.06 (a)
The City of Painesville received an application from Steele Mansion Suites, LLC for a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is proposing an Inn at 348 Mentor Avenue (Permanent Parcel Number 15-C-017-0-00-028-0). The property is located in the B-1 Business/Residential District. Section 1143.06 (a) requires a conditional use permit for similar uses as determined by the Planning Commission in the B-1 District.
Motion by Mr. Komjati, seconded by Mr. Temming to approve Refusal No. 2214 for a Conditional Use Permit at 348 Mentor Avenue allowing an Inn with the following stipulations:
1. The inn shall be limited to twenty (20) rooms;
2. The restaurant and lounge shall be limited to guests of the inn. The restaurant and lounge shall not be open to the general public;
3. If a liquor license is requested, it shall be limited to the sale of wine by the glass for consumption on site;
4. Special events shall be limited to no more than fifty (50) persons at any one time;
5. The gift boutique shall be for the use of the guests of the inn and various events to be scheduled;
6. Exercise rooms shall be limited to guests of the inn;
7. Outside events shall end no later than 10:00 p.m. with clean-up completed by 10:30 p.m.;
8. Any outside event shall be set up as far as possible from the adjacent residential properties;
9. Inside events shall be ended no later than 11:00 p.m.;
10. Based on a total of sixty-four (64) parking spaces, the number of handicap spaces must be three (3) based upon the Ohio Building Code;
11. Signage shall be illuminated by indirect lighting only and shall be in conformance with the Historic District standards;
12. Guests shall be limited to continuous stays of no longer than three weeks;
13. This permit is contingent on the approval of the rezoning to a B-1 zoning category;
14. The permit is also contingent on the approval of the C.U.P. for the parking at 332 Mentor Avenue;
15. This permit is for the applicant only and may not be transferred or assigned without the approval of the Planning Commission;
16. That no more than two (2) functions can be held at any one time as specified in the business plan;
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17. That the kitchen use be limited to breakfast and special cooking classes. The other events such as weddings may utilize the kitchen for catering purposes only;
18. All doors, with the exception of the main entrance, shall be locked for safety purposes no later than 8:00 p.m. and the elevator and stairways be restricted to guests via a room key or other acceptable method;
19. That a drainage plan be presented to the City of Painesville for approval;
20. That the parking lots be installed prior to the opening of the Inn/Mansion;
21. That the parking stipulations that were approved for 332 Mentor Avenue are applicable to 348 Mentor Avenue and include:
a. A storm water management plan approved by the City should be required to deal with any storm drainage;
b. Approval of the parking lot is contingent upon the approval conditional use request of the inn at the Steele Mansion;
c. The parking lot shall be accessory to and for use in connection with the operation of the inn at the Steele Mansion;
d. The parking lot entrance and exit shall be at least sixty-five (65) feet from any adjacent property in any residential district;
e. Any portion of the parking lot abutting a residential district shall be screened at a minimum by masonry wall, fencing, earth berm, landscaped strip, or a combination thereof. Such screening shall be a minimum of four feet (4’) in height and shall be maintained in good condition;
f. There shall be no signage for the parking lot except those to designate entrances and exits and conditions of use;
g. The location and design of entrances, exits, surfacing, marking and lighting shall be subject to the City Department having jurisdiction;
h. Such parking lot shall solely be used for the parking of passenger cars;
i. No commercial repair work or service of any kind shall be conducted on such parking lot;
j. There shall be no charge made for parking in such parking lot;
k. As the parking lot is intended to be used during non-daylight hours, the lot shall be lighted. Such lighting shall be arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property and the public right-of-way;
l. No parking shall be located closer than ten feet (10’) from a property line abutting a residentially zoned property;
m. As there will be a total parking area on the properties (332 and 348 Mentor Avenue) containing 64 spaces, a total of three (3) handicap parking spaces shall be provided. This requirement is in accordance with Section 1106 of the Ohio Building Code;
22. Fencing shall be installed on the west side of the property line in accordance with the city code for fencing height along rear and side yards;
23. The Conditional Use Permit shall be reviewed in two-years to determine the impact on the neighborhood and the applicant’s compliance with the imposed stipulations and at that time, the Planning Commission may impose additional restrictions or stipulations or the Planning Commission at the written request of the Applicant and for good cause shown, may modify the existing stipulations.
On roll call, Mr. Temming, Mr. Komjati, and Chairman Fitzgerald answered “yes”. Motion carried.
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NEW BUSINESS: (Public Hearing Items)
Applicant/Owner: Steele Mansion Suites, LLC
Location: 332 Mentor Avenue (Parcel Number 15-C-017-0-00-029-0)
District: R-2 Multi-Family Residential District
Section: 1143.06 (a)
The City of Painesville has received an application from Steele Mansion Suites, LLC for a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is proposing a commercial parking lot at 332 Mentor Avenue (Permanent Parcel Number 15-C-017-0-00-029-0). The property is located in the R-2 Multi-Family Residential District. Section 1143.06 (a) requires a conditional use permit for commercial parking lots in the R-2 District. The proposed commercial parking lot is to support the tabled Conditional Use Application for the proposed Inn at 348 Mentor Avenue.
Motion by Mr. Temming, seconded by Mr. Komjati to approve Refusal No. 2220 for a Conditional Use Permit at 332 Mentor Avenue allowing a commercial park lot to support the Inn at 348 Mentor Avenue with the following stipulations:
1. A storm water management plan approved by the City should be required to deal with any storm drainage;
2. Approval of the parking lot is contingent upon the approval of the conditional use request for the inn at the Steele Mansion;
3. The parking lot shall be accessory to and for use in connection with the operation of the inn at the Steele Mansion;
4. The parking lot entrance and exit shall be at least sixty-five (65) feet from any adjacent property in any residential district;
5. Any portion of the parking lot abutting a residential district shall be screened at a minimum by masonry wall, fencing, earth berm, landscaped strip, or a combination thereof. Such screening shall be a minimum of four feet (4’) in height and shall be maintained in good condition;
6. There shall be no signage for the parking lot except those to designate entrances and exits and conditions of use;
7. The location and design of entrances, exits, surfacing, marking and lighting shall be subject to the City Department having jurisdiction;
8. Such parking lot shall solely be used for the parking of passenger cars;
9. No commercial repair work or service of any kind shall be conducted on such parking lot;
10. There shall be no charge made for parking in such parking lot;
11. As the parking lot is intended to be used during non-daylight hours, the lot shall be lighted. Such lighting shall be arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property and the public right-of-way;
12. No parking shall be located closer than ten feet (10’) from a property line abutting a residentially zoned property;
13. The total parking area on the properties (332 and 348 Mentor Avenue) contains 64 spaces, a total of three (3) handicap parking spaces shall be provided. This requirement is in accordance with Section 1106 of the Ohio Building Code.
14. This permit is contingent on the approval of the rezoning of 348 Mentor Avenue to a B-1 zoning category.
On roll call, Mr. Temming, Mr. Komjati, and Chairman Fitzgerald answered “yes”. Motion carried.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Painesville Police Investigate ‘Extreme Peeping Tom’
Posted on: 6:47 pm, March 12, 2012, by Melissa Reid,

PAINESVILLE, Ohio — Stephanie Moore, 27, of Painesville is locking up at night after an incident early Saturday morning.

“I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to a man touching my behind and rubbing it. I thought it was my husband, but it wasn’t,” said Moore.

Moore said an intruder reached in through the front window of her East Walnut Avenue home.

“He just reached through and touched me. And he stopped. And then he proceeded to do it again. But it was real soft, I don’t think he wanted to wake me up.”

But Moore did wake up and screamed for her husband, causing the man to run away.

She called police and discovered neighbors filed a similar report.

“They think the same guy tried to get into their 13-year-old daughter’s room. But her window was halfway up so he couldn’t get it unlocked. But he reached his hand all the way in and tried unlocking the window,” added Moore.

According to Moore, her front door was unlocked because her mailbox was located in her sunroom.

Since the incident, she has moved the mailbox outside and locked the front door.

“This is very unusual. We haven’t had any other complaints of this type in my entire crew of 14 years here,” said Sgt. Toby Burgett, with the Painesville Police Department.

Police are investigating the incident.

“Keep the doors and windows locked. Keep any outside lights on. So if you look outside your window and see anything unusual, call the police,” added Sgt. Burgett.

In the meantime, Moore is keeping her house locked up until the intruder is locked up as well.

“I feel violated. I’m scared to be in this house. All my windows locked, all my doors locked, I keep everything locked up tight. But who’s to say he doesn’t come back?” said Moore.

Friday, March 9, 2012

"ONE AND ONLY" adele

Well, the planning Commission passed both resolutions concerning the Steele Mansion Thursday night. Art and Carol have both told me that they had the blessing of the administration on the goals of this project. That being said, then why stop at 34 restrictions… why not have at least 40?

We could have added that electricity be shut off at 11:00pm and no flushing toilets after midnight. No traffic into or out of the Inn after dusk. No omelets except on the Sabbath. Toss in a few more. Why not?

Let’s put up roadblocks because a few city residents oppose this.

Mr. James Callender (who lives next door to the Inn) is against it. He said there should be no spot zoning in this neighborhood. Then he mentioned that many neighbors are against the project, but for some reason, do not want to come forward to oppose the rezoning. Maybe they just agree with you to be polite and do not want to upset you any more then you already are. He also stated that Lake Erie College does not look fondly on the project either. The city should follow up on this to find out if someone is telling the truth or just blowing smoke.

I checked… when Mr. Callender purchased his property, the Steele mansion was already a 15-unit apartment building. He was in constant conflict with the apartment management on the goings on at the building. Let's remember Hal Werner. He purchased a home next to a bar and when things happen that happen at all bars… he was upset. How many of you said ‘what do you expect living next to a bar?’

To be honest, if Steele Mansion had been a single family residence and had never been an apartment building I might understand Mr. Callender’s side of opposing this… but it was a 15 unit apartment BUSINESS.

Am I being hard on Mr. Callender? Well, one statement I remember he made was "Are we destroying a neighborhood, a very nice residential neighborhood because of a slick presentation… because of desperation to save a building?" Mr. Callender, how many single-family residences are currently in this neighborhood and how many apartments and businesses?

One resident voiced his opinion that his neighborhood had turned into many parking lots. He's right... so this is where we draw the line?

Carol and Art Shamakian are quality people wanting to do quality work on bringing this mansion back to life. Others, as well as myself have worried "what if it fails?"
Art assured me the Shamakians will still have a Christmas no matter what. That's good enough for me. It is their time and money and Painesville should be 100% behind them.

Now Mr. Callender, I do not wish to sound tough on you. Please give thought to what would bring more value and prestige to your home and neighborhood… a 15-unit apartment building or a first class Inn. Don't believe me… check with a few real estate agents.

Mr. Callender, you and I will probably not be around in 25 years… do we want to be remembered as people who chose an apartment building or people who backed a great first step in bringing Painesville back?

The only restriction I would like to see is less interference from the administration on this project.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

"ROAD TO NOWHERE" talking heads

These were the pictures I received from a city resident with the question of with the condition of many roads in Painesville why did our city manager approve the use of city manpower and resources to do this job? Was council informed?
Did council approve this project? Hope Oak St. residents can see what can be accomplished with little dialoge from our city fathers and mothers? Again why even have a council?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"DOWNTOWN" petula clark

Uneventful council meeting.

It was explained to me that the city is not buying a 60” riding lawnmower but a 72" Ventrax 4231TD with tandem tires and a turbo diesel engine…and it still won’t cost more than $21,000. [Google it] Maybe an extended warranty?

Well, council members seem to have no appetite for taking on the city manager’s budget. For those of you promised road improvements and sewer water improvements: the roads get $150,000 and the sewers get $87,000. So when you live on Hickory, Hayer, or Cedarbrook and your basement floods… be happy to know that when you call city hall there will be a new $80,000 phone system to take your call. They might even drive out to look in a new cargo van or a new management car and draw you a new AUTOCAD map. The Finance Director can pull out his new laptop to help you add up what your losses were this time. Smart money tells me to pray for a dry spring.

The City Manager also would like to replace the server for the citywide computer system with a virtual server system. I guess all our information will be on the cloud.

We are in dire financial times but longevity and "Step" raises are still on the table. Maybe we can get payroll and benefits up to 80% of the General Fund. Why not? There is still $150,000 for roads that you can't do much with anyway.

I have to wonder how many projects are put out for bids and how many the city manager just asks for a proposal on.

The highlight of the evening? Downtown Transportation and Streetscape project. Pay attention.

The city received a grant for $600,000 to enhance Main Street for parking and landscaping from State Street [Key Bank] to Veterans Park [Nolan Building]
Now the catch: the total cost of the project... $893,445.00. So pray tell where does the extra $293,445 come from. Out of the same Painesville fund that we use to repair our city streets… like the resurfacing of Hartshorn Drive last year.
$893,445.00 for less than a quarter mile?

My feelings are that you will get a good sense of the real character of council members that vote for or against this budget in its current state. My question: why even have a council?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"START ME UP" rolling stones

This memo was sent to all members of Painesville City Council.
It just a start in some reform we wish council will address.

Dear members of Council,

Members of the Painesville Oversight Committee have attended the Painesville City budget meeting and also held a budget meeting of our own. Having spent many hours discussing the proposed budget document for 2012, we have a number of questions, concerns and suggestions.

Firstly we would like to commend everyone for their work in reducing their department's expenses over the last few years.

1. New General Purpose Car - $15,000 has been budgeted for a new vehicle for employees to use for day trips. That vehicle will also need to be maintained and insured. Our recommendation would be to setup an agreement with a local car rental company, and rent a car for those days. Enterprise rents a full size car for $40 per day with unlimited mileage. If used 60 times during the year, that amounts to $2400.

2. Cemetery Mowing - Our recommendation would be to put this out for a formal bid. There are many local landscaping companies that would love the opportunity to do this work. Have any companies been contacted in the past? Who were they? How much was the bid in each case?

3. General Fund Utilities - Can the Electric department give utilities to the general fund at a lower rate? Maybe even at no charge? If this is not possible, why not?

4. Shamrock Blvd Bridge - What is the total cost of the proposed Shamrock Blvd bridge? Who is paying for what portion? Does the city have to pay anything? If so, How much?

5. TIF - How much TIF money have we received in the past? Where was the past TIF money spent? How many more years will we receive TIF money? How much TIF money do we get every year? Does it specify in the TIF contract where the funds have to be spent? If so how much, on what? Could TIF money be used for road or sewer repairs?

6. Wage Increases - What are step increases and longevity increases? Why are we giving any increases at all.

7. Distribution of Expenditures - What change is being made in the distribution of expenditures for the fire fighters, community development personnel and city hall maintenance personnel?

8. Hospitalization - A large and growing portion of the budget is for hospitalization. From what we understand, the city is self insured. Have we had proposals from any health insurance companies? Have we considered joining with the county on their health care plan? If so what are the details?

9. Hospitalization - City employees are required to pay 14% of their health care costs. The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program requires employees to pay 33%. Private sector employees pay between 25% and 50%. Our recommendation would be to increase the employee's contribution to help offset the rising cost of healthcare.

10. Wages - Most private sector people who live in Painesville either lost their job or took significant reductions over the last four years. No city employee has taken any reduction in pay so far. Due to Painesville's current economic condition, you should consider the reduction of city employee salaries including department heads and the city manager. Even a small reduction, might have a big effect.

11. Failed Amp Ohio Project - During the city budget meeting, it was mentioned that we have $3 million dollars set aside to pay our portion of the debt. It was also mentioned that our owed amount is now below $2 million. Could we spend that difference on road repairs?

12. Roads - We think everyone would agree that the roads in the city of Painesville need a lot of repairs. This year's budget only allocates $100,000 for this task. We would recommend this number be more than $1 million. This money has to be found somewhere without laying off personnel from the police or fire departments.

Above we have touched on some questions, concerns and suggestions regarding the current budget document. Please consider these points and revise the budget to help improve Painesville's financial situation.

At this point we would not recommend approving the budget as it is stands today.

Yours sincerely

Members of the Painesville Oversight Committee.

Friday, March 2, 2012


One of the many important freedoms we have in this country is freedom of speech.
Although this week it had a person use it to attack anther person if for no reason then to push a certain political agenda.
Rush Limbaugh went on the attack against a college student who appeared in front of a Congressional hearing concerning contraception. To be clear this young woman Georgetown Law Student Sandra Fluke only spoke of the benefits of birth control in relationship to female health. Not about sex. Her reward from Rush Limbaugh? To be called a "slut" and a "prostitute."
I can honestly claim even I was surprised by Rush's remarks, well then again not really. What surprised me was how the Conservatives and Republican Presidential hopefuls answered? To be honest Santorum, and Romney are All-American Cowards! Santorum "he's an entertainer" Romney "thats not the words I'd have used."
Today we know who runs the Republican Party its not Prius or Romney it's Limbaugh.
Rick and Mitt should have shown their disgust with the Rushbowel. But.. No can't get on his wrong side it's political suicide. Then again in Mitt's case how much of an investment does Bain Capital have in Clear Channel, Rush's corporate sponsor?
Some have called for a boycott of Rush's sponsors. Not me I want to know the companies that keep making this man rich and then choose other products.

What you must remember is that this was just a new way for the Right to silence dissidents to their ideology. What chance does Sandra Fluke or any private citizen to go up against the EIB network? The goal was to silence women plain and simple.

On a final note I hope someone explains to Rush that the birth control pill are not like Viagra. You take the same amount of birth control pills if your having sex once or a thousand times a month!